HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-08-29, Page 15PAGE 16 THREE TOP CONTESTANTS - These three lovely young ladies were the three top contestants in the Bean Festival Queen contest Saturday at the annual event. Left to right are runner-up Joanne Ross, of Staffa, Queen Kath DeJong, of Centralia, and runner-up Troyann Bell, R•R.2, Hensall. There were ten girls entered in the contest. Ne rant structure Ontario's Agricultural Soc- ieties will have a broader base to work from as a result of the passing of the Agricultural Soc- ieties Amendment Act, 1974, during the last session of the Ontario Legislature. The Hon. William A. Stewart, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture and Food, in commenting on Bill 21 said: "Agricultural Societies are becoming increasingly im- portant in rural Ontario com- munities and we felt the am- ended Act would recognize and expand the scope of the societies' impact in the com- munity. "One of the new categories under the amended Act will provide individual society grant: of one-third of the cost up to $500 for the holding of enter- tainment programs based on local talent as opposed to imported performers. With the increasing enthusiasm for local amateur programs we saw the need for additional funds for this useful community function In keeping with the broaden- ing influence of the Agricultur- al Societies, 1311121 provides grants for the encouragement and promotion of exterior farm and homestead improvements. OPEN DAILY DINNERS Mon. to Fri. and Sun. 5tOto 7:00 Satt 100) %3 8:00 AST Wee idlnys 7:30 a.m. • Noon Sat. & Sun. 8:00 a.m. to Noon LUNCH Ey 1205: I than, tta 1:00 p.m. You Are Always Welcome! Dining Room Licensed Under LLBO SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 1 Mozart's Melody Makers for your listening and dancing pleasure Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 _.. GRAND BEND ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1974 THUR., FRI., SAT,, . AUGUST 29, 30, 31 FROM THE SRII. MY ROPES TO THE JUNGLE GYMS! He's a winner .. he's a swinger . he's DYNAMITE' -o -4.�tt'. dtad DEAN NANCY HARRY KEENAN GEORGE JONES • OLSON • MORGAN • WYNN • LINDSEY TECHNICOLOR" Ar It e.1%:a Or 0:1.4 4:5r4 D,S1R 8)1104 Cl ,4C 004,t D-s"rr P': 1o:1 •ni TIM JAN -MICHAEL JOHN ROSCOE ILL CONWAsi • VINCENT • AMOS • BROWNE TECHNICOLOR' xr or ra"ro e. xt lh4 i 4,4 C stR•Dui401 Cl• * CA4,1 D tori PI11.,,, J^1 CHILDREN 6 10 14 — 50c UNDER 5 YEARS — FREE These prices for Ms DISNEY ATTRACTION only SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1 DUSK TO DAWN CAN YOU SURVIVE THIS ORGY of THE LIVINGDEADP AN AVALANCHE OF HORROR! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 0 F % 6 of the Living Demi CurtCvin9 of the Ii of the LWUt9 ti 9 i ofir mg) -m. OPENS ' AT 8:00 SHOWS START AT DUSK DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 52,4.9981 THEATRE WILL GO TO WEEKEND OPERATION FRI.-SAT.°®SUN. BEGINNING SEPT. 6th COMING: MACON COUNTY LINE