HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-08-29, Page 1NO 35 - FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS
PEOPLE, AND MORE PEOPLE - Thousands of visitors carie to Zurich on Saturday to take part
in the ninth annual Bean Festival, and fortunately they did not all arrive or depart at the same
time or mass confusion might have resulted. Some of them started arriving at nine o'clock in the
morning, while most of them kept coming and going throughout the day. The event which seemed
to draw most spectators at one time was the picking of a Bean Festival Queen, and this photo shows
a part of the large gathering milled around the stage while the judging took place.
Bean Festival draws
still more visitors
Approximately 8, 000 people
sat down and enjoyed a plate
of delicious home -baked beans,
along with a slice of ham and
a generous serving of cole slaw,
at the ninth annual Bean Fest-
ival in Zurich on Saturday.
And most of the visitors thought
the price was still cheap at
$1.50 - up fifty cents over last
year. Increased food costs
made it necessary for the com-
mittee to raise the price from
the traditional one dollar fig-
And once again the weather
man co-operated with the Bean
Festival to produce one of the
finest days possible, without
any rainfall, although the skies
looked threatening in the early
While the receipts from the
meal tickets showed about
8, 000 persons had eaten at the
close of the festivities, an
estimate of the overall crowd
visiting the community through-
out the day was hard to come
by. Tourist officials claim
that only one in every three
persons eat at such functions --
this would crake the crowd at
24, 000, but a more modest
estimate would be around the
20, 000 mark.
Visitors were coming and
going from early morning until
late in the evening. The Zurich
Minor Athletic Association
served a pancake and sausage
breakfast to the early visitors,
and by the time they quit at
11 o'clock in the morning ,he‘
had fed close to 500 people.
Then the meals of beans start-
ed, and the people just seemed
to keep on coming for the rest
of the day.
Some of the visitors just sat
around watching the activities,
while others worked their way
down to the community park
to watch the championship
horseshoe pitching coin petitions,
Others watched the all-star
variety show throughout the
afternoon, and the children
were quite happy to take adv-
antage of the midway rides
and games.
Over 2, 000 pounds of white
beans --all donated --were cook-
ed for the big bean feed, along
with more than a ton of ham
and cabbage. After the beans
were cooked in the two large
cookers the necessary amount
of bacon, brown sugar, salt
(continued on page 8)
PANCAKES ANYONE - Activities it the ninth annual Bean Festival on Saturday got under way
at eight o'clock in the morning with a big pancake and sausage breakfast. Helping to prepare the
food was none other than Aunt Jemiina herself (Mrs. Ellen Horn), and she was being assisted at the
time by a member of the Minor Athletic Association, Richard Schilbe, left,
hool s
It's "Back to school" for area
students when Tuesday morn-
ing arrives, and hundreds of
children will be attending
classes throughout the area.
For sane of the children it
will be their first visit to
school as they begin kindergar-
ten classes.
At the Zurich Public School
kindergarten classes will oper-
ate every morning from open-
ing day to Christmas, while at
Hensall the classes will operate
every afternoon during the
same term.
After Christmas the kinder-
garten classes will operate
every other day, for a full,day,
at both the Zurich and Hensall
Public Schools.
Students will also be making
their way back to South Huron
District High School when
Tuesday morning rolls around,
and for many it will also be
their first visit to that institut-
ion. A reminder has been iss-
ued to all students under the
Huron County Board of Educat-
ion that all school buses on
Tuesday morning will be leav-
ing on regular schedules and
schools will be opening at the
regular hour. In the afternoon,
however, the buses will leave
for home one hour earlier than
usual, and the schools will
close one hour earlier than
The. Zurich -Grand Bend
Figure Skating Club held a
lucky draw for a Chaise Lounge,
in connection with the ninth
annual Bean Festival on Satur-
day. Winner of the chair was
Melba Landstrom, of Turnbull's
As a result of their efforts
close to $500 was raised for the
1974 BEAN FESTIVAL QUEEN - Miss Kathy DeJong, a pretty
16 -year old Centralia girl, was picked on Saturday as the Bean
Festival Queen in Zurich at the ninth annual event. She was
chosen over nine other contestants to represent the Bean
Festival at the Miss Western Ontario Contest later this fall at
Lucknow. One of the top students at South Huron High School,
Kathy spent the summer in Zurich working at the Mechanology