HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-08-15, Page 16THURSDAY, AUGUgT 15, 1974 • ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 17 The Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) is administered by the Ministry of Revenue. It insures an ann- ual income of $2, 600 for qual- ifying Ontario residents who are 65 years or over. In the case of a married couple where both spouses qualify, the annual income guaranteed to the couple is $5200. Blind and disabled people who qualify for Family Benefits will also be entitled to these special benefits. The great majority of the elderly who are entitled to GAINS are already receiving the Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement. And as of July, 1974, these people should have automatically received GAINS cheques which will raise their incomes up to the guaranteed level. These qualified residents do not need to apply for GAINS. In order to be eligible for GAINS, you must be 65 years of age or older, a resident of Ontario and meet one of the following conditions: (a) a resident of Ontario on June 30, 1974 and in receipt of the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) under the Federal Old Age Security Act from the Ontario regional off- ice of the Department of Nat- ional Health and Welfare of the Government of Canada. (b) a resident of Ontario for one full year immediately prior to eligibility; and either: 1) a resident in Canada for five consecutive years immed- iately prior to eligibility; or 2) a resident in Canada for periods totalling twenty years since reaching age 18; or 3) a resident in Ontario for periods that add up to 20 years since reaching 18 years of age. Every person who qualifies under the above criteria will receive a Guaranteed Annual Income Increment sufficient to provide an income of $2600 a year to each unmarried res- ident of Ontario over 65 years of age and who is in receipt of the Guaranteed Income Supple- ment. For a married couple resident in Ontario with the same qualifications, a comb- ined income of $5200 will be received. The monthly increment is the difference between the monthly guaranteed income limit and the amount of "Basic Monthly Income: of the bene- ficiary. The "basic monthly income" includes the "Income for the Base Calendar Year" and any Federal Old Age Secur- ity (OAS) or Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) to which the beneficiary is entitles The "Income for the Base Cal- endar Year" is the calendar year ending immediately prior to the current fiscal year. (In the present fiscal year, 1974-75, the base calendar'year is 1973). The "Income for the Base Cal- endar Year" is income in that year computed in accordance with the Income Tax Act, minus any increment, OAS, GIS, or death benefit under the Canada Pension Plan or a provincial pension. This defin- ition of income is identical to that used by the federal govern- ment to determine GIS entitle- ment. As previously stated, every eligible person will automat- ically be in receipt of a Guar- nateed Annual Income Incre- ment sufficient to provide an income of $2600 to a single person and a combined income of $5200 to a married couple resident in Ontario, where OPEN DAILY DINNERS Mon. to Fri. and Sun. 5.0@ to 7:00 5mh IMS to 8:00 ;,?atALIKFAST Weeltniimys 7:30 a.m.- Noon Sat. & Spun. 8:00 o.m. to Noon LUNCH Ewart Day 12:00 Ntoon tin. 1:00 p.m. You Are Always Welcome! Dining Room Licensed Under 11.130 SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 Mozart's Melody Makers for your listening and dancing pleasure Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 --- GRAND BEND both spouses qualify for the guaranteed income. Every person eligible to receive a payment will receive a cheque of not less than $2.50 per person per month. All cheques to eligible per- sons who are currently receiv- ing GIS should have been mail- ed in July of 1974, However, due to delaysin the introduction of legislation for the Guarant- eed Annual Income System, and the consequent delays in processing applications from eligible residents, some cheque; may be received in August of 1974 but these cheques will cover both the July and August payments. In Ontario, there are 270, 000 residents who are in receipt of the Federal Guaran- teed Income Supplement who are eligible for GAINS as well as 10, 000 elderly persons inel- igible for the federal supple- ment but who are eligible for GAINS. For example, Ontario residents over 65 who have lived in Canada for the past five years are likely to be eligible for GAINS. If they are not presently in receipt of Family Benefits Assistance, they must apply specifically for GAINS. Individuals do not need to apply to GAINS as long as they sre 65 or over with an annual income of less than $2600 and now receive both the Old Age Security and Guaranteed In- come Supplement. However, persons aged 65 or over'who meet the Ontario income and residency requirements but who do not meet the federal residency criteria for old age security and guaranteed income supplement must make an application in order to receive GAINS. Applications may be obtain- ed by writing to: Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income, Ministry of Revenue Queen's Park, Toronto, Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops or by telephoning 965-8470 within the Metro Toronto Local Calling Area or outside of that area, telephone "0" and ask the operator for ZEnith 8-2000 ( free of charge). If assistance is required in. completing an Ontario Guar- anteed Annual Income applic- ation form, it can be obtained on the 10th floor of the Min- istry of Revenue Offices at 801 Bay Street (Bay and College), or at local field offices of the Ministry of Community and Social Services, or at offices of the Northern Affairs Branch of the Ministry of Natural Re- sources. Questions and problems shouic be directed to Ontario Guarant- eed Annual Income, Ministry of Revenue, Toronto. For residents within the Metro Tor- onto area, the telephone numb- er is 965-8470. Anyone can call toll-free from out-of-town by dialing "0" and asking the operator for ZEnith 8-2000. The Ministry will be glad to answer any inquiries. Next week, I will discuss the companion program of GAINS, the Drug Benefit Plan, which will begin on September 1, 1974. RECEPTION FOR Gerald and Mary Townsend (nee Sills) Friday, August 23 10 - 1 Seaforth Community Centre Music By IAN WILBEE ORCH. Ladies please bring lunch. T CE Ninth Annu.aI Lean FeShsv, l IN ZURICH Anyone wishing to operate a booth or conc- ession of any kind at the BEAN FESTIV L on Saturday, August 24, 1974 Should contact: GLEN WEIDO, PHONE 236-4629 As soon as possible! FESTIV L fehi ring 'The m hers ey and the "HARD RITES" BEAN FESTIVAL NITE August 24 dancing from 8 p. . to 1 ;►i .m. Sponsored by Zurich Minor Athletic Associati� is