HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-08-15, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1974 FOR SALE FIREWOOD for sale. Contact Russell Manson, R. 12.1, Zurich. 30-31-p TWO ONLY - Used Royal type- writers, in real good condition. Office style. - Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672, FIREWOOD: Call Zurich Wood Products Limited. 236-4324. JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, model M, with 3 point hitch, blade, plough and new Kongskilde cultivator, Phone 236-4979. OAT STRAW- Contact Charles Ducharme, phone 236-4039, 33-p APPLES - fresh eating and cook- ing apples are now available at Berg Orchard, Ridge Road, Forest, Phone 873-5762. 33-36-b PEACHES, Red Haven, Glow Haven, etc. All purpose top quality; also apples. Bring containers, Daylight hours. - Ross Middleton Orchard, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of River. 33-36-b HELP WANTED BABY SITTER, part-time, for 8 -month old baby, begin- ning September. Preferably 'at our home. Call Ken Duch- arme, 236-4131. 31-32-b MAN with meat experience, or willing to .learn. Steady employment, good wages. Apply to Art Haist, Betty & Arts I.G.A. Foodliner, Grand Bend, phone 238-2123. The Huron County Board of Education requires an Accounting Secretary (Bookkeeper/Typist) at Administration Centre 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ont. Duties involve typing and general routine in the Accounts Payable/Payroll Department. Applications Indicating qualifications, experience and telephone number should be addressed to Mr. B.C. Straughan, Chief Accountant. Deadline for applications, August 16, 1974. E.C. Hill D.J. Cochrane Chairman Director eases® The Huron County Board of Education requires a CUSTODIAN at HURON CENTENNIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL, BRUCEEIELD Written applications stating age, experience and telephone number should be addressed to Mr. R. McVian, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 11.0. Applicants will be notifiedif required for an inter- view. Deadline for applications N Owl --164 1974. LC. 1411 D.J. Cochran CMMats• Directer BIRTH. GELINAS Mozart and Julie (nee Corriveau) are pleased to announce the birth of their little daughter, Aimee Laura Marie. She arrived at South Huron Hospital on Friday, August 9, 1974. 33-p COMING EVENTS THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hosp- ital, Exeter on Monday, Aug- ust 26, 1974 from 9:30 a. m, to 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing, 33-b THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, August 20, 1974 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Tests VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE AVAILABLE. 33-b SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM COMBINING, wheat, grain, beans and corn. - Call Walter Vermunt, 236-4868. 29-39-p HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches sold by Jewellers only, are $10.95 and up, family rings and charms. Watch and clock repairing work guaranteed. tf-b TED VOOGEL AND SONS BUILDING CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages *Renovations* CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASH W OOD 'R,R.l PH. 238-2742 About people Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and Susan, of Winnipeg spent a few weeks holidaying in Zurich and Toronto with relat- ives, Mrs. Anne Turkhe%rn returned to Winnipeg with them, where she will spend a few weeks holidays. Their daughter Susan remained in Zurich to spend another week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug O'Brien. THEY'RE , ALL IN MASSIF!' D� Health unit teams reject plan If certain policies recomm- ended by the Ontario health planning task force are put into effect they will disrupt IN MEMORIAM GASCHO - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Chris Gascho, who passed away one year ago, August 19, 1973. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender fond and true There is not a day dear father That we do not think of you. Lovingly remembered by Amos, Rachel, Laura, Clarence and their families. 33 - CARDS OF THANKS The brothers and sister of the late Adrien Denomme wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends and relatives whose thoughtful tributes and messages of sympathy were deeply appreciated at the time of our recent bereavement. We sincerely wish to thank our friends, relatives, neighbours, and business associates for the messages of sympathy and acts of kindness shown us when Ivan Yungblut died. - The Yungblut Family- 33-b We would like to take this opportunity of expressing our sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbours, friends and rel- atives for the many acts of kindness, donations, floral tributes and mass cards, at the time of our recent sad bereave- ment. Special thanks to Father Durand,, South Huron Hospital, University Hospital, Dr. Wall- ace and all those who assisted in any way. - Mrs. Adrien Denomme and Family. 33-p I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown me while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since returning home. - Lorne Fleischauer - 33-b Lloyd Heard is most thankful to be home from Victoria Hosp- ital. Special thanks to Dr. Sheppard, Dr. Goddard, Dr. Coles and his assistants. Also thank you to the many friends and neighbours who remember- ed me with cards, treats and visits both in London and since returning home. We are most grateful to the V.O.N. for making my homecoming poss- ible. 33-p I wish to thank all my friends, relatives and neighbours for their kindness shown me while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and since returning home. Many thanks for your cards, treats and visits, also flowers. These are much appreciated and thank you again, - Mrs. T.H. Meyers. - 33-p The Bedour family wish to thank all relatives, neighbours and friends for their expressions of sympathy during the recent loss of their father, Albert. Special thanks to Father Durand, C.W.L. and the Westlake Fun- eral Home. 33-b county health unit teams, provincial health inspectors said in a statement released last week. The statement is a reply to the report, called the Mustard report after task force chair- man Dr. J.F. Mustard, which recommends sweeping changes in the structure of public health care. Jim McCaul, chief public health inspector for Huron County, was on the committee which drafted the reply. The reply said that although costs could be reduced by separating the functions of the medical officer of health, health inspectors and public health nurses, it would "sever good lines of co-operation and communication." "It is a distinct advantage New supervisors at South Huron South Huron Hospital has hired a new nursing supervisor, Mrs. Muriel Dunlop, chairman of the administration and management committee of the hospital board announced last week that Gifford Boyd, R.N., would fill the position. He had recently been hired at the hospital as night super- visor. To fill that vacancy, Mrs. Jean Wilson, R.N., has been re -hired. She had handed in her resignation as nursing sup- ervisor at last month's board meeting. Mrs. Dunlop said the admin- istration committee had given the decision a great deal of thought. "The committee as a whole considered Mrs. Wilson too valuable as a nurse to be let go, " she said. The hospital is now advertis- ing for someone to fill the position of assistant director of nursing. Commenting on the recent controversy about adequacy of hospital services, Mrs. Dunlop said that if anyone had any complaints, they should present them signed and in written form to the hospital board. NOTICE I have recently taken over the TRUCKING BUSINESS of BRUCE KEYS and am shipping live- stock to Toronto every Monday ALSO GENERAL TRUCKING GRAVEL, TOP SOIL, ETC. All loads fully insured CLARE MASSE TRUCKING 236-4184 ZURICH for a'citizen to apply to one agency for total health care, information or assistance at a local level, " the report said. "The health team is vital in times of disaster or danger, " it said, The inspectors also recom- mend that a set of guidelines for health inspection should be implemented once the councils are formed. The Mustard report recom- mends that several district health councils be created to administer public health polic- ies. Huron County would be incl- uded in a district with Oxford, Elgin and Middlesex Counties. Medical officers of health in these and other counties in the province must retain power to use the Public Health Act regulations when necessary, the health inspectors said. A medical officer's ability "to act quickly and unimpeded authority to promote public health is essential, " their reply said. The inspectors said that they do their work best under the direction of an MOH.. The health inspectors' committee has offered an invit- ation to meet with the minister of health, the Hon. Frank Mill- er, to discuss their views in more detail. The health minister has asked municipalities and other bodies that would be affected if the Mustard Report is imple- mented to draft reactions and replies to it. 0 Zurich man dies suddenly A popular Zurich resident most of his life, Adrien Nelson Denomme died in University Hospital, London, on Sunday, August 4, as a result of injuries sustained in a fall at his home on Saturday, August, 3. Mr. Denomme was found at the bottom of his basement steps, apparently having slipped all the way down. An autopsy rev- ealed the cause of death as head injuries. Born in Hay Township on July 12, 1915, Mr, Denomme was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denomme. He had been employed for 38 years as a baker with Tasty -Nu Bakery in Zurich. He was the husband of Louise Lilian Marie Bedour and father of Mrs. John (Jean Loretta) Regier, Kincardine; Peter Don- ald Denomme and Paul Lennis Denomme, London; and Larry, predeceased (1971). He is also survived by six grandchildren. He was the brother of Gus, Hamilton; Andrew and Harry, Windsor, Alfred and Matthew, R.R.2, Zurich; Loftus, Zurich; Mrs. George (Lottie) Grenier, Dashwood; and Mrs. Louis (Mary) Ayotte, of R.R.2, Zur- ich, The body rested at the West- lake Funeral Home, Zurich, until Wednesday morning, Aug- ust 7, when the funeral mass ook place at St, Boniface Rom- an Catholic Church, with Father A. Durand officiating. Interment was in the adjoining cemetery.