Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-25, Page 19THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974 MILVENA ERICKSON TELLS YOU.... ALL .ABOUT INTERESTING APPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Morley Cole- man, Ottawa, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and all attended the Coleman reun- ion on Sunday in Seaforth. Mr. Robert Stalker, Pains- ville, Ohio visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Sturgeon and fancily. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klaudi, Albert, Freddie and Bobby, London, were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dewar and David of Weston were guests of his sister Mrs. Elva Metcalf a few days last week; David remained for an extend- ed visit with his aunt.. Mrs. G,L. Knight spent most of last week with her cousin, Miss Rhea Stirling in London. With Mrs. Knight for the week- end were her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer , of Toronto. Christine Latimer who had been with her grandmother for the past three weeks returned home with her parents. Mrs. Earl Norman and Ray, Algonac, Michigan, visited wit) Mr, and Mrs. Bill Parker on Sunday, Mrs. Douglas Curran, Christ- ine and Barbara returned to their home in Don Mills after spend- ing the past two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Milton Pollock, Goshen Line. Mr. John Colville, Don Mills was also a guest of Mrs. Pollock; and visiting Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lewi McAsh of Woodstock. Mrs. L,B. Smith spent a couple of days last week with. her family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse and grandchildren in London. She was accompan- ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS ied home by Jill and Dale Rowse who will be with her for the next couple of weeks, Mrs. B,A, Quigg, London spent several days last week wit; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Earl, Kim Quigg who had been with her grandparents for the past three weeks returned hone with her mother; also witl the Earl's for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyle, Stephen and Christy and Mr. Earl's mother, Mrs. W. Earl, all of London. Mrs. Gordon A. Stewart, R,R,2, Ripley, visited with her sister Mrs, E , W , Erickson and family on Wednesday and Thursday last week. The Anglican Church Women of Trinity Anglican Church reported a very successful 125th Anniversary Tea and Bake Sale, Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Jackson of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder and family at their village residence. Mr. Gordon )Merrill, Richmont Hill, spent Saturday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill. 50TH ANNIVERSARY Saturday evening, July 19, many relatives and friends joined Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce , R.R.1, Varna in the Community Centre in Bayfield to honour theta on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Ann- iversary. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce were married on July 19, 1924 by the Rev. Harris in the Presbyterian Church Manse in London, Ont- ario, Mrs. Florence Harris and 30 THE 'SOUAR"E' PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED WED., THUR., FRI., SAT. — JULY 24, 25, 26, 27 ELLIOTT KASTNER presents CLIFF GORMAN JOSEPH BOLOGNA in p L u s Adult Entertainment U4llei,. and `Diane `Deaton "d112 eeper " SUN., MON., TUES., JULY 26, 29, 30 ZARDOZ PLUS ,,.NC! O r11f0"! �1,1.8.1f 5401 LOST WORLD WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. - JULY 31, AUGUST 1,2,3 WALT DISNEY'S ROBIN HOOD Program subject to change without notice. eirowillitlicrairtrtiaraintrtimaaltImmlulfirarzzatms, muere unsavm allal,u PRETTIEST VILLAGE J. P. Fairbairn were their att- endants. Mrs. Boyce who is the former Margaret Armstrong is a daught- er of the late Wilson Armstrong and Catherine (McClinchey) Armstrong. She was born on the Goshen Line. Mr. Boyce was born on the Goshen Line also, a son of the late Mr. Jim Boyce and Hannah (Palmer) Boyce. The couple were blessed with nine children, Viola, of Hanover; Harvey, London; Jim- my, Bayfield; Clayton, Goder- ich; Grace, Goderich, Ken, R,R.1, Varna; Mary, Vanastra and Ila and Harold (both deceas- ed) They are the proud grand- parents of twenty-one grand- children and three great grand- children. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce received a congratulatory telegrams from Governor General Leger and Madame Leger; congratulations from Opposition leader Robert Stanfield; Robert McKinley, MP, Huron -Middlesex, along with many beautiful gifts and messages. Guests attended the celebrat- ion from Sarnia, Toronto, London, Goderich, Clinton, Varna, Zurich, Bayfield and the surrounding area. A niece (the former Rose Armst- rong) arrived from Dawson Creel‘ B.C. and brought personal congratulations from her family. An orchestra from Dashwood PAGE 19 played for the dancing and the family served a lovely lunch to all the guests attending. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce are a "really great" couple and cong- ratulations are extended to them with the wish for tetany more happy years together. OPEN DAILY DINNERS Mon. to Fri. and Sun. 5 00 to 7:00 Sat 9.00 so 8:00 ISIMAKFAST Weekdays 7:30 a.m Noon Sat. 8 Sun. 8:00 a.m to Noon LUNCH. Every Day 1200 Noon .a 1:00 p.m You Are Always Welcome) Dining Room Licensed Under LLBO SATURDAY, JULY 27 Mozart's Melody Makers for )Our 1islenit4; and dancing pleasure Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR H051-5 PETE and CAROLE' DEI f Z HIGHWAY 21 GRAND BEND Ln 11;:;11j,1 is 1S1li • It Friday, Saturday & Sunday at E MAIN STREET EAST - ZURICH PHONE 236-4923 TASTY SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN DINNER 3 Big Pieces Chicken (holden Brown French Fries Creamy (:ole Slaw Toasted diner Roll ALL FOR ONLY $1.49 4 "At this Price you gam's afford to cook" a111kt4r'"v1`.04i{ a::o�l.,{' }ti yt,l'Ic1y j, ,IH;yt a�L�li� ivi