HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-07-25, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974 FOR SALE FIREWOOD : Call Zurich Wood Products Limited. 236-4324. 9-tf TWO ONLY - Used Royal type- writers, in real good condition. 'Office style. - Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672; tf FIREWOOD for sale. Contact Russell Manson, R. R.1, Zurich. 30-31-F MOVING - MUST SELL, Gold thrushed velvet living room suite. Three odd tables. Rown vinyl chair. Wooden back baby sleigh. Green and yellow dresser with headboard and footboard to match. Humid. ifier. 21" portable B&W TV. Piggy back stroller. Guitar. Baby Gym, aquarium. 28 foot aluminum ladder. Phone 236- 4789. 30-b WATER PUMP HOUSE NO 1, in Zurich. Contact Gerrie Gingerich, 236-4351, 30-b FOR RENT COTTAGE AVAILABLE at Schadeview, July 27 to August 3, and August 17 to 24. 4 bed- rooms. Families only. Phone 236-4866, around 6 p.m., or later. 30-b HELP WANTED PART- TIME registered nurse, with duties to commence end of August. Apply in person to Bluewater Rest Home. 30-31-b URGENT: Baby Sitter wanted, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Preferably in my home. - Phone 236-4945 30-b MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM COMBINING, wheat, grain, beans and corn. - Call Walter Vermunt, 236-4868. 29-39- p TO GIVE AWAY to a good home; 2 four month old pupp- ies. Labrador and Alsation. contact 262-2401. 30-b CUSTOM COMBINING, wheat, oats and beans, standing or swathed. Contact John Golds- mith, 236-4236. 30-31-b Children should never ride on farm tractors, according to the Canadian Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute. In fact, children should never be allow- ed to ride on or operate any farm machinert. REDlMIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237.3422 CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank the members of the Zurich Fire Brigade for their prompt response and good work putting out my field fire. It was much appreciated. - David Blackwell. - 30-p The family of the late Otto Willert wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours who visited and sent cards during his illness and to express sinc- ere appreciation to all who helped in any way during the sad loss of a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. 30-p We would like to thnak our relatives, friends and neigh- bours who joined us on our Golden Wedding Anniversary. Special thanks to our family for arranging the party in our honour. Thanks also for all the gifts and congratulatory mess- ages. - Frank and Margaret Boyce. - 30-b I wish to thank all those who treated me with cards, visits and inquiries about me, while I was a patient in University Hospital. Special thanks go to Roy and Doreen. Erb for letting Murray help Louise with the chores, and of course "thank you" Murray for your help. I would also like to thank Morn and Dad Merner for they helped in other ways; also any- one else who helped in any way Thanks to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Hurst and the nurses on the eighth floor in University Hosp- ital. A11 was very much apprec- iated. You sure find out who your friends are when in need. - Larry Merner- 30-b HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches sold by Jewellers only, are d $10.95 and up, family rings and charms. Watch and clock repairing work guaranteed. tf-b CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed up to Tuesday, August 6, 1974 for contracting custod- ial services at Hensall Public School Hensall and Zurich Public School Zurich, All tenders must be submit- ted on the official tender forms which are available at the Huron County Board of Educat- ion, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. The lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted. R, McVean Plant Superintendent THEY'RE ALL Ihl WATER SAFETY Never stand up in a boat. If it is absolutely necessary to change places, go to land if possible. If not, move one at a time, keep low and with your weight balanced on the keel line. Keep in the swim with Red Cross Water Safety. IN MEMORIAM RADER- In loving memory of my wife Alberta Rader who passed away one year ago July 26, 1973. One sad and lonely year has passed, Since that great sorrow fell. The shock that I received that day, No one can ever tell. Your end carne sad and sudden No time to say good-bye. You were gone before I knew lt, Only God knows the reason why, A golden heart stopped beating Two working hands at rest. God broke my heart to prove to me, he only takes the best. I cannot forget your smiling face; the smile that won so many friends. So this month comes with deep regret; for it brings back a day I cannot forget. You left so sudden without a farewell; but memories of you will never die. - Sadly missed by husband, Milne. 30-p IN STOCK FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS SHRUBS UPRIGHT & SPREADING ALSO Patio Blocks & Sidewalk Slabs Huron - Ridge Acres DAVID STECKLE & FAMILY R.R.2 ZURICH,• 565-2122 Call ahead to be sure we are here to serve you. TED VOOGEL AND SONS BUILDING CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages *Renovations* CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASHWOOD R.R.1 PH. 238-2742 ED Those people who are down on Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan for his statements that Canadian food prices are a bargain had better do some research before offering critic- ism. Food prices anywhere in the world are higher than in North America. Of course this is small consol- ation for those on low incomes. But the fact remains. It appears from here that great many low- er income families have the same problem as those on high incomes, they often have their priorities wrong. What should come first, food or recreation? It seems that in many cases recreation comes first, or the case of beer. It makes me tired when I see an interview on TV with a color - set in the background of a room with small children around and a woman whose husband left her crying that she can't feed the children properly. I believe everything she says, but the problem lies not with high food costs. It lies with low income, coupled with a lack of manage- ment skill. Usually this woman looks fat, probably because of a wrong diet, such as potato chips and soft drinks. One can ask: "Why shouldnt the poor have a right to a bottle of pop?" And I can ask "Why shouldn't it be a cool -aid type of drink or a glass of cold milk?" If the income is too low to buy nourishing food, the income problem should be remedied. If household management is at fault, this should be corrected. If priorities are wrong social advisers should advise them. But Whelan is right, food in Canada is the greatest bargain in the world. Not only that it costs less here than anywhere else but it also takes a lower percentage of our income. In most countries it takes over fifty percent of their income for food while here it hovers around the 200/0 mark. Let's be grateful and accept the probability that for the time being our standard of living will not further increase. The only way I can see to keep some of the cost of eating down, is to prepare more food at home. The cost of labour in restaurants is going up, together with the cost of labour in packing houses and retail stores, as well as the cost to the farmer. If subsidy is the answer, we farmers don't want it. We want a fair return for our product. Maybe labout in other parts of the food chain should be subsid- ized. Cooling Systems No one pours gasoline in his radiator, but a car's cooling system can be re- sponsible for reducing gas- oline mileage. So can other car parts that seemingly have no connection with fuel consumption. Since the condition of the cooling system affects en- gine performance, abnor- malities in cooling temper- atures curtail gasoline mile- age. A faulty thermostat,. causing an engine to run too cool, creates a condition where more gas is needed to maintain power. An over- heating engine also ham- pers efficient combustion of fuel. —.. FOR All YOUR STATIONERY AND PENS OFFICE /2,, SUPPLIES VISIT THE cricioh jAy 0/4. GRRio Victoria Street ZURKH 236-4672