HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-07-17, Page 19PAGE 20 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1974 Zurich Mets win one; The Zurich Mets played three games in Huron -Penh Baseball League competition during the past week, and regis- tered one victory against two losses. Last Wednesday night they came out on the short end of an 11-6 score to the Clinton Colts, and then on Friday night they trounced the strong Thorn - dale Angels 7-1. Sunday after- noon at the local diamond they suffered one of their worst losses of the season when they were humbled 9-2 by the Dashwood Tigers. Two home runs for Clinton proved to be the big difference on Wednesday nights game as five runs crossed the plate on the two plays, Clinton banged out a total of 10 hits off the combined offerings of John Mommersteeg and Aubrey Bed- ard. For the Mets Ron Corriveau led the hitting attack withtwo doubles, while Don Ayotte chipped in with one double and a single. Gerard Charrette and Kevin McKinnon both came through with doubles while Rich and Schilbe connected for a single. On Friday night Dick Bedard came through with an outstand- ing performance on the mound for the locals, as he gave up only four scattered hits to the powerful Thorndale club. He Plan for children's future; speaker tells Federation At the regular meeting of the Huron Federation of Agric- ulture the guest speaker was James McGuigan of Cedar Springs, who is an executive member of the Ontario Feder- ation of Agriculture and among other important posts holds the position of president of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. Mr. McGuigan lashed out at fanners who downgrade their business and in doing so alien - late their own children from a. life that, with all its shortcom- ings, has much more to offer than an eight to four job does. On the cost of food, he stated that much has been said about the capacity of the farmer to produce more food on the same land. Mason Bailey expressed fear that with Huron County's agric- ultural zoning, some farmers are losing, because land that was worth quite a bit of money before zoning, is now locked in agriculture and means a loss to the owner. If society demands this zoning he stated, the owner should be compensated by this society. This is OFA policy. SBURG DAYS August 2 and 3 in DASHWOOD FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 4:30 p.m.—Midway at Community Centre 5:00 p.m.—Sauerkraut with Ribs or Sausage Dinner 6:00 p.m.—Pee Wee Ball Game 8:00 p.m.—Talent Show in "New" Pavilion. Additional en- tries welcome. For information contact Ann Marie Hoffman, 237-3352 Crowning of Miss Friedsburg SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 12:00 p.m.—Midway at Community Centre 12:00 p.m.—Sauerkraut with Ribs or Sausage Dinner 2:00 p.m.—Giant Parade: Prizes available. Additional entries welcomed up to parade departure ;for information contact Bernice Boyle, 237-3212 4:00 p.m.—Registration for Arm Wrestling 4:30 p.m.—Arm Wrestling preliminaries 5:00 p.m.—Tug-of-War 7:00 p.m.—Finals: Arm Wrestling and Tug -of -War 8:00 p.m.—Softball Game 9:00 p.m.—Dance in "New" Picnic Pavilion. Joe Overholt MANY OTHER FUN FILLED FESTIVITIES PUBS OPEN ON BOTH DAYS GERMAN MUSIC Plan To Attend: Bring Your Friends Admission to Grounds (16 & Over) $1.00 lose two struck out six batters in the seven -dozing contest. Richard Schilbe supplied the big blow to make the difference in the game when he lined out a bases -loaded home run in the sixth inning. He also chipped in with a single earlier in the game. Three Zurich players all came thrcugh with doubles in the victory, Ron Corriveau, Paul tharrette and Aubrey Bedard, while Kevin McKinnon, Glen Overholt, Dick Bedard and Tony Bedard all singled. The Mets scored two runs in the third inning, added another in the fourth, and then saw four more cross the plate when Schilbe came through with his grand slam. Thorndale scored their only run of the game in the second inning on a single, a sacrifice and another single. Sunday afternoon's game against Dashwood was a horse of another colour as the Tigers seemed to score runs when they felt like it. They picked up three in the first inning, one in the fourth, two in the sixth and three more in the seventh, Bob Hoffman led the Dash- wood 11 -hit onslaught with a home run and a double, while Denomme and Dietrich both came through with doubles. Jim Guenther helped his cause on the mound when he also lin- ed out a double and a single. Jim Hoffman, Schade and Hart- man all hit safely once. Obituary OTTO W. WILLERT A prominent Dashwood area resident all his life, Otto W. Willert passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Saturday, July 13, in his 81st year. Mr. Willert served as a director of the Hay Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Comp- any for many years, and also served as president at one time. He also was a director of the Zurich Agricultural Society for many years. Surviving besides his wife, the former Flossie Surerus, are two daughters, Mrs. Lloyd (Eileen) Willert, R.R.1, Dash- wood, Mrs. Jerome (Ruth) Dietrich, R. R.2, Zurich; one son, William, R. R.4, Inger- soll; one sister, Mrs. Emma Schroeder, Romeo, Michigan. There are also 13 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral H ome, Dashwood, until noon Tuesday, when removal was made to Zion Lutheran Church, Dash- wood where the funeral service took place at 2 p.m. Inter- ment was made in the Dashwood Lutheran Cemetery, Reception for Glen & Lois Hayter nee Gould Sat. July •20 At Zurich Arena Music by: "Silvertones" Lunch provided EVERYONE WELCOME AramoroloomiroloomOmoraworamo Zurich managed only five hits in the game. Don Ayotte picked up two of the five, while Ron Corriveau, Glen Overholt and John Mommersteeg each contributed a single. Jim Guenther pitched the entire game for the Tigers, and the big left-hander gave up only the five scattered hits throughout the nine -inning affair. He struck out five. Zurich scored one of their runs in the fifth and the other in the sixth inning. John Mommersteeg and Aub- rey Bedard shared mound duties for the losers. Fled Show at Dwk Children Under 12 In Cera Fro* WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY — FRIDAY July 17-18-19 LEVY-GARDNER•LAVEN. present IT NEVER STRIKES TWICE - 'CAUSE ONCE IS ENOUGH! Adult Entertainment United APttste IN BLUE UudedArtistsAdult Entertainment A JAMES WIU IAM DUE RCIO-RURERT HITZIO PrpduClan ELECTRA GUDE IN 8WE' slaurop ROBERT BLAKE BILLY iGREENI BUSH Produced,, d D,ect.d by JAME S WILE IAM GUERCIO Screenplay Py ROBERT BORIS Slo'y W ROBERT BORIS and RUPERT HITZIG Muvc Composed M JAMES WILLIAM GUERCIO mwwviOvitusta xxiorce. ca 'x SATURDAY — SUNDAY — MONDAY July 20-21-22 CLINT EASTWOOD VERNA BLOOM I ARIANA HILL oaee,K BERT om aurnsLA DEE BARTON•ERNEST �IDYMAN•DLINT EASTWJDD •ROBERT CWLEY•JENWNGS LANG A UNIVERSAL/MAL PASO COMPANY PRODUCTION 1ECHNICOLORe• PANAVISIDN. Adult Entertainment llie vet. neap/47v is only human.; • J+MGSN 'ArBO, "CILa( a 4CMMCOIOa f: h; .Adult 1 Entertainment ..!..... ..14'.1...Y. ..\'\'\„- ... . .%.,%. :..,,.... .4.1• TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY July 23-24-25 What did happen on .2..3u.the Cahulawaaeee River? Deliverance >, A JOHN e0011MAN FILM4.044628je Starring JON VOEGHT • BURT REYNOLDS • PANAVISIONO TECHNCOLOR e • From Warner Bros . A Warner Cornmunlcalrons Company MAGA* n MLDotoe%i 4111 • L• Pn.�r nro.i /.4 (9L cxy MAtk11 / Frpn Warn eros.®A Warne. Common .ebne Company .�,,..... •..... XXStOt3t9�i47C%'9C7C�ggL%141t1 7C7[%1ilki eileC