Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-17, Page 15PAGE 16 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1974 MILVENA E1UCKSON TELLS YOU.... AL ABOUT BAYFIELD INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN ONTARIO'S PRETTIEST VILLAGE Miss Laura Woodley, Tor- onto spent a week recently with Mrs. Elva Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. George Dewar, Mark, Peter and Nancy, St. Cathar- ines , were weekend guests of his aunt, Mrs, Metcalf and vis- ited his grandmother, Mrs. David Dewar in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins are home after a three week All Star Chartered Tour of the Canadian West. They returned home by way of Yellowstone National Park, the Southern tip of Lake Michigan to Det- roit and then to Bayfield. Mr. Alan Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Armstrong, R.R.3, Bayfield, has accepted a position with Microsystems International Limited in Ottawa. Mrs. L.B. Smith has returned to her village home after spend- ing the past two weeks with her sin and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith in Paris. Mrs. LA, Quigg, Kim and Joey and Mr. Wayne Winston all of London were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker attended the Herbert -Urquhart reunion in Mitchell on Sunday. Mr, Michael Scotchmer, Guelph was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Scotchmer and brother Calvin for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar, Don Mills were weekend guests of his sister, Mrs. Elva Met- calf and visited with his moth- er Mrs. David Dewar in Goder- ich. Mrs, Frank Bell and daughter Lynn, of Houston Texas, were visitors with the formers brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Hovey from Sunday to Thursday. Mrs. Jim Martin, (the former Betty Sturgeon) of Vittoria spent a couple of days last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. L. Elliott and James and Mr and Mrs. R. Elliott and children, all of Mitchell visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Faller, Jeff and Jill, Loveland Colorado. Mrs. Fletcher McLauglin, Meag- an, Alfie and Courtney, Toron- to and Paul Hovey, Langley, B.C., all returned to their respective homes after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeBeau and Mr. and Mrs. A.F, McLaughlin. Mrs. Hovey remained for anoth- er week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeBeau. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duch- arme, R. R.3, Bayfield were travelling for a week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bedard, of Berkley, Michigan. They left Bayfield and motored to Tober- mory. They took the ferry across to Little, Current, drove on to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontar- io, across to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan; toured Northern Michigan before returning home through United States. Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Cooper, Mount Clemens, Mich- igan entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson of Waterford, Michigan at the Cooper's resid- ence on Clan Gregor Square over the American Independence holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weston Farmington. Michigan, entert- ained Mrs. Weston's mother Mrs, Hugh McCormick of London at their cottage last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Armstrong, R.R.3, Bayfield, returned home last week after a very enjoyable three week tour of England, Scotland and Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCool, Robbie and Angela, Londesboro, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. J. Hammond and also visited the Erickson family on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Martin, %=, FOR All YOUR r STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES VISIT THE r 7 o©f C oN.MGiRR7 a Victoria Street ZURICH 236-4672 Glen, Dan and Lucy, Detroit, who are holidaying at their cottage, had as their weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. John Plater, Jack, Karen and Charlie of Detroit. Mr. William Lowry and Mrs. Margaret Silk, Windsor were at the Lowry home for the weekend. Mrs. Margaret Furter, Lond- on, her son Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Furter and family of King- ston are vacationing at the Blair cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lynn Etobicoke, were at their village residence for the weekend. Sincere sympathy is extended to the surviving members of the family of Mr. Joseph Ford Stead- man who passed away suddenly at his cottage in Bayfield on Sunday. The Steadman family have been associated with the village for many years. Mr. Steadman's father, the late Rev. T.A. Steadman was the Meth- odist minister in Bayfield from 1905-1907. Canon F.H. Paull and Rev. George Youmatoff visited with Rev. E.J.B. Harrison in Sarnia last Wednesday. Although con- fined to a wheelchair, they found him in very good spirits. Rev. Harrison asked to be rem- embered to all his former parish- oners and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Urbin Denomy, Arizona, spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duch- arme, R.R.3, Bayfield . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miles, of London visited with the Erickson family on Monday on their way to their summer home at Bluewater Beach, near God- erich. Best wishes to Fred Weston who is presently hospitalized, and to Phillip Gemeinhardt who is able to be home after being in hospital in London, The readers are reminded of the change in date of the Sun- set Ecumenical church service which was to have been held on Sunday evening July 21 but is now set for Sunday evening July 28 in Pioneer Park. SENIOR CITIZENS On Wednesday, July 10 about The Canadian Farm and Ind- ustrial Equipment Institute rec- ommends daily maintenance checks on farm machinery for increased reliability and safety Refuel only when the engine is shut off and cool. Open rad- iator cap slowly when engine is hot. Check oil levels, tire inflation and hydraulic systems regularly. viowswilbasimmimmikomwwwwww Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Sotc'hmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:32P &'n.. Monday For Prongpt UM** 'No Charges on Pickup 30 members and friends of the "Ever Young" Bayfield Senior Citizens Club met at the Old Homestead Trailer Park for their annual picnic. A lovely supper was served and enjoyed by all present. The members were then invited to play cards in the Old Homestead Club House. The Senior Citizens thank the owners of the Park for inviting them to their lovely spot. Bayfield Volunteer Fire Dep- artment answered a call to quell a blaze at the dump on Sunday at noon. The fire was brought under control by the department but some damage was reported to the pine trees on the westerly side of the dump on property owned by George Bell. Mr. Steven Farris, student minister at Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, will be exchanging pulpits with his brother, Michael Farris in Van- koughnet near Bracebridge on Sunday. Michael who was a student minister here last sum- mer will also be playing his guitar and singing at Hardknox Coffee House on. Saturday even- ing. His Sunday sermon will be entitled "That Awful Sinking Feeling, " based on Peter's attempt to walk on water,. Michael is in a mission parish in Vankoughnet and his activit- ies include a summer Bible School, a weekend Coffee House his regular work for the church along with working as a labour- er at the local sawmill two days each week to help out with exp- enses. Starting this coming Mon- day Knox Church, Bayfield, will be holding a daily vacation Bible School called the "Sum- mer Express." It will be held in the church each morning from 10 a,m to 12 noon; is interden- ominational and the age guide- lines are set from 7 to 12 years. The activities will include songs, Bible study, games, arts and crafts and every interested young person is invited to attend. r H'M me or Doors Lloyd — "Factory Seconds" t;„_rior Doors $6.95 Sodin 1" x 10" White Pine "Wavy Butt" Siding $45. sq. Cedar Bevel Siding $399./1 Bayfield Building Centre BAYFIELD SOUTH ON HIGHWAY NO. 21 JUICY -FIRST QUALITY 111 • FOR SUMMER C4aKOUT LOIN PORK Roasts or Chops LBS 1.25 Ground Chuck LB1.09 58x10 LB PARCELS $1.0313 Spare Ribs LB 51.09 STORE SLICED Bacon LB 79c'. FRESH FROZEN CHICKEN ROASTERS FRYERS LEGS 7ULB 6 7 LB ' / 1kB We reserve the right to limit quantities! YUNGBL UT'S Meat Market PHONE 236-4312 - ZURICH