Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 21THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 5 This week brought to a close the end -of -the -session ritual of 15 hour days. In the last 10 days 28 Government Bills were introduced, several carrying an element of urgency. A total of 47 pieces of proposed legis- lation were introduced during March and April with about 70 during May and the first three weeks of June. The last Bill to be debated before, the end of the session was the Work- men's Compensation 13111. Revenue Minister Arthur Meen informed the Legislature that consideration is being given to the centralizing the administration of its new 5050 Land Speculation Tax. He is looking at such centres as Thunder Bay, North Bay, Wind- sor, London, Hamilton and Ottawa to handle tax clearances, The Ministry of Revenue has been burdened with a heavy workload, providing a lot of lien clearance certificates when such were not in fact required, according to Arthur Meen. Until now the Province has been accepting affidavits from people dealing with property values but within two weeks it will be in a position to use assessment data to run its own checks on values, Mr. Meen said. A Bill entitled the Family Law Reform Act was presented in the Legislature by Attorney General Robert Welch. If passed this Act would abolish many of the laws that are patronising to women and often unfair to married men. Husbands and wives should be treated as ind- ividuals, the Act states. The fact that two people are marr- ied should not affect their right to sue each other in court, get in and out of debt, sign contracts and act as a guardian or next friend to a child in a lawsuit. As the law now stand spouses may riot sue each other in court. Recognizing a married woman as an individual in her own right will make her eligible to sign contracts and get credit on her own. It will also make her liable for any damages arising out of a breach of cont- ract. The Bill would do away with inequalities in the area of law called resulting trust. Currently if a wife puts property in her husband's name, the law presumes she is giving it to him to hold in trust for her. The new Act says that the law will no longer presume that a woman Guaranteed Investment Certificates yields when mutated over five years The all Ontario Trust Company begun iu 1889 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Kurt Bowman, Manager Main St, Exeter 235-0530 'gives property to her husband in trust unless specifically noted. Having introduced a private Members' 13111 last year and again this session to improve the safety of children travelling to and from school by bus, I am pleased to report that the Minister of Transportation and Communications, has accepted some of the recommendations and that pressure is gently being applied by the Ontario Govern- ment on manufacturers to build better school buses. Some of the design improvements, the Minister has ip mind for the utilitarian school buses, are to include higher seat backs to prevent whiplash injuries in accidents and padding protect- ion on the backs of seats to min- imize head injuries. Legislation is likely in the fall to change the law that req- uires other vehicles to stop when a school bus is stopped with red warning fights flashing on roads where the speed limit is more than 35 miles an hour. The change will require other vehicles to stop regardless of the speed limit. Another recom- mendation which we made and which the Minister will consider is that the yellow and black stripes be made the mandatory identification for all school buses. We recommend that the colours be changed when they are no longer used as schoolbuses so that children do not mistake the identity of a schoolbus while waiting patiently on the side of the road for the bus to transport them to school. Ontario's Guaranteed Income plan for the elderly will come into effect July 1, but cheques will not be mailed until mid July. The bill which will guar- antee an income of $260,67 a month for every person over the age of 65 as well as for the blind and the disabled, receiv- ed final reading in rhe Legisl- ature this week. Under the plan called the Guaranteed Annual Income System the Province will add up to $25.61 a month to Federal Benefits in order to bring the minimum income for a pensioner to $260.67 a month. The Provincial benefits will be paid in mid -month to stagger a pensioner's income since Federal benefits are paid in the beginning of the month. The Blind and the disabled will receive their supplement at the end of each month starting in July along with their regular Fancily Benefits payments. It has been my usual custom to terminate this article at the end of the session but with the approval of the news media staff I will be pleased to continue this article during the summer recess. I would hope to inform the readers of the various prog- rams that are available to there through the various Government Ministries and I will also give a brief resume of the reports and ministerial statements as they cross my desk. REDImMIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) Ltd. Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy holi- day season and if at any time I am able to render my services to help you with problems which you may encounter, I would only be too pleased to do so. Please feel free to call me or visit my place of residence which is situated on No 83 Highway, 4 1/2 miles west of Exeter. My telephone number is Dashwood, 237-3431. 0 No child was ever harmed by being supervised. When it's lacking, they can be hurt. When your children are in or near the water, never turn away, even for a second. They can be knock- ed over by a wave or anoth- er person in the wink of an eye. Keep in the swim with Red Cross Water Safety. GARNET WILLERT A resident of Dashwood, Garnet Willert passed away at Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday, July 3 in his 72nd year. Surviving besides his wife, the former Elva Schumacher, are three sisters, Mrs. Adolph (Lucinda) Keller, Mrs. Aaron (Lillie) Resternayer, and Mrs. Lloyd (Rosie) Rader, all of Dashwood; and one brother, Percy Willert, of Zurich. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral H ome, Dashwood, until Saturday noon when removal was made to Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, where the service took place at 3 p. m. Interment was made in rhe Dashwood Lutheran Cem- etery. Fine Trac es FULL SIZE CARS 1969 TORINO 2 -door, hardtop, 302 V-8, - 1 695 automatic,. 40,000 original miles. 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Licence DAR745 1972 VEGA hatchback, 2300 cc, 4 -cylinder, 4- speed transmission, .radio. Licence CNN740. O 2 door, 4 -speed. Licence BDW778 '2695 2295 '2695 2195 JNCERTIFIED BUYS 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2=door hardtop, V- 8, automatic, power steering, power 1969 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 -",door, V 8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio. Licence DDN772 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, 4 -speed and radio. Licence DF;Y546 ; • 1966 CHRYSLER Windsor 2 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, vinyl : roof. :Licence DHJ693 Get Our Prices and Save During Our NEW MODEL CLEARANCE Remember ... It's Sense To See , nider's Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Larrij Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 2274191 Open Weekdays Until 4:00 Saturdt ys Until 6:00