HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 9THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 9 County discuss restructuring (by Shirley J, Keller) After last week's Huron County Council meeting- the final one until September -- it was apparent that while mem- . hers are interested in county restructuring, they are not anx- ious to pay up to $100, 000 in consultants' fees to have the job done for them. Actually the Executive Com- mittee chaired by Douglas A. McNeil, reeve of Colborne Township, brought in a recom- mendation that no study on restructuring be carried out. The intent of this motion was a subject for argument until Clerk -Treasurer John Berry said it was his understanding the committee was opposed to pay- ing a consultant to do the study as was recommended last month by a representative from the Ministry of Treasury, Econom- ics and Intergovernmental Af- fairs. Reeve Roy Pattison, county warden last year, told council the decision for the recommend- ation of the executive commit- tee was "not unanimous." "If nothing is done we'll be told by the province how rest- ructuring should be done and how it will be carried out, " argued Pattison. Deb Shewfelt, reeve of God- erich and a staunch supporter for a study into restructuring, told councilhe was "a little dissappointed" at the recom- mendation of the committee. He advocated a study at the local level and reminded coun- cil that its members have already been approached conc- erning county police, county fire protection, and county recreation, "We've got out heads in the sand, gentlemen, if we don't at least look at it, " said Shew- felt. "We should at least have a committee to study it. The result will be what we want, not what some consultant says we should have." Jim Mair, deputy -reeve of Morris, said that at a recent St. Peter's .Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A., B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 7 10: a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a,m, -Sun Church School Everyone Welcome smasamenmommummemmee Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JULY 7 10 a.m.- Sunday School 11 a.m. - Worship Service 8 p.m.- Sun Evening Service EVERY WEDNESDAY 8 :00 p. m, - Prayer and Bible Study 11 Corinthians 6:2 - Now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of Salvation. "Time was --is past!" Thou can't not it recall. Time is --thou hast: "Employ the portion small." Time future is not and may never be. Time present is the only time for thee. Everyone Welcome DormEmamaramipwatragram, workshop in Huron on the subject of restructuring, he'd been adv- ised by one elected Official that it was best to do the study loc- ally, despite what was recom- mended by government. Mair further suggested that the matter should be brought to a vote of the people. "The whole programshould be brought out and put befdre the people, " said Mair. Jack Riddell, Huron MPP who was one of many invited guests in attendance, was asked to give his opinion since the Ont- ario government had just approv- ed restructuring for Oxford County. Riddell agreed with Mair that it was a "good idea" to let the people decide. Jack McCutcheon, reeve of Brussels, felt a local study should be delayed until "we see what happens in Oxford" as far as the tax picture is concerned. McCutcheon rem- inded council that whenever restructuring is completed, costs seem to increase, Reeve Ed Oddleifson, Bayfield warned council that if some- thing isn't done toward restruct- uring immediately, Huron will be told what to do. "We do not want to lose our autonomy, " said Oddleifson. "We should not sit back on our haunches and let them do it for us. " While there was discussion around citizen involvement on the committee, the motion approved by council was for a study to be done at the county level composed of members from county council appointed by the executive committee. Councillor's did feel, however, that citizen opinion would be sought although only elected officials would have a vote on the matter. One of the final statements in the discussion was made by Warden Bill Elston, "I do not want to do away with my mun- icipality, said Warden Elston. "I believe that the local coun- cil is the closest and the best." Several heads nodded in agree- ment. Earlier in the day, the exec- utive committee bad brought in Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs, Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 7 m, - Sunday School 11;a. m. - Worship Service Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JUNE 30 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sun Church School 8 p.m.- Guest Speaker. Music by Jim and Ellen Fox. MEDITATION- But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. 1-leb. 11.6 Everyone Welcome a recommendation to ask the Solicitor General for a feasibil- ity study concerning the possib- ility of establishing a County Police Force for Huron County, with the understanding that the study would be "at no cost to the County." The recommendation was approved. It was made follow- ing a presentation at the May session by the five police com- missions in Huron who requested council to approach the provinc- ial government on this matter. Earlier in the day as well, Sid Oxenham, assistant chief, Fire Services Section, office of the Fire Marshal, addressed council on the importance of a central dispatch system for fire brigades in Huron. Although .Council felt that a co-ordinat- ion of radio equipment for fire brigades throughout Huron was of paramount importance (at present only fire departments in Wingham and Blyth are radio equipped with the Exeter depart- ment soon to be added) it was generally agreed by council that a central dispatch system was the "coming thing" and "Some - thing to work towards." The recommendation of the development committee was approved however. That recom- mendation was that a represent- ative of each fire area board together with the County Fire Co-ordinator and the Develop- ment Officer of the County, Spence Cummings, form a committee to study a central • dispatch system with a compat- ible fire network and report back to county council, County recreation was brought to the attention of county council through a pres- entation by Don Reid, a consult- ant from the Sports and Recreat- ion Bureau of the Ministry of Community and Social Services. He asked that Huron County Council establish a committee to look at the implications and structure of recre-tion in the county. Reid reviewed the seven "clusters" which were establish- ed in. Grey, Bruce and Huron Counties following a meeting last September at Pike Lake. He said the main idea behind (continued on page 14) TENDER BLUE WATER REST HOME Sealed Tenders will be received for Electrical Work -- consisting of door alarm system, hooked up to 13 doors. For plans or more information, contact Josef Risi, superintendent. Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary by July 16, at 6 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GERALD GINGERICH, Secretary, Zurich, Ontario. 10 DAY Zurich Summer Bible School JULY 1-12 ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL 9 A.M. to 11.45 A.M. Everyone welcome, from those starting Kindergarten in public school this coming September to Glade 10. The Herald Press curriculum will be used which emphasizes Bible Study and the lessons centered around a scripture passage for each day. There is no admission fee. There will be a bus route similar ro the one last year. For information call Rev. Clayton Kuepfer, 236-4709, LEAN BONELESS Miami Rolls LB 1.49 IDEAL FOR BAR-B-QUE or ROASTING COOKED SMOKED Picnic Hams LB 69c STO12E- SLICED Cooke Han' L1.4 Chuck Steaks .89c FAMILY PAI< LOIN Pork Chops SCHNEIDER'S THURINGER SUMMER Sausage HOME-MADE Head Cheese Capons UGRADETILITY LB '1®19 BY- THE- PIECE LB s1.49 TIN LB 99, LB 79c GOLDEN YELLOW Bananas LBS 25c BRADFORD Head Lettuce U,S, No 1 Tomatoes EA 394 LB49 10 OZ JAR (Limit 2 per Family) MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 1 ea97 SQUIRREL 48 OZ TIP; Peanut Butter 12 OZ Bicks Relish KING SIZE Blue Cheer $1.99 39' $L99 ZEST BATH SIZE Bar Soap 4/894 Mc CORMICK Jumbo Cookies 24 OZ 794 Coke 26 OZ WI MESERVE MOW VONFAVAlarnit. HE TE DE s DEPOSIT PLUS ��11 S/(1 PHONE 23't,-2512 — (G AND BEND