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Zurich Citizens News, 1974-05-30, Page 10
THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1974 Huron (continued front page 1) which their operation could be improved. Ile suggested reform of !Luton County local governments shout( come from within the county, rather than waiting for the prov- incial g,overnment to step in and older re<tructurin.t. In other !\t!>he,,s, 1.!e i"'iit- iciai1s and administrators, C:e'!: hers of the I Ilirtn (.'4111t', \ion- kipai officer,' .\„ociatit+tl elected Cordon l ral•ati t`1 - field their 111-;•l pre. -idem, 11-o elected were tiro \ ite- pt'e-idellt, I:cl c\ddleilst'tl, reeve of Fa) field. second vice- pre,id- ent, I\onaId Sin±,son, cletl,- treasurer of 'Iown:Lip: other executive- tttent!+cr-, Clare Vincent, clerk-ires'tucr of Iluliett Township.. auteron Praetor. clerk -treasurer, of Clinton. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS D14SIIW000 and DISTRICT NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Hader BRO\\'N1ES Brown OOw1 opened the iueet- ine by sprinkling fair\' dust on the Brownies and turning ever) - thing art+tine !+a cluards. The) e\ tita tto ed t a 1' eeritk' Will. lal+ !! t,n rl:, titTe it\ 01 pull ,111, 11 ! a: I;1;,!ttu til t']t'•t;:e nat,.\•,.tt J'. `elillllei IOC 41'1% 41'1% silk':IL \ '111(' -?"11.' Yt'llt'\+ed ,Illd trait line \:;l< eld b on -.if:I ward ill\ flat ion, \sere wade for Ilse titchthe lie':eI tL' +e Levu ill lkele{'* Ii l':e!'�It!t ",!1'1, tt'!1! p. !! ti, i.: p, n , ort �.t! . t!rda\, lulu' 1, 1 our area !'townie I'atk, \\ ill he in olv'ecl 1L'tt t . t i deter, kirktou, Norco I+art. and Dash- wood. '11 e ;'iris were reminded rt' turn in their t't't+l\ie Money. The l3rownies sang their six Golden Glimpses BLUE WATER REST HOME After the 24r1t of May we more or less expect some nice warm weather, but it looks as though we will have to keep on hoping and waiting. On Tuesday afternoon the residents enjoyed a bus tour around Goderich and back home by way of Holmesville. We were pleased to have Mrs. Harold Stade along with her class of music students on Tues- day evening. An organ and pian( recital was presented for the enjoyment of the residents which They enjoyed very much. Re- 110iMiligrag IBM 21 eV 6 e®e IIAKRVIIW eCNIARV*TIAI llticasouitic Church MI IN BENDiFR, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 2 10 a.m.- Sunday School 11 a.m.- Worship Service 8 p.m.- Sun Evening Service Jesus said, "If Thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. " Marl< 9 23 We invite you to worship with us inummannummizonsounsun Emnommumiumumnsurnme Emmanuel United Church ZURICH REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Ciesch, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 2 10:00 a, m. - Sunday School 11:00 a, m. - Pentecost Service (on the church lawn, arranged and conducted by our church young people). Service followed by a congreg- ational picnic. Please bring your lawn chairs and the picnic food you would lite to share, EVERYONE WE iCO IIMMIINIMMINSINEISIONSEMINEM freshments were served following the program. Residents having enjoyed out- ings at the homes of their fam- ilies over the holiday weekend and during rite past week were Mrs. Talbot, Mrs. Gertrude Harris, Miss Susanne ilartman, Mrs. Finnigan and Mr. Moses Erb. 'On Friday afternoon the resi- dents enjoyed another outing on the bus. Bingo was played on Friday. evening. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Lloyd Kalbfleisch of Zurich. Mrs. T: albfleisch presided at the organ and accompanied tite trio consisting of Mrs. Earl Deichert and daughters Elizabeth and Susan. Elizabeth and her mother also favoured with a duet. MINIft St. Peter's Lutheran Church Bion. A. C. SIaclxwoll, BA., 6.D. Poster SUNDAY, JUNE 2 10 00 a, m, - Worship Service 10 45 a.m.-Sun Church School Zeverree Welcome nota, Anisninaonts Amick ilenzionit6 CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JUNE 2 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sun. Church School Friday, May 31, - 8 p.m. G.M.S,A. MEDITATION:- We EDITATION:-We as Christians have all Eternity to rejoice over Victor- ies, but one hour to worts and to fight the battle. Robert Moffat EVERYONE WEGcOt+ songs and left the Brownie ring as Brown Owl sprinkle(' each with fairy dust, Mrs, 1\lartha Miller has ret- ut'lled home atterspending two week will; \1!, .ttai \Iro. Siet'- fl ieU a111.1 tat, 11•. of Port I \\' et-, \Ir, ,111d N' ,. Ni it,e : rl.e and st,s,111. :; 1.l 1 ' ,'t!, 'Litt' i e \\t.'4'I+L'ttli \\ it! },t;!I i;,,:,..I , slits ,!t •t L'ltl'r \,:,i \1r, :Ilk! N''s, l+.,til I.1. t1 .I llu and Nlr', carnet \\tiff+et', salt- dra and 1 arr\ . carnet \Villert underwent surgery at Victoria hospital, London, on 1\londay. I\ir. and Mrs. Ernest Hutchi- son, Russell's Point, ()hio, spent a few days with Mrs. Henry Eagleson. A number of people from Dashwood attended the Becker-' Newton wedding at London, and the reception at Dashwood Community Centre. Relatives from Dashwood attended the Ducharnte-Mason wedding at Grand Bend and the reception at Zurich Community Centre. Both weddings took place Sat- urday, May 25. PAGE 11 jAuthority seeks land :t The Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority has decided 'to purchase 550 acres in Mc- Gillivray Township immediately north of the I, :'00 -acre Parkhill i Conservation Area for $150, 000. Roger 1\lartitl, authority re- . source,, manager, said friday tl.e authorlt\ will apply for a raiu 11'011' the Ontario natural tt.'sttltee- Iliillistr\ t1' cover ..: +et t'eut of the pltrii ase price. 'I i o ant!:t+ri1\ , 1:e -aid, will I:1'' lot tLe remainder h\ using. thttcls fu t: e ;!utliot it)'s foutld- t u \t Hit. is wade t:p of don- ations Irl :' individual,: and 0'.I•l+t't;l1 ilius, NI!, Martin said Ike atilt crit) rl+e- ftt nlitlistr\ its+prova1 b\ elk: ti.is tl!tilt11. The property is owned h\ the 1 ime faulily of London, lie said. Ile said there are no specific plans on how the authority tuiltt use the land. But there has been a suggestion that it has the potential for a conserv- ation education field centre. Ile said about 100 acres is used for fanning and it would remain that way until the auth- ority decides on a specific use for the property. The authority has 1, 000 square utiles of the Ausable and Bay- field rivers watershed under its jurisdiction and owns 2, 000 acres of parkland. Mr. Martin said the authority, compared to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, is much smaller. The authority Thursday had voted to seek Ontario govern- ment approval to increase its size by including the Lake Hurt)] shoreline from Goderich Town- ship to the existing southerly limit in Bosanquet Township. The authority's resolution includes the watershed area of all stream,: flowing into Lake I futon froth a point 10 miles north of Rayfield, Stanley, Ilay, Steps e11 and Bosanquet TownshiF REDI»IX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 9 © Pleasantly Priced...Add to the Pleasures of Summer! COUNTRY STYLE - SHORT Rib Rousts Chuck Steaks I3ONELESS Blade Roasts READY- TO -EAT Picnic Ham l.B 89C L1399c 131.2 9 1069c ROUND BONE LB Shoulder Roasts 89` BONELESS Pot Rousts StiGAR Pl.itivl Smoked Cooked Hum LB 1,13 99c 99c FREEZER BUY FREEZER BUY FREEZER BUY RED RAND Al - STEER FRONTS FI11.1,1 PROCESSED T 7 c LB CALIFORNIA 10 L13 13 A G New Potatoes $1.79 FLORIDA WHITE or PTN1: 511's Grapefruit 9 OCR 994 CALTFCRNTA ll3's Oranges 79 DOZ DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES VARTETIES (BUY 3 -GET 1 FREE MIXING BOWL) EVAPORATED 10 OZ DARE'S 1 L13 BOX Chocolate Cookies 11 AIR -CARE 7 OZ, Air Fresheners 59c ROYAI. 3 (7- Jelly Powders 17 40 OZ BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT Coke & Flavors 3/99 59c Carnation Milk 2/55 NEW SUPER SIZE SCOPE 24 OZ Mouth Wash $1.79 SWEET GHERKIN 20 OZ Bick's Pickles 85c 8 OZ Clubhouse Olives 59c THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238-2512 — GRAND BEND