HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-05-30, Page 9PAGE 10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1974 FOR SALE FIREWOOD: Call Zurich Wood Products Limited. 236-4324. 9-tf TWO ONLY - Used Royal type- writers, in real good condition: Office style. - Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672. tf DRESSERS, beds, full length mirro, 40 HP outboard Mercury motor, with controls. Miscell- aneous. Call 236-4347. 22-b T.V. ANTENNA, automatic clothes washer, box spring double bed and dresser with mirror. Four antique wooden chairs. 54" spring and mattress. Snow tires 8.25 x 14 on wheels. Vinyl floor covering. 40" mattresses. Wheelbarrow. chemical toilet. Garden tools, accordian door. Snow scoop. - Call O.D. Legault, 236-4245. 22-p TO GIVE AWAY COLLIE pups to give away to a good home. - Call 236-4839. 22-b BANJO - used once. In perfect condition. $200. Call Dale Erb, 236-4884 after 6 p.m. 22-23-b CHICKENS - Fryers and roasters. Phone ahead for orders. Call Ron Overholt, 236-4841. 22-24-b HELP WANTED FULL -TIME employment in pole frame construction work. Call Brian Decker, 236-4081, after 6 p.m. 18-tf SERVICES OFFERED HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches sold by Jewellers only, are $10.95 and up, family rings and charms. Watch and clock repairing work guaranteed. T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Techniciar call CORD BLECK Bluewater Electronics 236-4224 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of HAROLD ROBERT GOWER, late of Zurich, Ontario, retired Farmer. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before June 13th, 1974 after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then re- ceived. CRAM & BLACKWELL 200 Queens Ave., Suite 514, London, Ontario. Solicitors for Administrator. BIRTH GINGERICH - Gary and Susan are happy to announce the ar- rival of a daughter, Jennifer Lynne, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, of Friday, May 24, 1974. A first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gingericlt, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Humphreys, Brampton. COMING EVENT AG - OP SUMMER FESTIVAL, Saturday, July 6, 1974. Seaforth Community Centre. Desjardine' Orchestra. All tables reserved. Tickets available from Agricult- ural and Optimist members. Bob Fotheringham, chairman, Phone 482-9196. 20-27-b ZURICH WOMEN'S Institute will meet on Monday, June 3, at 8 p.m. in Ilay Township Hall. There will be a demon- stration on cake decorating. Visitors are welcome to attend. 22-b "LIGHT HORSE SHOW", Sea - forth Fair Grounds, Saturday, June 15, 1974, 12 noon. Entert- ainment in the Arena with Nashville Bound Country Wally from 1 to 9 p. m. Admission, $1.00 ; 12 and under 500 22-24-b RADER REUNION, Sunday, June 16, at 2.30 p.m. River- view Park, Exeter. Bring a picnic lunch. Drinks and cutlery provided. 22-b BLUE WATER REST HOME annual picnic supper with ent- ertainment sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, immediately following their business meet- ing, Wednesday, June 5, at 2 p.m. 22-b THEY'RE ALL IN CIA!.1EIII Country Fair at Playhouse Over a thousand visitors are expected to attend the Huron Country Playhouse second annual fair. Locally produced arts and crafts, needle work, macrente, a large magazine and book mart, displays of antiques and other collecrahles will he the feattures. Scheduled for Sunday, .lune 2, the all -day event has a chick en Bar-B-Que starting at 12 noon. There are some prizes and interesting things for child- ren who are admitted free of charge. Besides the exhibits and displ- ays, the Playhouse grounds and buildings will be open for inspec tion so that visitors may see the rehearsal areas, offices, dorm- itories, dressing rooms, etc. Missing will he the large theatre tend which is scheduled to go up on June 17, .lust in rime for the gala pre -season dance on June 22 and rhe theatre's opening on June 26. Ir is hoped that goo d weather will allow for oudoor exhibits. In the event of rain, however, the huge Playhouse. barn will house all the activities. Last year's event, which was CARD OF THANKS Appreciation with thanks to all who so generously co-operated with donations and attended the Ladies Auxiliary of the Blue Water Rest Home Spring Fair. Special thanks to Mrs. Elgin and Mrs. Robert McKinley for afficiating at the Tea Table. Tickets are available for the beautiful quilt at rhe Home, or froni any Auxiliary Member. 22-b NGT&CE OF PUBLIC HEARING ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING BOARD TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY In the Matter of: Sections 42 and 44 of the Ontario Water Resources Act, as amended, -and - In The Matter Of: It appears from an examination of the said plans that the proposed sewage treatment works will be located in the vicinity of Lot 6, Range "L", Town- ship of Stanley. -and- In The Matter Of: The Environmental Hearing Board has been requested by the Ministry of the Environment to hold a public hearing concerning the sewage treatment works. The purpose of the hearing is to enable the Board to obtain information and to hear the views expressed at• the hearing so as to enable it to form an opinion on the merits as to whether the use and operation of the proposed site would or would not be in the public interest. Take Notice that the Environmental Hearing Board here- by appoints the 3rd day of June, 1974 at 11:30 o'clock in the morning, local time, for the hearing to be held in the Township of Stanley Hall, Varna, Ontario. And Take Notice that plans of the proposed sewage treatment works will be available for inspection in the office of the Municipal Clerk of the Township of Stanley, R. R.1, Brucefield, Ontario. • And Further Take Notice that if you do not attend at this hearing, the Environmental Hearing Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. T.M. Murphy, Secretary, Environmental I tearing Board hampered by a steady downpour of rain, nonetheless attracted a very large crowd. Working and planning on the annual event has been undertaken by a volunteer committee with representatives from the surrouna ing area. The Playhouse is located on the 13 Line, 1 utile east of Grand Bend on Highway 31, rN0RM ITING aIGUOR��F AUCTION CTI LE Of Household Furniture, Antiques and Collectibles Saturday, June 1, 1:00 p.m. sharp at 268 Andrew St., Exeter, Ont. For the Estate of the Late Mrs. Alvin McBride HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS — 6 piece diningroom suite, like new; studio couch; hostess chai,•s; coffee & end tables; odd tables; 21 inch TV; table and 4 chairs; stools; 2 3 -piece bedroom suites; chest of drawers; cedar chest: set of 5 chairs; 2 sewing machines; Inglis washing machine (like new); 2 sets of matching table lamps; odd table lamps; floor lamps; paper rack; mirrors; 2 play pens; crib; TV tables; lawn chairs; 12 piece dinner set; many odd dishes; many pieces of silver; pots and pans, pillows, electric clock; electric heater; electric fan; carpenter & garden tools; artificial Christmas tree; many other items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES — Oil painting signed SALYIATI;banquet lamp with original shade; gentleman'schair; Boston rocker; pressed back high chair; round parlor table with pedestal base; small round fern table; washstand; bot- tom of flat to wall cupboard; blanket box; trunk; faint couch; hall tree; brass jardinier; oil lamp; ivory dresser set; ivory clock; Big Bear alarm clock; copper boiler; nickel plated tea kettle; irons; pictures and frames; old 7 volume encyclopedia and dictionary and many other items. TERMS: CASH Norm Whiting, Auctione r PHONE 235-1964 Antique Auction Sale For MR. HAROLD THIEL in the Zurich Arena, Zurich, Ontario Saturday, June 1, 12:30 p.m. This is an excellent offering of antique items from the private collection of Tiny's Little Museum. Over 900 items dating from the early 1800's. Mustache cups, shaving mugs, braided glass dishes, salt & pepper shakers, fancy cups & saucers, souvenir plates, tooth pick holders, beer cups, Blue Bird cup, Oatmeal dish, vases, jardinieres, pitchers, crocks, jugs, bowls, brass pots, copper dishes, lead dish, butter dishes, sherbet glasses, cup God -the - Giver, assorted bottles, wooden spoons, butter spoons, sugar bowls, glass washboard, covered fruit bowl, coffee grinders, Gem sealers, wooden buttons, button hooks, wooden tub, Forget-me-not cup, baskets, cabbage cutters, meat grinder, sausage grinder and stuffer, butter churns, iron kettles, cheese mould, beer pail, book ends, pocket watches, china cuckoo clock, assorted clocks, coal oil lamps, lanterns, candle lanterns, railroad lanterns, telephone switchboard, school books, Bibles, Hymnals, albums, maps, pictures, picture frames, victrola, harp, mouth organs, assorted pipes & canes, foot -warmer, settee, tables, chairs, school desk, glass covered show cases, pot belly stove, wooden pump, wooden planes, buggy wrench, candle & brick tongs, buggy jack, buggy whip holder, square nails, weigh scales, model T car jack & heater, candle stick maker, 'dndling splitter, sleigh chimes, string bells, shaft bells, cutter bells, cow bells, horse harness, etc. This is only a partial listing. TERMS: CASH Paddle Bidding — Registration commences 11:30 a.m. Not responsible for accidents at the sale. D & J RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICE 'Doug' 237-3576 AUCTIONEERS 'Jack' 237-3431