HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-05-16, Page 12PAGE 12 Jottings by Jack from Ontario Hydro announced last week that it was proposing increases of 15% in the cost of power to municipal used utilit- ies in 1975. The utilities buy in bulk from hydro and in turn supply the majority of Ontario's 2 1/2 million users. Hydro said further that it anticipated an- nual increases of 10 to 15% through the period 1975.to 1979. During the discussion of the expenditure estimates of the ministry of energy, opposition members attacked hydro's prop- osal in the legislature. They said the increases were more apt to be 15% than 10% and this if compounded meant a doubling of hydro's charges in five years. Opposition members stressed upon the minister of energy that he had to step in and tell hydro that it must not double its rate over five years. Hydro's rate application will be review- ed by the Ontario Energy Board in public hearings beginning June 10, The board will make recommendation to the govern- ment. Mr. McKeough, minister of Energy, told opposition memb- ers that he was concerned about the proposed increase and indic- ated that Ontario Hydro's prop- osed rate increases for the rest of the decade are staggering. He said the government would have to look at things after the board has made its examination and report. Ontario Hydro tried to justify its rate of increases by laying emphasis on the fact that it had been hard hit by the escalating prices of coal, oil and natural gas. Coal used to fuel the maj- ority of Hydro's thermo stations will increae 34% in price this year and another 17% in 1975, according to hydro. Oil and natural gas prices are likely to rise even faster and more than 60% of new generating units commissioned before 1980 will be fired by coal or oil. Recognizing the impact of current inflation on Ontario hospitals, Health Minister Frank Miller said he will allow hosp- ital boards that can prove need to spend perhaps $100 million more than spending ceilings permit this year. The increase grant will be given on an ind- ividual basis to hospitals whose applications are approved. Mr. Miller told the legislature extra funds will be automatically granted to cover forced costs, additional expenses to hospitals for higher unemployment insur- ance, Canada Pension Plan and Workmen's compensation Board contributions. The government will also cover actual cost in- creases in hospitals of fuel oil, food, medical supplies and other materials. In addition the Min- istry is prepared to consider ap- peals from hospitals for more money to cover wages and fringe benefits, particularly for workers in lower wage brackets. The Ministry's spending ceilings allowed an increase in hospital budgets of 7.9% this year. The ministry budget provides 1.2 billion dollars for hospitals about half its total estimated spending this year, and Mr. Miller chose not to raise the ceilings. Mr. Miller rejected automat- ic across the board wage increas es for all hospital workers in the province, modelled on the Toronto settlement which prov- ides $1.50 raises in five stages over two years. Although he hinted the Toronto settlement may be considered a model for workers in other urban areas. He said the wages paid may not be realistic in rural areas where the cost of living is lower. Philip Givens, Liberal Transp- ortation critic accused the provincial government of mis- leading the public over the esc- alating costs of the magnetic cushion go urban train system. Costs of the Go Urban 2.5 mile test track at the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition have risen in recent weeks from $17 million to $25 million. Mr. Givens noted that the estimates for the system have risen 100%. He indicated that the government's argument that inflation is the villian , is simply unacceptable. The Ontario Government's overall spending will rise 14.2% this year from 7.3 billion doll- ars to 8.34 billion dollars. The two most expensive ministries are health and education with budgets increasing about 10% to 2.4 billion and 2.3 billion respectively. The general government est- imates include the spending of the revenue, government serv- ices and treasury ministries and the cabinet and management board expenses. The general Robert Farquhar Instating VINYL and ALUMINUM SIDING Soffat & Facias Covered * Eavestroughing * Pone 2364808 For Free Estimates! ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS government estimates also incl- ude the projected spending of the office of Premier William Davis up $115, 000 to $1,216, 000. The Lieutenant Governor's off- ice up from $46, 000 to $61, 000 and the office of the speaker up from $4.8 million to $6.5 million. The Ministry of housing took its place in the government books with its first official spending estimates more than $226 million for the 1974-75 year. The housing ministry est- imates previously included in the Ministry of Revenue showed a drop from $237 million to $100 million in grants to Ontario Housing Corporation. The spend- ing of OHC was large last year because it acquired land for the proposed North. Pickering Develof merit. In return for that decrease this year's estimates provide $19.8 million for the housing action program which housing Minister, Sidney Handleman hopes will provide 30, 000 mod- erately priced homes. Spending on community planning inc- reases from $8.3 million to $23.8 million, of this $2.5 million will go to planning in north Pickering. The Ministry for the first time is providing money for community and Co- operative Housing, about $4.1 million. The Ministry of government services which handles the government's internal business and finds its Ministry's Accom- modation, is estimated to cost $224, 792, 000. This year, an increase from $179, 568, 700. last year. Of this, the govern - 1 ment will spend almost $30 million buying land for itself more than 38 million leasing offices and more than 75 mill- ion in building construction. The Treasury, economics and intergovernmental affairs ministry shows in its $1.26 bill- ion estimates the costs of the government's program of grants to municipalities $307 million up from $202 million estimated last year. The Ministry also budgeted for the first time to cover flood damage, excessive unemployment and other specif- ic problem situations. The amount set aside is $14, 765, 000 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1974 Of the total ministry budget about half $674 million goes in repayment of the province's public debt. The ministry of Revenue will spend $110.4 million this year almost twice last year's estim- ated spending. The difference comes mostly fromthe guarant- eed income programs for pen- sioners and the disabled and increased tax credits announced in this year's budget. The changes will cost $50.5 mill- ion according to the estimates. The Ontario Medican Assoc- iation misrepresetned scientific (continued on page 13) FRESH BREAD 3 Loaves $1.05 10 Loaves $3.39 TASTY—NU BAKERY ZURICH FOR All YOUR TATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES VISIT THE a:K4 Victoria Street ZURICH 236-4672