Zurich Citizens News, 1974-05-09, Page 9THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1974 Golden Glimpses . . Although we are getting well into May, the time of spring flowers, old Jack Frost is still persisting in keeping things on the cool side. I am sure we are all hoping that the blossoms and gardens will not suffer too much. Monday was our lass showing of films until the fall season when the daylight hours shorten. The residents miss film night but perhaps sometime in the future we will be able to repl- ace our present drapery in. that area with something that will darken the room sufficiently to show the films year around. VsTe wish to thank all who were so co-operative in assisting us with our transportation of films to and from Goderich. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Laura Ings, in her 93rd year. She was one of our faithful craft room workers and made the crazy patch cushions and quilts which were so popular. On Wednesday evening, the Ladies Auxiliary held their About people you know Mrs. Leo Meidinger, who had been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned to her home. Mrs. Seleda Steckle return- ed home after an extended visit with relatives and friends in the Moorefield and Kitchener areas,. also attending rhe Sging Meet- ing of the Ontario Mennonite WMSC with several local lad- ies at the Rockway Mennonite School Auditorium. sonatein. ems St. Peter'e Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, E.A., 19.D. Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 12 10 00 a.m. - Worship Service 10 45 a.m.-Sun Church School leveryque Welcome ammannommomannomaiuma Zurich Mennouitoa CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 12 9.45 a.m.-Worship Service 10 45 a.m.-Sun Church School 8 p.m. - Mother's Day Service by S.S. MEDITATION; People who have the word without the Spirit dry up. People who have the spirit without the word blow up. People who have the word and the Spirit grow up. When Jesus comes we will go up. EVERYONE ViECCOME regular monthly meeting. Prior to the business part of the meeting, the residents were entertained in the diningroom. Airs. George Mathonia and his three sons rendered several selections on their accordians. The Grade 4 students of Sr. Marie School, Blue Water Highway entertained with a gymnastic dance. Six young ladies from grade 7 and 8 show- ed their talents in creative dancing. Following the program a del- icious lunch was served and the members of the Auxiliary ad- journed to the board room where they conducted the business parr of their meeting. As you will note from the posters here and there, the bake sale and tea will be held next week, May 18, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Any donations to the bake table or antique table will he appreciat- ed. The residents look forward to these events for the social time and the chats with old and new friends. We are pleased to report slur Mrs. Anne Rehn has recovered sufficiently to return from Un- iversity Hospital, London. We wish to welcome Mrs. Nellie Jarvis who was transfer- red from Kingston General Hospital to residency here. She is the mother of Rev. Wilfred Jarvis who frequently conducts our Sunday evening: chapel services. On Friday evening, bingo was enjoyed, followed by refresh- ments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Harold Dobson, of Grand Bend United Church. Miss Idella Gabel presided at the organ and accompanied rhe trio, Mr. W. Gill, Mr. I. Holt, and Mr. Alex Hamilton who sant. • ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Dashwood aummommismillimminamia Emmanuel United Church ZURICH REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 12 10:00 a.m.- Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service EVERYONE WECCONEE isrowariamissistazweirsommeh L AKIEViEW CONSIERVATIVIU ffiettaostite Murcia MERLIN BENDER, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 12 10 a.m.- Sunday School 11 a. m. - Worship Service 8 p.m.- Sun Evening Service Jesus said, "If Thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. " Mark 9 23 We invite you to worship with us LWML MEETING The quarterly meeting of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League of Zion Lutheran Church was held with Mrs. Delmar Miller taking the topic, "A daughter- -a daughter-in-law." followed by discussion on kind- ness ro family and in-laws. The League is holding a clothing drive in May. The Zont project of marking New Testa- ments for distribution to friends and acquaintances was started. Plans were completed for att- ending the rally at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Stratford, Monday May 6. Besides saving used stamps, the ladies are collecting Dominion store slips for a colour television for Ritz Lutheran Villa, Mitchell. Oscar Miller is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where he will undergo surgery. Twenty five ladies front Zion and Peace Lutheran church attended the Mitchell Zone Spring Rally at St. Peter's Lutheran church, Stratford, Monday, May G. Guest speaker, Rev. Kenneth Zorn, h. itchener. a former Dashwood pastor, took as the topic, "Are you a power- less or powerfilled Christian"" He stated that the 4th largest religious body. had no religion. Seventy-five per cent of Christ- ians were not sure of their faith. He urged the ladies to use the means of the Holy Spirit and surrender completely ro Cod. PAGE 9 I TODAY'S HEALTH Acupuncture Intrigues Health Professionals by David Woods You've probably heard 11 lot ;thous acupuncture in the past year or so. hut the technique isn't no;. The Chinese have been using it for more than 2.000 years. But its use as an anesthetic in China — as opposed simply to ;t pain killer -- dates from 19SS. 'rhe technique. Nhich consists of inserting needles at strategic points in the body. has enioycd some suc- cess in its «Wintry of origin. But no- body's preciseh sure hove it Nolks, and even the Chinese admit its limi- tations. A group of Chinese physicians isited Canada in Late 1972 and •.honed drtm,ltic ulnas of compli- cated surgery being pet formed un- der ;cupunclure. littt ,I spokesman for the group said the technique is used as an addition to cons enlional loin). o1 anesthesia. 1'sed an .1111:1,1111.1 it: its edicts can Nr,u tui. The advantage of ,acupuncture cater usher methods on the opei .0 in table is that the patient is ;wake and the surgeons can rack to hire. And their are no side edicts. hhere'sconsidelal+le disagreentrnl :uuong Nrstcln ph '.iciaus as rut vlhether actipun.rure rr:,ll\ walks. Sone conceded that though it seems to he rllcitlte on or tent a IS. 11 Littesn appear tut he tort snceesslttl lot occi- dental pal icnts. Other doctors beliclt' that acu- puncture is rneret .1 version of h p. 11051'.--- olh' 1h41 1101 ks its 1x11 ICN surgical situations.. and on v ery 1eN patients. And still others feel that the Chinese started using acupunc- ture in surgery simpl; because they didn"t have enough anesthetic drugs. in any event. acupuncture is still very much an experimental proce- dure. In an attemrt to find out more about it nine Canadian doctors and one dentist 11111 visit (-Irina in April. \\'hen they return. they'll he able to conduct more research into acu- puncture --- and perhaps to teach others to do it. At present. it's a technique that's ipe for quackery: quickie courses are being offered to non -physicians in Vancouver and Quebec. and fed- eral health Minister Marc Lalonde warns that people should avoid non-professional practioners of acu- puncture. Anybody seeking acupuncture tir,mnent should he aware of its e\- petinlental nature. Until Ne know note about it, its use should he re- sti icted to relief of pain. and under- taken onto on the advice of ct qualified physician. \bout 40 doctors in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia are curl -Wily using acupuncture. One menthe; of the China -hound ulctlic,al logon. 1)1. Gerald Edelist of 1 oronfo. says: "Acupuncture is not ooh .;!!omitted h, Invth and mis- undclst.ntdnlg. but promise as welt. 11 ti is unproperiy used at this stage lhe,r's a danger that we might he ih,ov+ntg ay.:is a tool that could he ir•tllt .Isrt111 Ill ntediCitte". ys value priced LEAN PCNl'l.'" 3 ", i%t :r '' cice POT ROASTS 99`3 PORK HOCK i, 39c (tNl'l.l SS ML\\11 t l' 11 OVEN ROASTS 1.49 SPARE RIBS IF 99` PICRIC' HAMS ,169` PORK ROASTS1Y59 \11I"ET PTCs 1.1:1 COTTAGE ROLLS i9` PORK CHOPS 11179` \':\: CARROTS 29A OZ Coke, Quarts DELSEY 2 ROLL PK G Toilet Tissue E.D. SMITH 2S OZ 2 Garden Cocktail ROYAL 3 01 Jelly Powders ALL VARIETIES Dare Cookies KADANA 100's Tea Bags ORANGES MUSHROOMS 8 9 79 ( Imusi?l:i'( Ali 5/99c 43c ( 39G 3/49 65c 69c Tide Detergent $1.99 RAFT 11 (iZ Marshmallows 3/$1 ASSORTED PREPRICEP 391^ G OZ PKC; Kerr's Candies 3/$1 Last Week's Draw Winner Winner of Guess Weight Contest, John Hotson, Grand Bend 20 lb. 5 oz.) Winner of 50th customer, George Barris, Grand Bend Winner of 100th customer, Mrs. Pon Reid, Parkhill YME ASSERY1 TNI RIGHT TO LJMfl 46AW W Monday to Thursday - 8 to tit Friday 8 to 9; Saturday, 8 to '7; Sunday 9 to u THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238-2512 GRANOJ BEND