HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-05-02, Page 4PAGE 4 Spring election likely! For the first time since the minority Liberal government was elected more than a year ago it seems highly probable that it will be defeated on a no -confidence motion. The NDP, which has held the balance of power since that election, appears to be ready to pull out the rug, David Lewis, leader of the New Democratic Parry, has stated quite emphatically that he will no longer support the Liberals -- and by inference, that he would sanction his party's support of Robert Stanfield and the Progressive Conservatives. Mr. Lewis' price of continued backing for the Trudeau government has been legislation to end what he terms "the corporate rip -off" -- tax concessions to high -profit business firms. Since the Liberals have not acted to change the corporation tax set-up and appear unlikely to do so, the NDP may well carry out its treatened withdrawal. Robert Stanfield, faced with a desperate need for a political plank with which he might win an election --and hopefully with a working majority that could survive without NDP support-- , has promised wage and price freezes to end inflation. He needs NDP help to defeat the present government, but he would cert- ainly hope to govern without the galling admission that he could not stay in power longer than Mr. Lewis decides. We, believe it is time for an election, expensive and frustrat- ing though it may be to go to the polls twice in two years. Minority government is, perhaps, a healthy political situation for a time. It is the pricise opposit of the situation in Ontario, where the sante party has been in power for over 30 years, and where many electors are getting the impression that rhe government is so self-assured it no longer responds with any real sensitivity ro the wishes of the public. As we have seen during the past few months, a government which must depend for its future existence on the wishes of the smallest party in the Mouse can scarcely be expected to reflect in its decisions the wishes of the majority of Canadians --the very purpose of paliamentary government. The NDP brand of deep concern for the suffering masses is, in theory, an attitude which should attract voters by the millions. As the champion of the underdog and the avowed enemy of the big corporations the public might be expected to flock to the cause --but facts have proven that practice and theory are two differenct things. So far the NDP has gained nothing like the support one might expect. Every day of the week the government is blamed for not creating more jobs for unemployed Canadians --yet tax conces- sions to corporations are employed for that very purpose. They are intended to provide the incentive for business expansion and higher employment. As for Mr. Stanfield's plans to freeze prices and wages, there can be even graver doubt. A simple arrangement to stop inflat- ion, it is anything but simple in execution. It has been tried recently in the United States, and economists generally believe it did more harm that good, Such a freeze might work satisfactorily if it could be imposed all over the world at the same hour, but that is patently impossible. The complicated pattern of international trade forbids the success of any plan which disregards the economy of other countries. Mr. Stanfield could scarcely afford to alienate the corporat- ions by supporting Lewis in his opposition to corporation tax concessions and the labor unions would be equally opposed to a freeze on wages. If, indeed, we do face another election this year it will be one of the most important in Canadian history. (Mt. Forest Confederate) 4-H Club meet (by Mary Blackwell and Mary Ellen Steckle) Meeting seven was held on Monday, April 22, at the home of Stewart Blackwell. This week we had Mary Hel- en Whiting, from the beauty salon in Exeter, who demonstrat. ed how to care for hair and how to cut it. She then showed us pictures of the current styles, and discussed then with us. Our discussion this week was the one on "Poise". The three areas of poise are: posture, body language and voice. After the meeting Helen Blackwell supplied angel cake and ice cream. On Monday , April 29 we had a special meeting to discuss Achievement Day and plan for our skit. It was held at the home of Mary Ellen Steckle. ZURICH Citizens NEWS PRINTED BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS -•LIMITED, ZURICH HERB TURKHEIM, Publisher Second Class Mail Registration Number 1385 �u 4 ,��d�44 Member: �` Canadian Weekly. Newspapers Association WM")E Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association 411111 Subscription Rates: $5.00 per year in advance in Canada; • $6.00 le Tfniaed States and Foreign; single copies 15¢ ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS International. Scene ( BY RAYMOND CANON) GIVE THE DEVIL HIS DUE Back in 1972 Pope Paul raised more than a few eyebrows when he said that the Devil actually existed "as a live spiritual, perverted and perverting being, the hidden enemy that sows errors and misfortunes in human history." I don't know if he was speaking ex cathedra when he made this statement but I do Know that I was surprised in that I thought that most churches, including the Romari Catholic, had relegated the Devil as such to the theological scrap heap where lie other worn out or disused pieces of dogma. Although the Devil was still referred to from time to time, the old fire and brimstone that I got thrown at me when I was quite young, and which was supposed, 1 presume, to scare rhe Devil out of me, just about disappeared and it app- eared to me that Satan was accepted as nothing more than some Freudian image, as was his domicile, and all that fire and brimstone was to be taken as pure symbolism. Not so, apparently. In fact, I have just read in an English publication that a poll had been Huron Ile APRIL 19 Members of the Christian Women's Club held a song serv- ice in the Chapel on Sunday evening led by Mrs. Luther, of Mensal.. Volunteers from the Goderich Township W,I. were at the Home on Monday afternoon ro assist with the activities, Mrs, Molly Cox and Mrs. Drivers helped Norman Speir, Jerry and Terry to provide the music, with the other members of the group helping with wheel chairs, the dancing and the sing -a -long. Twenty-eighr residents having birthdays were honoured at a party on Wednesday afternoon sponsored by the Belgrave Women's Institute. One hundred and fifty attended the party and enjoyed a variety program following rhe presentation of giftsto the celebrants and refreshments served by the Inst- itute. The program with Mrs. Leslie Bolt as M,C., included the following numbers. Ladies quartet --Mrs, George Procter, Mrs. Stanley Hopper, Mrs. Glen Coultes and Mrs. William Coultes; Vocal solos Clarke Johnston, accordian solos, Mrs, George Procter, piano and saxa- phone selections Mrs. Murray Lougheed and Scott songs by eight preschoolers and a sing -a- long led by Mrs. William Coulte accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Norman Coultes, Mrs. Mosack, one of the celebrants, who celebrated her ninety- eighth birthday on Sunday thanked the Belgrave ladies on behalf of the residents. Musicians from the Exeter area entertained on "Family Night, with a musical program. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, of Exeter, playing piano and guit- ar and Mr. Fred Harburn, of Staffa, violin played many of the old tyme, favourite tunes. Miss Gladys Stanlake thanked the entertainers. The Huronview news is being published again with a new editor, Mrs. Betty Scratch, This Home paper has been enjoyed by everyone for sever- al years with the late Mr. Henry Leishman, as editor and is printed quarterly. taken on how many people act- ually believed in the Devil. While polls are taken on just about every topic you can think of, I never thought that some- one would get around to assess- ing the role of Lucifer in to -days society. Anyway, the surprising result was that, according to the pollsters, belief in the Devil had gone up in the last 10 years from 31P/o to 4810 of those polled, At the same time, those who claimed to believe in God had actually declined from 77'jo to G97/o during the same time. One'poll does not necessarily indicate a trend. If it does, then the Church is in for a rough time. To me part of this increas can be explained by a renewed interest which people are show- ing in Satan. Look, for example at the astounding success of the film "The Exorcist" which shows the exorcising of a 14 year old girl by two Jesuits who die in the process. While some of this film's success can be put down to a new twist in show business, T think that its popularity can THURSDAY, MAY 2, 19`14 be traced to increased attention which demonology has for a great many people, The French poet Baudelaire once said that the Devil's cleverist trick was to convince people that he did not exist. If so, the above poll would ind- icate that this is one trick that he is in danger of losing, I can also see something positive in this renewed interest in Satan. It doesn't really mat- ter whether you believe in a personalized Devil, along the lines suggested by Pope Paul, that is, a Devil who makes a profession of sabotaging both men's and God's work. You may just susupeet that there exist mysterious but hostile forces in an otherwise Godless and Devil - less world. If you are anywhere within that spectrum, and most of us are, then it all adds us, in my opinion, to one import- ant fact that we have to face. If we look at the world object- ively and say that evil is a real force in this universe, then we must, in all honesty, accepr good as something equally obj- ective. For many people, such an approach to. the concept of good and evil would he a real step forward. Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRISTS J. E. Longstaff OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH MEDICAL. CENTRE 527.1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sat- we'.ay a.m., Thursday evening CLINTON OFFICE 10 Issac Street 482.7010 Monday and Wednesday Call either office for appointment. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours: 9.12 A.M. — 1:30.6 P.M. Closed all day Saturday Phone 235.2433 Exeter: INSURANCES Robert F. Westlake insurance "Specialising In General Insurance" Phone 236-4391 — Zvrlsh NORM WHIT NG LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Cellket 2354EXETER AUCTIONEERS P16RC`P WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Toloohene Hensall (519)262.5515 D & J RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICES Licensed Auctioneers and Appraisers 4' Complete Auction Service Saics large or small, any type, anywhere ' Reasonable — Two for the price of one Let our experience be your reward. Phone Collect 'Doug' 'Jack' 237-3576 237-3431 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sate service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 Guaranteed Trust Certificates 9'/2 % 1 TO 5 YEARS J. W. t11113ERER ZURICH PHONE 2364346 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E. — EXETER — 235-0281 RES: 10 Green Acres GRAND BEND — 238-8070