HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-03-28, Page 8PAG E 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THEY'RE Y'R ALL IN FOR SALE SECOND CUT red clover seed, Contact Phil Durand, 236-4749, 10-16-b POTATOES, turnips and cabb- age. Arnold Vandenboomen, Highway 84, east of Zurich. Phone' 236-4038. 3-tf CARD CABINETS - Five double units for 7" x 9" cards; one double unit for 5" x 7" cards; one single unit for 3" x 5" cards, Phone Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 8-tf FIREWOOD : Call Zurich Wood Products Limited. 236-4324, 9-tf SEALED BIDS will be received by the undersigned for the sale of and removal of the water tank, located on part of Mill Reserve, in the Village of Zurich. Weather vane and lad- der not included. Bids to be in hands of clerk - treasurer, Box 280, Zurich, by 10 a.m. , April 5, 1974. 13-b USED FREEZERS, used ranges, washers, dryers and refrigerat- ors. See us for a bargain. - Gingerich's Sales and Service. 13- b TRANSPORT TRACTOR, white diesel, 1956, in good condition. 10 speed road ranger transmis- sion, air lift axle, 220 cum- mings motor. One 34 ft. tan- dem trailer - one 30 ft single axle trailer. Phone 482-7842, after 5 p.m. 13-14-p WANTED YOUNG MAN looking for a bachelor apartment, in Zurich. Ca11 227-4816, 13-b ROOM WITH HOUSEKEEPING privileges, or room and board for single girl in Zurich. Phone 238-2061, Grand Bend 12-12-b HELP WANTED SHEET METAL Apprentice, or all-around mechanic. Phone 262-2114, 13-b PART-TIME male or female, for light, interesting work in newspaper shop, One to two days each week. Apply in per- son to Zurich Citizens News. PART-TIME male or female, to work as reporter for news- paper. Must be interested in writing. Apply in person to Zurich Citizens News. 13-x R.N., part-time position. Apply to Queensway Nursing Home. Phone 262-2830. 13-b MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTER WORK - any type of building or remodelling. Prompt service. Call Leonard Debus, 236-4101, 10-13-p HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches sold by Jewellers only, are $10.95 and up, family rings and charms. Watch and clock Repairing work guaranteed. tf-b .- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Jeffrey, R, R.2, Zurich, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Charlene Marie, to Mr. Donald James Oesch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch, Zurich. The wedding will take place on April 27, 1974 at St, Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, at 2:30 p.m. CARDS OF i iiANKS The family of the late Lauretta C. Weido wish to extend their appreciation to relatives, neigh- bours and friends for their exp- ressions of sympathy, floral tributes and charitable donations Thanks to Rev. A. C. Blackwell, pallbearers, fiowerbearers and the Lutheran Church Women, Special thanks to Dr. Wallace and nurses at the South Huron Hospital, and Thameswood Lodge. - The Weido Family - I wish to thank my friends and relatives for the cards, gifts and treats while a patient at University Hospital and since returning home, - Debbie O'Brien. 13-b The family and I would like to express our sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and friends for cards, flowers, prayers and kind deeds express- ed to us at the sudden loss of a dear wife and mother. Special thanks to Father Durand and Father Bensette, the Westlake Funeral Home and the Catholic Women's League. - Leonard Debus and Family - 13-p We wish to thank all our relat- ives, friends and neighbours, also the C.W.L. for cards, prayers and sympathy shown in the loss •of our dear son, Special thanks to Mrs. Leo Meidinger for her many acts of kindness, - Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meidinger. - 13-b We wish to thank all who rem- embered us in any way follow- ing the loss of our Mother, Nancy Kyle, Thank you for your flowers, your cards, don- ations of food, and your visits to the hospital to see Mother. We appreciate your giving of your time to come to the fun- eral home to offer your symp- athy to us. We also wish to thank Mother's Unit TV of the U.C. W. for relieving us of the work and worry involved in serving lunch following the funeral. All of these kindnesses will be rememberedand treas- ured by us. - Sincerely, the Kyle Family. - We wish to thank all our neigh- bours, friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness shown us during our recent sad bereavement. - Arnold and Belle Merner - 13-p CHRISTIANS! Are you aware that the corning of the Lord Jesus (in person) to rule the world from Jerusalem is declared, promis• ed and referred to in 300 pl- aces in the New Testament? How many can you find? For free information about this overlooked Gospel mess- age write "ASK" P. 0. Box 221, Weston, Ont, M9N 3M7 COMING EVENTS PHYSICAL CONDITIONING, .Asthmatic Children, 5 to 14 years. Public health Office, Clinton. Eight sessions, 10 a, m. Saturdays, beginning April 6, 1974. Doctors consent required. A Christmas Seal Service cond- ucted by Mrs. Carol Bowker. • YOU ARE INVITED to hear a 40 voice Male Choir, from Leamington Mennonite Church this Sunday evening, March 31, at 8 p.m, The service will be in Emmanuel United Church, Zurich, and is sponsored by the Zurich Mennonite Church. 13-b ZURICH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE will meet on Monday, April 1, at 8 p.m. at Hay Township Hall. Miss Jane Pengilley, Home Economist will speak on the "Metric System': As this is the annual meeting, the el- ection of officers for 1974-75 will be held. All interested ladies are welcome. 13-b HULLY GULLY Mar. 30 -Roger Quik and The Rainbows Apr. 6 - Ray's Commancheros Apr. 7 - Bunny Bundle Enduro Apr.12 - 1-Iuily Gully Bayfield Bayfield Lion's Club canoe race. Apr.12 - Roger Quik and The Rainbows DANCE, sponsored by the Intermediate Hockey Club, on Friday, April 5, Music by "Desjardine's Orchestra': Ham smorgasbord lunch. Tickets $3.00 a person. 13-14-b FARM SOLD Auction Sale ON SATURDAY APRIL 6 at 1 P.M. for MRS. LUCILLE AYOTTE Lot 13, Con 11, Stephen Township, 2 miles west, 1/2 mile north of CREDITON, Ontario. Featuring tractors, new grav- ity box, farm machinery, some furniture and antiques, , TRACTORS: - Allis Chalmers Model C, recently overhauled with stuffier and bean puller, Massey Harris #30. FARM MACHINERY: - New Turnco 180 bus. gravity box and heavy duty chassis wagon, Kongskilde 9 1/2 ft. cultivator Irtt. Model 36 Super Chief, 3 furrow 14 inch 3 PTH, Int, 15 run double disc fertilizer drill, 9 ft. land roller, Massey Harris 8 1/2 ft cultivator, Massey Harris 4 bar siderake. Fairbanks morse hammer mill, Hay loader wagon with 16 ft. flat rack, manure spreader, George White threshing machine on rubber, 6 inch drive belt, bean thresh- ing machine sold for iron, fan- ning mill with motor, platform scales, grain binder (Int), 28 plate dou ble disks, 2 furrow trail plow, spray motor sprayer with pump, root pulper, buzz saw, emery with motor, vise, 1952 Dodge truck sells as is, 2 old cars for scrap, trailer mower, water trough, 1/2 inch THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974 electric drill and bits, fence stretchier, electric cattle clip- pers, burdizzoes, 3 sections harrows, 50 ft. plastic 3/4 inch hose, forks and shovels, other items found on a farm, Block and tackle, approx. 100 bales hay, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS:- Large chrome table with 6 chairs excellent condition, step stool, baby buggy and play pen, tri - light lamp, high chair, new heat bulbs, sealers, ANTIQUES & COLLECTORS ITEMS:- 5 parlor press back chairs with matching nursing rocker, hand made spindle baby cradle, sewing machine, copper boiler, assortment of crocks 1, 2, 3, and 4 gal, capac- ity, barrel churn, iron kettle, picture frames, antique back and forth water pump used for tank filling in steam engine days, buggy, cutter, farm trail- er and stock rack with old Buick axle and 21 inch wheels with wooden spokes, wheels spokes and tires in real good condition. TERMS OF SALE - CASH MRS. LUCILLE AYOTTE, OWNER Percy Wright AUCTIONEER KIPPEN, Ont. 262-5515 Consumers' Association of Canada reminds motorists to periodically inspect the seat belts in their cars. Sections of the webbing that make regular contact with metal hardware should be examined carefully. Continued abrasion at such vital points can weaken the fabric, Tuckersnli ih Municipal Telephone System requires Linesman Applications will be received by the undersigned for the pos- ition of full-time Linesman, for the Tucl<ersmith Municipal Telephone System. Duties to consist of installat- ions, maintenance, and some office work. Experience would be a benefit, but not essential. Salary to be negotiated with the commission. OMERS pension plan avail- able. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary -treasur- er by APRIL 10, 1974. MEL GRAHAM Secretary -treasurer Brucefield, Ontario. r i r r 6 i r ATH'WEL.L'S i 6' 6 i r i r l i i r r I • To be held for GERRITT ZONDAG •i CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT 6 1 1/2 miles west of Zurich and 5 miles north or 5 miles south of • Bayfield, turn left, follow signs, on 6 r WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 f TRACTORS: - 4000 Ford Diesel, P, S. weights and pulley r 765 hrs., 1 year old. , John Deere 510 Diesel, 890 hrs. c/w No 37, J.D. Loader. EQUIPMENT:- Gehl 2 ton mixall, 3 screens; J.D. 3 PTH, r 14" 3 furrow trip bottom plow; J.D. 8 ft cultivator on rubber, i new teeth; J.D. 2 row 3 PTH corn planter; Allied 10 ft. cultivator 3 PTH; Calsa 3 PTH field sprayer, 50' of high e presser hose; Int. 3 PTH 7 ft. mower; Case PTO 135 bu. man- ure spreader; McCormick 3 bar side rake; McCormick 32 r plate trail disc; Case 4 bar side rake; Case 3 furrow 3 PTH 12" bottom plow; Dearborn 28 plate trail disc and 2 row cultivator; three 5 ton wagons and two 15' flat racks; Massey Harris 10' pull type swather; 8 section diamong har- ,rows and steel stretchers; eminent 3 PTH fertilizer spreader; r Gehl 10" hammermill, belt driven; George White 9" post hold auger; Dunham Lehr 7 ft. scraper blade; George White r cutting box, 40° pipe; farm trailer with stack racks. e MISCELLANEOUS:- Ritchie heated water bowl (new), cattle head gate; mineral feeder; cattle oiler; Sunbeam cattle clippers; cattle dehorners; Warner feed cooker; fans; 200' 3/4" plastic pipe; 200 jute bags; six sheets 14' steel r roofing (new); two electric fences; electric lawn mower; jacks, shovels, lumber and many many more items, 2 garage i doors. Hay - 175 bales first cut Straw - 500 bales i Silage - 75 ton Sixty-one head of yearling western heifers. FURNITURE - Chesterfield and chair, 5 pc. kitchen o suite; 5 dining room chairs and many many more items. r TERMS - CASH e FARM SOLD e RATHWELL'S 6 • AUCTION SERVICE i r j AUCTIONEERS & LIQUIDATORS SRUCEFIELD - 482-3120