HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-02-14, Page 15THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1974 RCSS Board (continued from page 1) Trustee Fatah Celebration on February 17. As many trustees as possible will attend the annual Ontario Separate School Trustee: Association Convention in Tor- onto on April 4 and 5. The Board's conventions committee will bring a list of 1974 convent- ions and recommendations about the number of trustees to attend them at the next meeting. Trustee Gordon Ball for the Personnel Committee said they would be meeting soon with the custodians in the HPRCSS system Howard Shantz, with Pat Carty as an alternate, was ap- pointed as the board's represent- ative to the Recreation and Community Services sub-comm- itteeof Stratford City Council. In other business, the board decided not to waive their pres- ent policy of charging a fee for the use of gym facilities at St. Mary's in Goderich, as re- quested by the Goderich United Soccer Club. The Property Committee rep- orted that Ed Rowland, HPRCSS co-ordinator of plant and maint- enance facilities, has been auth orized to have field tile install- ed at the Board's Goderich St. E. property in Seaforth. Carpet installation and tiling at St. Joseph's School. Clinton has been completed by Goderich Manufacturing at a cost of $910.18. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 4SIIWOOD and DISTRICT NEWS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Citizenship and World Affairs group was in charge of the February meeting of Dash- wood Women's Institute with Mrs. Mervyn Tieman convener and chairlady and the husbands and 4-H girls as special guests. Members answered the roll call "What I have learned from a New Canadian. Mrs. Irvin Rade commented on the motto, "World Affairs are our Affairs. Club No one of the 4-H girls presented a skit, cooking in a Pioneer kitchen. Club No two commented on a display of Dan ish food with Kathy Becker and Sue Anne Schroeder speak- ers. Mrs. Gordon Bender, presid- ent, welcomed everyone and gifts were presented to Patricia Bender for completing 12 proj- ects; Wendy Beaver, Laurie Becker, and Maureen Hartman for completing six projects. The leaders were also given token for their fine work with Sleeping pills should be used with care, reminds Consumers' Association of Canada. The body develops partial tolerance after ten nights. After three months of regular use tolerance is complete. The bad sleeper then increases the dose and tol- erance again develops. As the nightly dose approaches a lethal quantity, accidents and even deaths result and after a long period of use, !NOR GA tip FS 8-9 9-10 10-11:30 11:30-1 1-2:30 2:30-4 a.m. House a.m. Atoms League vs Hensall vs Thedford Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader the girls. Stanley Haist and Jack Gais- er entertained with duets and guitar. David Brooks of South Huron High School and his wife spoke on their trip to England and gave first hand information on conditions in that country. They were thanked by Mrs. Harold Kellerman and present- ed gifts. The Institute will sponsor two euchres in February. Mrs. Louella Tiernan had the misfortune to fracture her wrist last week in a fall. The choir of Grand Bend Unit- ed Church met at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Love, Friday January 8. Following an even- ing of singing a former member who moved to Parkhill, Miss Eleanor Sharpe was presented a gift. Mrs. Hilda Haugh, Mrs. Ray VanDorsselaer and Susan spent the weekend at Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family. FIREMEN'S BANQUET The volunteer firemen and their wives were guests at the annual firemen's supper sponsor- ed by the village at the comm- unity centre, Wednesday, Feb- ruary 6, and catered to by the W.I. Special guests were the Reeves of Hay and Stephen, Joe Hoffam and Joe Dietrich, as well as the fire -chief of Zurich, Leo Meidinger. They all brought greetings and well wishes also PAGE 15 thanking the men for their excellent work. A social even- ing followed with dancing to the music of "Country Unlimited." Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and Mr. and Mrs. John Snider, Brantford, have returned from an enjoyable trip to Florida. While there, they visited with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Bruce of Windsor who are vacationing at New Port Richey. Miss Sharon Rader, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader. THE DOMINION HOTEL ZURICH PROUDLY PRESENT,' GORD HARRISON and THE 'HARBOURLITES' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 CNN 1971 CHEV IMPALA Custom 2 -door hardtop, automatic, V-8, power brakes, power steering. Licence D.D0562 1972 MERCURY MARQUIS 2 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, vinyl top, electric defogger. Licence FKD254 ' 2235 2995 1971 FORD LTD 2 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steer- ing, power windows, power seat, speed control, trailer package. Licence DFU208. 1972 CHEV BELAIR V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, vinyl roof, radio. Licence DDE094 1970 COUGAR V-8, 3 -speed, stan- dard transmission, radio, styled wheels. a.m. Bantams vs Stoneybrook p.m. Figure Skating p.m. Midgets vs Huron Park p.m. Peewees vs Goderich 1972 DODGE CHARGER 318 V-8, automatic, power steering, radio, vinyl roof. Licence DDP045 1971 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. Licence DTM571. 1970 GALAXIE 500 2 -door hardtop, V -automatic, power brakes, power steering, black vinyl roof. Licence FKD590 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, certified transportation. Licence DJK832 ECONOMY CARS '2555 2495 '2195 '2195 '2395 9895 ' 195 WAGON SPECIALS 1970 FORD RANCHWAGON 6 passenger, V-8, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio. Licence DFW732 9695 1969 LTD SQUIRE WAGON 6 passenger, V-8, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, steel belted tires. Licence FHS955 9895 1970 METEOR MONTCALM 10 - passenger Wagon, power brakes, power steering, V-8, automatic, radio, roof rack. Licence DHB301 '1195 TRUCKS 1971 FORD BRONCO WAGON 302 V-8, radio, certified. Needs paint and body work. Licence C26082 '7195 1969 CHEV FLEETSIDE Pickup, 350 V- 8, automatic, radio, rear bumper, bucket seats. Licence C26298 '1795 1968 FORD STYLESIDE pickup, V-8, standard transmission, rear bumper. Licence C17863 1969 VOLKSWAGEN Notchback, $ 1495 automatic, radio. Licence DFY547 1955 GMC 6 -wheel drive stake dump, automatic. A steal at ADMISSION: $1.00 good for all Minor games. remember ... It's Sense To See Snider's 7 PM Rec League All -Stars vs Zurich Flyers Sponsored by the ZURICH MINOR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION '2295 MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Open Week days Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00