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Zurich Citizens News, 1974-02-07, Page 9
tAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 9 Whats new at Hurinview With the lifting of the quar- antine on Monday morning, programs during the week were back on schedule.. Marie Flynn of Clinton assist- ed Mary Taylor, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins to provide the Old Tyme Music for Monday's get-together, along with vol- unteers from the Clinton Christ- ian Reform church . The Blyth W.I. were hosts on Wednesday for the January Birthday Party. The twenty-six celebrants were presented with gifts following the program. Mrs. John Hesselwood, Presid- ent of the Institute was M.C. for the afternoon and introduced the following members: a sing- song led by Mrs. Campbell accompanied by Mrs. Richmond coval solos by Debbie Hicks accompanied by Mrs. McDoug- all; Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Fal- coner showed coloured slides of places of interest in the Blyth area and across Canada. Gaily decorated cup cakes and tea were served to 150 residents and guests by the ladies. Norman Speir one of the celebrants thanked those responsible for the party. Jim Lawrie of Blyth arranged and introduced a special Bobbie Burns program for "Family Night" on January 24. Mrs. Nor- ma Daer was piano accompan- ist for the evening with dance numbers by Karen Glousher, Kim Craig and Pat Stackhouse; songs by Bill and Mary Marsh, harmonica selections by Lloyd Waidem, Harvey McDowell and Jim Lawrie. Administrator, Mr. Archibald, a patriot of Robbie Burns thanked the enter- tainers on behalf of everyone. The Rythm Band from Goder- ich Phsychiatric Hospital with Gordon Harrison as leader and piano accompanist provided the "Family Night" program. Shorty Munro M.C. for the evening introduced the numbers which included selections by the band, vocal solos and duets, marimba solos, a mouth organ and violin trio and the charlston. Zatiohnimukiiite .CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY,FEBRUARY 10 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a., . - Sun Church School MEDITATION - In the shade and in the sun- shine With the joy and with the pain Lord, I trust Thee! both are needed, Each thy wayward child to train. EVERYONE WEttCOlyiE UMW Jnunanue1 United Church ZURICH REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A SUPPLY MINISTER. Mrs. Milton °each, Organist SUNDAY,FEBRUARY 10 10:00 a.m.- Sunday School 11:00 a. in. - Worship Service Sermon Subject - "A Charm Against Vampires." Feb. 7 - 2 p.m. U.C.W. will meet at the church. 'EVERYONE WELCONlig Buyfieldhousing sur �f n (bylviilvena Erickson) Bayfield council were happy to accept a $100. cheque from Ontario Housing Corporation on Monday evening, February 4, al their regular meeting, to bind the agreement to purchase the land adjacent to the Municipal Building for the Senior Citizens 17 -unit housing project. Several letters were received and included one from Archie Couper, in regards to the vill- age removing a badly damaged tree on the boulevard adjacent to his property; and also a re- quest from Fred Weston with the same problem. Attention will be given these requests. A letter from Dry Dock Mar- ina stated they would be pleas- ed to submit plans in person to council for the new develop- ment of their operation. Letters from William Herold and Blue Anchor Investments, with question pertaining to the waste disposal by-law; request- ing all correspondence to be sent to an address in St. Thomas and also requesting copies of all reports of regular and special council meetings for December 1973 and up to January 23, 1974 were read. A letter from the Huron County Plowmens Association requesting a grant to assist in hosting the 1978 Plowing Match was considered and the sum of $10. was approved for forward ing. A letter from Ontario Good Roads stated they would particularly welcome ladies to their convention this month and noted that Monday, February 25, will be a seminar for coun- cillors. A letter from the Ministry of Treasury and Economics with enclosed Planning Act amend- ments was read. A letter from the Department of Transportat- ion and Communications in Stratford stated they had receiv- Kipper News Mrs. Elzar Mousseau has been moved from Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital to Victoria Hospital London. Mr. Ross Broadfoot is a pat- ient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Iackwell, L.O. Pastor SUNDAY,FEBRUARY 10 10:00 a.m.— `;' ° oarship Service 10:45 a.m.—.ua y Church School Ev Welcome issamsioasonsasacommanannamis 6AKEVIEW CONSUVATIV■ MERLIN BENDER, Pastor SUNDAY,FEBRUARY 10 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Worship Service 8 p.m.- Su ay Evening service Some books inform; some ref- orm; The Bible transforms Read it to be wise; believe it to be safe Practice it to be Holy t *wry Wednesday Ilinenin0 it 00 pms,--Bible'Study and Prayer Meeting iltr irate yeas to warthdp .,; :ib ed the letter and sketch from the village requesting a flash- ing signal on Highway 21, and had forwarded the request to the London office for their attention. In other business the villagers are reminded that they are no longer permitted to dump their waste in the dumping grounds they were customarily using. It was brought to the attention of council that considerable damage is occuring to the stop signs in the village, and there- fore anyone found damaging these signs will be prosecuted. Council passed a by-law to auth- orize the County Area Weed Inspector to enforce the Weed control Act in and for the Mun- icipality of Bayfield. The council passed a motion regarding the Waste Disposal Site agreement subject to approval of the village solicitor and passed a motion to accept the lowest tender of Lavis Cont- racting, Clinton, for H.L. 4 -hot mix asphalt at $11.95 per ton. Other tenders included Towland, London, at $23.00 per ton and. Yundt, Stratford at $14.60 per ton. They also accepted the tender submitted by Lavis Contracting, Clinton, for five -eighth inch crushed gravel at $1.79 per cubic yard. This was the only gravel tender received. It was noted that plastic cont- ainers as well as metalic recept• icles, no heavier than 60 pound; would be permitted for house- hold waste, for garbage collect- ion. Council also thanked several visiting villagers who sat in at the meeting, and took interest in the proceedings. Varna The United Church Women of Varna United Church catered to a banquet for the Brucefield Oddfellows and their wives on Wednesday night, January 30., with 59 in attendance. The Oddfellows then proceeded to the church sanctuary for their program. Varna Orange Lodge held a bowling party Friday night last with 30 in attendance and were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster at their home afterwards. Reception of new members and sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be held in Varna United Church this coming Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCly- mont have left this community to take up residence in Clinton. utt-inaI{e ...®.®.®....®®.AT EASY—ON—THE—BUDGET PRICES! NABOB 3/4 oz. pkgs. reg. 910, SPECIAL Orange Crystals5/614 PONY TAIL Westons Bread 3/89(: CORDON BLEU 25 oz. reg. 77¢ 5 lb box Stews 694 Detergent ABC $1.49 McCORMICKS chocolate eclaires SPECIALS STRAWBERRY & RASPBERRY 24 oz Cookies 20 oz. prepaid .890 79C COLGATE 32 oz Vachon Jam 694 SCI-INEIDERS CHEESE or 12 oz tin Palmolive Liquid 99c Smoked Snak 594 HARD SKINNED - SHANK HALF Fully Cooked HamLB89; FAMILY PACK - LOIN ESSEX RTNJ)LESS Pork Chops LB 99Bacon COIL POLISII FRESH HOME-MADE Sausage LB $9` Sausage STORE SLICED Cooked Ham B `i ©39 Cottag SWEET PICKLED SUGAR PLUM - WHOLE or HALF Pully Co LB 99c LB 9 0UUs LB89c rearrastaxmaterealurammtasermoncsamsaamesavasssmala LB CI I IQ U ITA BANANAS' 2LB25 CALIFORNIA NO 1. - STALKS CELERY ' U.S. NO. - 3 LB BAG CARROTS 2 BAGS 6 5 Winner Of Last Week's Draw; Cecil Lovie, Grand Bead •eciatmaleoll 9 FREE DRAW FREE DRAW FREE DRAW FREE DRAW FREE DRAW FREE I With every purchase of $5. 00 or more, just coupon, drop it into our Store, and have a NAME fill out this chance EEKLY DRAW FOR $25 MERCHANDISE rassratellaMagraterrarecemuricalecaeracestatulnetrensaaso 0 w ADDRESS rattnamoraminvalealwelswassomaxammomi 011 our Mni0 33Jd MV J0 33U3 MV 10 3].d MVUO 33dd Md3O 3333 IRRISERVE Th MGR ?f0 10111/41040018a5:. Monday to Thursday 8 am to 6 pm: Friday 8 am to 9 pm Saturday 8 am to 7 pm THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238-2512 - GRAND BEN oI T. rn m m CD TI. rn m m