HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-02-07, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1974
Common varieties
odd color ti
winter garden
Winter gardens can seem
pretty dull and drab after the
bright, colorful displays of
flowers and leaves that we
enjoy in the summer. But there
are many common plants avail-
able that are colorful during boll
the winter and summer.
Some have an attractive baric
color, such as the bright reds or
golds of the Dogwoods. Or, they
may have both colorful bark
and fruit such as the flowering
crabs or Russian sandthorn.
If you like birds in your winter
garden, the fruit on some of our
ornamental trees provides exc-
client feed and attracts many
Many more examples of color-
ful plants can be seen as you
drive through the countryside.
Take note of the plants that
show up against the drab winter
landscape. Even the commonly
used evergreens can, if strategic"
ally placed, improve your wint-
er garden.
Make a point of picking out
the ones you like best this wint-
er and use these in your plans
for spring. Any of these colorful
additions will help keep your
garden alive during future wint-
er months.
On tire guarantees, mileage k
on a pro -rata basis. If your
40,000 -mile tire wears out
after 30,000 miles, you get
credit for 10,000 miles toward
a new tire,
Water level in the battery
should be checked every two
or three weeks, though it may
need water only once every
few months.
Radial tires offer less
resistance on the highway, thus
improving gas mileage.
However, they do not resist
sidewall bruising as well as
other tires.
Most areas apply the same
traffic laws to bicycle riders as
to motorists.
One reason for trading
early: after five years,
may run into unexpected
expensive repairs.
Before your old car starts costing more
than it's worth, choose a new model at
Larry Sniders. A wise expenditure is
good economy.
tarry Snider
EXETER 235.1640
LONDON 227-4191
Huron Cwinty's Largest
Ford Dealer
Drive in soon!
Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader
There were 20 tables in play
Tuesday, January 29, at the
euchre party sponsored by the
Dashwood Women's Institute
at the community centre.
Winners were; ladies high, Mrs.
Jean Walper; low, Gloria Adk-
ins; men's high, Wes Watson;
low, Pat Masse; lone hands,
Mrs. Sid Baker.
Mrs. Hilda Rader and her
travelling companion, Mrs.
Annie Finkbeiner, Zurich,
have returned home following
a two-week bus tour to Florida .
Places of interest visited,
were Cedar Springs, Busch
Gardens, St. Petersburg, where
they attended the dog races,
Miami, Daytona Beach, Mar-
ine Land, Disney World, Cyp-
rus Gardens, St. Augustine and
Smokey Mountains. They enjoy•
ed fine weather until they reach
ed Detroit on the homeward
journey when the snow started
and stayed with them all the
way to Dashwood. They really
enjoyed their trip.
Pastor Morgret was at Memph-
is, Tennessee, last week due
to the serious illness of his fath-
er, Dr. Frank Morgret, who is
® oma■
now in improved health.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Miller and girls, Zion.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray VanDorsselaer and
Susan were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Rader, Philip and Fern Diehl,
Stratford, and Mrs. I-lilda Haugh
Twenty-two people from the
Stratford District Lutheran
Churches who were attending the
winter weekend at Grand Bend
attended the morning service at
Zion Lutheran Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jeffrey and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lesperance,
mem 0511M2111111111 mee®
Zurich, have returned home
from a two week vacation spent
in Florida. They spent one week
on Singer Island touring places
of interest including Disney
World on their way home.
The quarterly meeting of
Zion Lutheran Women's Miss-
ionary League was held Wed-
nesday, January 30. Mrs. Del-
mar Miller had as the topic,
"Evangelism." Life is a three
legged stool -lips, life and love,.
The ladies plan a tupperware
party for February.
A tree will be planted in the
cemetery as a centennial proj-
ect. A prayer meeting is plan-
ned for March.
Top Quality
Government Inspected
Beef 9$ LB
Beef 99LB
includes cutting,
wrapping & freezing
(prices subject to change)
Free Delivery
Within 10 Mile
Grant McGregor
Phone 262-5839
Dourstauta mum= svistataSt =NM
The income tax help system
and how to make it work for you.
As you know by now, we changed a lot of things last
year. We gave you a new return, a new Guide, several new
deductions and a few new rules. And quite honestly, we were
more than a little concerned about your reaction to it all.
(And very, very interested in your opinions.)
Well, now that we've had time to really look back at it
and assess it honestly, it appears that most taxpayers did
not seem to find it too difficult. The error rate did not ac-
celerate greatly or change drastically from former years.
Generally, most taxpayers seemdd to handle their new
returns fairly well.
However, Income Tax will never be the easiest or most
enjoyable thing in anyone's life. And it will always present
problems in some areas, for some people. That's expected
and understandable.
So. What we want to do now is really work on those
problem areas. And the best way to do that is to work with
you, individually, on whatever part of Income Tax that causes
you difficulty.
And that's what April Aid is all about. It's a help system
and its primary objective is to ensure that whenever or
whatever you need help with, you can get it. And know how
to get it.
tacos[ And this is how it
u oc works:
First. Your Guide is always the
best answer when you have a problem.
Read it. Follow it. It not only gives explana-
tions, but in many cases, examples of just
how to figure something out.
111811011198 afaitalalfas
• Second. If you're still confused or something just
doesn't seem to work, phone. The number of your
' own District Taxation Office is below and at the
end of that numberthere are people whose only job is to help
taxpayers with problems, by telephone. And on Mondays and
Tuesdays phone lines are open 'til 6 p.m. So don't hesitate.
If you live outside the office area, call the Operator and
ask for Zenith 0-4000. She will automatically connect you to
your own District Taxation Office. Remember, all calls are
free, all questions are answered, and if you have queries, we
want you to call.
Third. Some people prefer to talk things over in
person. If you're one of them and have problems,
drop by for free help. Anytime. The address of your
District Taxation Office is below.
Fourth. Write. To the address below. Explain your
• problem as clearly as possible and include all in-
,' "
n -,,_
formation. (And your return address, please.) In
return, we'll answer all letters as quickly and clearly as
possible. Remember— if you need help, it's there. (And free).
And all you have to do is ask.
April Aid.
The Income Tax help system.
Let's make it work for you.
National Revenue Bldg., 166 Frederick St., Kitchener,
Ont. N2H 2M4-579-6060
misigsto mom SUM= MIMI 11111
nget it
® Revenue Canada
Robert Stanbury. Minister
Revenu Canada
Robert Stanbury, ministre