HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-01-24, Page 9THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 9 Emmanuel Women Greetings for the New Year were offered by Mrs. Elwood Truemner as she led the devot- ional period and read a poem "God's Gifts." Mrs. Herb Desj- ardine read scripture and Mrs. I Consitt gave a reading concern- ing New Beginnings, which she followed with prayer. Mrs. M. Pask read a poem "A Friend." Mrs. Delbert Geiger favoured with a piano solo, and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien assisted as she led the group in learning a song -- O! It is Wonderful. Mrs. Merano Steckle presented the study topic "Two of a_Kind." The Hymn, "Amazing Grace" was sung and the offering rec- eived and dedicated. Mrs. Leroy O'Brien took charge of the business meeting. Mrs. Dori Rawlings was welcom- ed as a new member of the group It was reported that the tape recorder had been purchased and will be available for use among the shut-ins of the congregation. Group members were asked to consider projects appropriate to the celebration of the centenn- ial of the congregation. Past president Ethel Gabel received the annual reports of the year just past. Lunch was served during the social hour following the meet- ing. 0 Install (continued from page 1) first Wednesday of each month, and the regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month. At the same meeting Dr. C.J. Wallace was appointed as the Chamber of Commerce represent- ative on the board of directors of Bluewater Rest Home. Viromermultattatenomemsepsomm imurich Moot CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY,JANUARY 27 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a., . - Sun Church School Jan. 25 - 8 p.m. G.M.S.C. MEDITATION - Christ has for sin stonement made I praise Him for the cleansing blood. He cleansed my heart from all its sin He walks beside me all the way. What a wonderful Saviour. EVERYONE WETiCO IIMINMINIMPROMMIRWOUNNIVERtm Emmanuel United Church ZURICH REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A SUPPLY MINISTER. Mrs. Milton O*srch, ()monist SUNDAY,JANUARY 27 10:00 a.m.- Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service We are now tape recording our church services. If you would like to hear this recording of the services, in your own home, please phone Mrs. Allan Gascho, or the minister. 'EVERYONE WELCO'1' Golden Glimpses .. Usually the winter months brings us at least once ice storm, so perhaps the past week- end combined the ice with the January thaw. Agood many people were inconvenienced and slightly chilled by the power failure, but here, with the aid of the generator, everyone stay- ed cozy and warm. Monday evening was our usual film night after which refresh- ments were enjoyed. On Tues- day morning, Mr. Wein, of Exeter, paid his monthly visit to the dining -room and our residents gathered around the piano and enjoyed an hour of singing, On Tuesday evening, the Ladies of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, sponsored the monthly birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Deichert and family provided several numbers of old tyme music. Piano duets were rendered by Sandra and Michael Coleman and Margie Deichert, Julie and Peter Miller, Susan Reichert, Martha Klopp and Vicki and Kelli Schroeder. We wish to thank all who took part in the program and all who assisted. I hope I have not miss- ed the names of any of the child- ren taking part on this occasion. Residents celebrating birthdays during the month of January are Mrs, Lena McIntosh, Mrs. Han- nah Talbot, Mr. Moses Erb, Mr. Elmer Lawson, Mr. Allan Pick- ard and Mr. Foy Desjardine. Gifts were distributed, courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary, Follow - 112®o® St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rom A. C. Blackwell, B.A.; B.D. Pastor SUNDAY,JANUARY 27 IO:GO a.m.—Worship Serries 1045 SchooCh Wed. January 30 - ANNUAL MEETING Everyone Welcome ate. niammomminonumsomommoomm {,AKRVIR* ecNSIRVATIVR Momoiite Church MERLIN BENDER, Pastor SUNDAY,JANUARY 27 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m - Worship Service 8 p.m.- Sunday Eventing Service Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow? Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb? Mase, Woirandey Rvonino .--. ite�10 p• -Minta ' and PinYor DIeet11>R NW**. w*i. You to wortiii witk ing the program, a delicious lunch was enjoyed. On Thursday afternoon, the residents enjoyed organ music and a sing song with Mrs. Len- ora Turkheim presiding at the organ. On Friday evening bingo was enjoyed. The Ladies Auxiliary have made an attractive Valentine Box which will be placed in the foyer. There will be a valentine party sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary on February 13, at which time the box will be open- ed. If anyone wishes to send a valentine to any of our residents, they may place it in the box anytime prior to the party. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the fam- ily of the late Mr. Harold Gower, formerly of Crediton. The Sunday evening chapel service was cancelled due to the inclement weather. HAZARDOUS VAPOURS Consumers' Association of Canada advises parents to heed the warning of the Department of Consumer and Corporate Af- fairs which recently banned a toy consisting of plastic in a solvent mixture. By putting the plastic on the end of a short tube and blowing, a child can make balloons. But blowing exposes the child to vapours which can have a depressant effect. CAC urges parents to dispose of these toys should their children already have them. 0 Under Canada's new beef grading system, beef is assess- ed according to three factors, maturity, quality and meat yield, reports Consumers' Ass- ociation of Canada. CHINA LILY - 10 OZ PIECES & STEMS Mushrooms 35t BEEF or IRISH 24 OZ Schneider's Stew 59C HEINZ 48 OZ Tomato Juice 53 CLUB HOUSE Olives, 12 oz ASSORTED 1 1/2 LB BAG Kerr's Candies HEINZ 14 OZ Pork & Beans 83Z 714 2/55 JACK'S 9 OZ Reg 690 POTATO Chips 2/1 1 MAXWELL HOUSE 10 OZ JAR INSTANT Coffee BEG $2.399.89 SCOTT 200's Reg 490 FACIAL Tissue 2/79' 1 U.S. NO1 AGE HEAD LETTUCE 29 LB PACK CELLO RADISHES 39 CANADA NO 1 CARROTS CHIQUITA BANANAS 2 LB 29 LB 14U STORE SLICED Cooked Han' LBS 1.59 FRESH Chicken Legs LB 79c FRESH Chicken Breasts LB 896 COUNTRY STYLE Fryer Parts LB 63` NO 1 BY -THE -PIECE Essex Bologna SWEET PICKLED ottage Rolls LB LB 9` 9' FRESH HOME-MADE SAUSAGE 9R LB SELECT - WHOLE PORK LOINS im LB Winner Of Last Week's Draw; Mrs. Larry Regier, RR2, Zurich I FREE DRAW FREE DRAW FREE DRAW FREE DRAW FREE DRAW FREE I � I Q With every purchase of $5. 00 or more, just fill out this c coupon, drop it into our Store, and have a chance on our 1: I w WEEKLY DRAW FOR S25 &. m l r r nC11/l LID T S r m of D m PciI m m NAM ca w ADDRESS u.MV O 3321.E Mb2i0 33UJ MVH 3321.1 MVU0 .110.,11.1MIM ,omeme-.w ®,-® talsaleinsmat IMAISKOme 33b3 MHO 3313 . ..•RIVI.• MN" 1A/I RESERVE TIS RIGiii TA bli! # IR I Monday to Thursday 8 am to 6 pm; Friday 8 am to 9 pm Saturday 8 am to 7 pm THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238-2512 — GRAND BEND