HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-12-06, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1973 FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, well locat- ed in the Village of Zurich. - Contact Allan Gascho, 236- 4320. 48-p GEORGE WHITE AUGER type Snow Blower, 6 feet wide, in good condition. Call Stephen Gingerich, 236-4183. 49-50-p 1968 FALCON FORD, automatic 6 cylinder. In good condition. Call 236-4975. 49-50-p 1971ALOUETTE G.T., 27 H.P. new clutch, new gas tank, serv- iced ready to go. Only $425. or best offer. Phone 236-4768 after 6 p.m, 49-b YOU FOUND IT. your very own - 4 -bedroom brick home on High- way 21 with one acre of land anc garage. Oil furnace, pump and heater. Terrific potential. Small down payment. Owner will take back mortgage. Reasonable rate. For more inf- ormation call Gerrie Gingerich, M. Sirotic Real Estate Ltd., Realtor. 48-h ROASTERS - oven-ready, goverr, ment inspected. Also squash, carrots, Spanish onions, eggs, etc. - Bill Rammallo , Dash- wood, 237-3228. 49-50-b POTATOES, SPANISH ONIONS, turnips and cabbage. - Arnold VandenBoomen, on highway 84 east of Zurich - Phone 236- 4038. 38-tf USED TYPEWRITERS- Many models to choose. Priced from $39.95 to $125, Help the students to better marks. Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672. tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED - large fancy cast iron stove. Box or pot belly. In good condition. Phone Clin- ton 482-9838. 49-b MISCELLANEOUS GIVE THE GIFT that gives 12 times a year, any magazine, anytime, anywhere. - Davies Agency, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, 262-2278. CHRISTMAS DRAW - One ticket for every dollar purchase. Draw to be made on Christmas Eve at 6 p.m. - OESCH SHOE STORE, Zurich. 49-tfn DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION Air Conditioners, Freezers SALES & SERVICE MAX'S TV AND APPLIANCES GRAM BEND 238.2493 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES ..&. • SERVICE FOR AIL MAKES BOB PECK 3tJRICH ONT, Floss ttansaii 2112-S78. COMING EVENTS THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hosp- ital, Exeter, on Monday, Dec- ember 10, 1973 from 9:30 a, m. to 11:30 a, m. for: NOTE: SECOND EXETER CHILD HEALTH CLINIC IS CANCELLED FOR DECEMBER. 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision Testing. 49-b HULLY GULLY Dec. 8 - Gord Harrison and The Harbourlites. (SOLD OUT) Dec. 15 - Christmas Caper "Star Trex" (Tickets available) 22 - Roger Quik and the Rainbows. Dec. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of MENNO MARTIN, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 6th day of August, 1973, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be- fore the 17th day of December,, 1973, after which date the assets will be distributed, having reg- ard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd day of November, 1973. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. SERVICES OFFERED HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich, has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamond wedding rings. Watches clocks, cuckoo clocks, barom- eters. Cardinal watches, sold by jewellers only, are $10,95 up. For a $1.00 purchase win a free ladies or gents watch - Draw on Christmas Eve. 47-tf ' CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing - Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick-up serv- ice available - AL'S SUPER SAVE, - Phone 262-2017. T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Techniciac call GORD BLECK B1uewater Electronics X136-4224 Most big offices today have a machine for destroying private papers, and in the age of ded- uctions, the average pay cheque looks like it has been printed by the shredder. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbours for their visits, cards, treats and prayers while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Father Durand, Father Mooney Catholic Women's League, Dr. Wallace and staff of the hospital. - Mrs. Alex Meidinger - 49-b I would like to thank everyone who remembered me with visits, cards and gifts while I was a patient in St. Joseph Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Grainger and all other Doctors who att- ended to me and Father Finn, Fattier Tony and Father I3enn- setre, and to all the nurses of the 4th floor. It was greatly appreciated. - Mrs. Louis Ayotte. - 49-p The family of the late Robert Simpson wish to thank the neigh- bours of both homes for their thoughtfulness and comforting words; the Westlake Ambulance Service, Dr. O'Connor, Grand Bend, South Huron Hospital, and the staff of emergency at St. Joseph's Hospital, London; those who sent floral tributes and donations to the Dr. John C. Rathburn Foundation, Cancer and Heart Funds; Rev. W.D. Jarvis; the pallbearers and the Bonthron Funeral Home. - Mrs. Robert Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. David Sangster and family. - 49-b IN MEMORIAM' In remembrance of a dear moth- er, Mrs. Adrienne Forcier. Death leaves a heartache noth- ing can heal Memories are treasures, no one can steal To a beautiful life came a sudden end She died as she lived, every - ones friend. She was always thoughtful, loving and kind She left glorious memories behind So treasure her God, in your garden of rest Because she was one of the best -Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by Rachelle. 49-p NOTICE Under authority of the Pounds Act R. S . O. , 1970, Chapter 353, Section 11, 12 the Corporation of the Township of Hay will dispose of one BWF Heifer, by public auction. Auction to be conducted at the farm of Roy Clarke, Con- cession 13, Lot 13, on Wednes- day, December 12th, 1973 at 10:30 a.m. W.C. Horner Clerk CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING' . -- 2 Butchering Day* +— Tuesday — Beef and Peril Frjday —. Pest Cody' ick: up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see - Elm. Guaranteed against' freezer burn. NIERNER'S ABATTOIR *41)4 Dwaine* A modern mother was overheard to say, I„_ always wanted a child with long, blond curls — but I had hoped it would be a girl!” Ilnsura fy et ce scheme wners A veterinary insurance scheme to help pet owners sleet the costs of veterinary care for their animals has been launched by the Ontario Humane Society. VET - I - CARE is the name chosen for the group pet protect- ion plan. Annual cost of the plan is $25. Thii provides protection for vet- erinary fees in excess of $25 and up to $250 for every sickness, disease or injury to the animal, subject to a maximum payable in any policyyear of $1, 000. "Every pet, sooner or later, requires the attention of a veter- inarian, " Society general man- ager Tom Hughes said. "The cost of these services will cont- inue to rise in the future. The treatment of simple injuries and common diseases can easily run into hundreds of dollars ann- ually." Mr Hughes noted that many pet owners, faced with high costs needed to treat an injured pet or make the difficult decision to have the animal humanely dest- :oyed. Such a tragic and unnec- essary possibility would be prev- ented by membership in the group pet plan, he said. Another item included in the plan is a liability clause to protect pet owners against dam- ages awarded as a result of their animal's actions. The plan also provides protection against the high cost incurred by defending a legal action involving a pet. "If a pet runs into the street and causes a traffic mishap the animal owner may well be held responsible in court," Mr. Hughes said. "Courts are awarding inc- reasingly heavy damages against pet owners." Should a pet cause, or be blamed for, any injury or death, the plan will protect the owner against any legal suit up to SECRETARY Applications stating experience references and telephone numb- er should be addressed to: Mr. John H. Stringer, Principal Goder ich District Collegiate Institute 260 South Street Goderich, Ontario Deadline for applications is December 14, 19'73. $100, 000, Pets under six months of age are covered for accident risks only and are automatically covered for all benefits upon reaching the age of six months. The plan does not cover preven- tive care, neutering, cosmetic surgery and irtrprovernents. Animals over eight years old are not eligible. The plan also includes an accidental death benefit of $100 un each pet covered. The prem- ium cost of $25 is for each pet. "This plan is a first for Ontar- io, " Mr. Hughes said. 0 Poinsettias for Christmas When it comes to giving a growing thing at Christmas time, poinsettias, with their brilliant red and green foliage, are a popular choice. This year's crop should be a bumper one, predicts John Hughes, horticult- ural specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Favorable weather conditions during the fall months, as well as the care lavished on these plants by Ontario's green -house growers, bodes well for an ample supply of poinsettias be- fore Christmas. To get the most out of your poinsettia, if one does happen to appear under the tree on Christmas morning, place the plant in a bright area protected from drafts. Test the soil in the plant pot frequently. When it feels dry, water thoroughly. It's important to remove excess wat- er that collects in the recept- acle under the pot after watering To retain those bright red leaves, for as long as possible, try to maintain the humidity level in your house above 50/o. The ideal nightime temperature is 65 degrees, while a daytime temperature of about 72 degrees should add days of brilliance to your poinsettia. Come spring, poinsettias can be plantd in the garden for the summer, where, with proper care, they will grow and "bloom in time for another Christmas. Tree Planting ASSISTANCE The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority will assist watershed landowners in planting trees (minimum 500; maximum 5, 000) with our tractor and tree planter, for a nominal fee of $5, 00 per 1, 000. Obtain applications for seedling stock and planting assistance from Authority office. Trees should be ordered now to en- sure guaranteed delivery for spring planting. For more information contact: Ausable-BayfieId Conservation Author ity Box 459, Exeter Tel: 235-2610