HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-12-13, Page 16PAGE 16 ZURICII CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1973 FOR SALE GEORGE WHITE' AUGER type. Snow Blower, 13 feet wide, in good condition. Call Stephen Ginferich, 28t3-4.183. 49-50-p 1968 FALCON FORD, automatic 6 cylinder. In good condition. Call 236-4075. 40-50-p ROASTERS - oven-ready, govern ment inspected. Also squash, carrots, Spanish onions, eggs, etc. - Bill Rammallo , Dash- wood, 237-3228. 49-50-b POTATOES, SPANISH ONIONS, turnips and cabbage. - Arnold VandenBoomen, on highway 84 east of Zurich - Phone 236- 4038. , 38-tf CHRISTMAS TREES, available from John Consitt or Russell Grainger. Sponsored by Emman- uel United Church men. 50-51-p 1971 SKIROULE 28 H.P. Electric start 375. Phone 236-4922 after 6 p.m. 50-51-p OFFICE DESK, beautiful wood finish, like new. One year old. 22" x 52", For further particul- ars call 262-2124. 50-b CHRISTMAS TREES - 181 King Street West. Hensall, Wedge the Mover. 50-51-b QUALITY USED SNOWMOBILES 1973 Rupp, 340 Nitro; 1973 Chaparral 340, S,S.; 1973 Arctic Cat Cheetah 400; 1973 Ski-doo, 340 Silver Bullet; 1973 Sao -Jet 340, S. S . T. ; 1973 Arctic Cat 292 Lynx. - Hully Gully Sports and Recreat- ion, Varna, - Phone 262-5809. Your authorized Arctic Cat, Chaparral, Rollo -Flex, and Alouette Dealer, USED TYPEWRITERS- Many models to choose. Priced from $39.95 to $125. Help the students to better marks, Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672, tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED - large fancy cast iron stove. Box or pot belly. In good condition. Phone Clin- ton 482-9838. 49-b WOULD LIKE TO BUY two used large sized Girl Guide Uniforms, Also hats and belts to match. - Contact Mrs. Joyce Pepper, 262-2344. 50-p HELP WANTED CASHIER - Experienced cashier with Bookkeeping knowledge. Permanent position for reliable person. Call Garry Masse, 238-2512 for personal interview. 50-b MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU ARE concerned about SMOKER'S POLLUTION AND NON-SMOKER'S rights, please phone or write Huron -Perth Tuberculosis & Respiratory Dis- ease Association, 121 Wellington St., Stratford, Ontario, 271- 7500. 5 0-b CHRISTMAS DRAW - One ticket for every dollar purchase. Draw to be made on Christmas Eve at 6 p.m. - OESCH SHOE STORE, Zurich. 49-tfn BIRTH BLOCK - Barry and Janet are very proud to announce the arrival of a grandson Barry Shawn, for Mrs. Alexine Diet- rich and Grace and Gordon Bloch, on Wednesday, Decemb- er 5, 1973, at Alexander Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. COMING EVENTS FEATHER BINGO - Share -the - Wealth, Friday everting, Dec- ember 14, 8 p.m. Bayfield Community Centre. Sponsored by Bayfield Lions Club. 50-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of MENNO MARTIN, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 6th day of August, 1973, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be- fore the 17th day of December, 1973, after which date the assets will be distributed, having reg- ard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 23rd day of November, 1973. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. SECRETARY An opening exists in our Ad- ministrative Centre for an exp- erienced Secretary. Applications stating experience and references should be forw- arded to this office by Decemb- er 21, 1973 and addressed to: Mr. R.B. Dunlop Superintendent of Business Affairs The Huron County Board Of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario. Stenographer - Accurate Typist - Shorthand Essential Duties to commence first week of January. Direct applications to: J.J. Lane, Business Administ- rator HURON - PERTH COUNTY R.C.S.S. BOARD Box 100 SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK- IWO ItApea T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Techniciar call GORD BLECK Bluewater Electronics *36,-4224 CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank everyone who remembered me with visits, cards and gifts while I was a patient in St. Joseph's IIospital and since returning home. A special thanks to Mrs. Gesell and Mr. WeidQ. - Darl- ene Oesclr. - 50-p IN MEMORIAM McBRIDE - In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Keith, who passed away two years ago December 18, 1971. Somewhere above this troubled world, Safe beyond all grief and care, Our loved one rests in heavenly peace, God grant someday we'll meet him there. - Sadly missed and always rem- embered by his Mother, Sister, Brothers and families.- 50-p SERVICES OFFERED HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich, has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamond wedding rings. Watches clocks, cuckoo clocks, barom- eters. Cardinal watches, sold by jewellers only, are $10.95 up. For a $1. 00 purchase win a free ladies or gents watch - Draw on Christmas Eve, 47-tf ' CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing - Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick-up serv- ice available - AL'S SUPER SAVE, - Phone 262-2017. DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION Air Conditioners, Freezers SALES & SERVICE MAX'S TV AND APPLIANCES GRAND BEND 138.2493 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES ..dc• SERVICE FOR ALL MARES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT. Phone Wendt 262-S74$ CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSIPd — 2 Butcher' rij pays Tueay — Beef and Pork Prjrlay —. Boof Only 14.1 up Service Mailable. We wrap rour meat in see- through Plm. Guaranteed against freezer burn. WERNER'S ABATTOIR .3204 Daelproed MISCELLANEOUS GIVE THE GIFT that gives 12 times a year, any magazine, anytime, anywhere. - Davies Agency, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, 262-2278. FOR SALE GEESE- - Oven -Ready or live. Phone Peter Steckle, 565-5206. 50-p Money is like a sixth sense -- and you can't make use of the other five without it. (Somerset Maugham) COMING EVENTS CHRISTMAS BALL - sponsored by the Zurich Minor Athletic Association, in the Zurich Arena on Friday, December 21, Music supplied by the "Bluetones," Tickets available from any of the members, 50-1-b BOOK-KEEPER REQUIRED for the Tuckersm ith Municipal Telephone System Apply in person, or by applic- ation by December 20, 1973 to MEL GRAHAM Secretary -Treasurer R. R,1, Brucefield 482- 9908 nd The members of the Grand Jury inspected Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, Huron - view, the Registry Office and the Court House on December 4 and found them all to be in reasonably good shape. They found the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital to be in good repairs, well staffed and well maintained. Staff and ad- ministrators, they felt, were quite dedicated to their jobs. The Grand Jury said that the administration was very good at Huronview and that the staff was pleasant and friendly. They felt "every effort is made to make the patients feel well at home." Their only complaint was that the lighting in some corridors was very dim. They felt that by the ap- pearance of the Registry Office they could Ilse more space, but was being kept in good repair. • 0 MO '' DAY DECEMBER 31 ZURICH ARENA `MUSIC BY MOZARTS MELODY MAKERS' HATS '" HORNS ' NOVE•LTIES Limited number of tickets available from members of the Zurich Lions Club, or phone 236-4391 or 236-4092