HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-11-15, Page 1f
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HONOUR DEAD OF TWO WARS - A Remembrance Day Service in Hensel' on Sunday morning
honoured those who gave up their lives in the two World Wars. The top photo shows Harry Horton
left, as he recited the poem, "In Flanders Fields, " with the two Sergeants at Arms for the Legion
Auxiliary, Mrs. Iva Reid and Mrs. Donna Allan, at the right of the photo. The lower photo shows
Bevan Bonthron and Mks. Joanne Bell placing a wreath at the cenotaph for the Hensel]. Kinsmen
and Kinettes, with Sergeant at Arms John Skea and Ernie Davis in the background.
RCSS boar
(by Wilma Oke)
The Huron -Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate School
Board at a meeting in Seaforth
Monday approved paying $200
to the Dublin District Athletic
Association to assist in the
maintenance of the park adjac-
ent to St. Patrick's School in
Dublin which the pupils use as
a playground during the school
The board is initiating an ex-
amination of the schools' health
curriculum. John McCarroll,
the physical education consult-
ant, is co-ordinating this thrust.
He is meeting with the Medical
Officers of Health and the
Public Health Nursing Supervis-
ors of Huron and Perth Counties.
The purpose of these meetings
discuss had! study
is to identify priorities for
health education for children
from Kindergarten to Grade 6.
Following these meetings the
first phase will be to design
workshops for teachers to ident-
ify materials and available
resources. There will be close
collaboration over a period of
time so that an appropriate
curriculum guideline may be
The Board will inform the
Parent Teachers Association at
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
School R. R. 3, Dashwood, that
there is nothing allocated in the
budget for playground equipment
at that school, this year. They
will be told that John McCar-
roll is to prepare a presentation
on playground equipment needed
at all 19 schools in the two
counties early in the new year.
At 7:30 p.m. on November
14 the Stratford members of the
board will attend a meeting in
Stratford along with members
of City Council of Stratford,
Stratford Planning Board, Perth
County Board of Education,
and the Board of Park Manage-
ment to discuss with Harold
Freure, contra,ctor, his concept
of 40 -foot lots in residential
subdivisions, density, heighth
of apartment buildings, etc.
The board granted permission
to John Weichel of the Beacon -
Herald in Stratford to approach
principals of separate schools
in Perth for pupils in Kindergart-
en to Grades 4 or 5 who might
(continued on page 11)
Zurich council name
recreation committeee
The council of the Village of
Zurich have now established
their new Recreation, Commun-
ity Centre and Parks Board,
and at their meeting last week
appointed five men to serve on
the new body. Chairman of the
group is Donald Me, and the
Seve area
On Monday at 7.16 p.m. a
car driven by John Vanderwe:rf,
Winghant skidded out of control
on Highway 21 north of Grand
Bend and collided with a tree.
Damage was estimated at $155
by Constable Bill Lewis.
On Wednesday at 7:10 p.nt.
a car driven by William Pfaff, •
Crediton, collided with a farm
vehicle driven by Wayne K ing,
R.R.-1, Exeter, on the Crediton
Road east of Crediton. Total
damage was estimated at $801
by Constable Dale Lamont.
On Thursday at 10 p.111 • a
car driven by Charles l3rowning
Sr. , Crediton, skidded out of
control on the Crediton Road and
rolled into the ditch. Another
vehicle approaching from the
opposite direction failed to dint
its' lights. Damage was estim-
ated at $2, 000 by Constable
Frank Giffin.
Four collisions occurred on
Friday as area motorists encount-
ered the first snow storm of the
At 1 a. 01. a car driven by
James Morrissey, Crediton,
skidded out of control on the
Crediton Road and collided with
a tree. The driver received min-
or injuries. Damage was estim-
ated at $1, Oen. by Constable
Dale Lamont.
At 12:30 p.nt. a car driven by
Frederick Campbell, Exeter,
skidded out of control on high-
way 4 north of Exeter and struck
a tree. Damage was estimated
at $400 by Constable Al Quinn.
At 0:15 p.m. two cars met in
a head-on collision on highway
4 south of Exeter. Serious inj-
uries resulted as both drivers,
Paul Warwick, Belmont, and
Mary Core, Kincardine, and
passengers in the Core Vehicle,
Beverley Clarke and heather
Bell, both of Kincardine, were
treated at the South Huron Hosp-
(continued on page 2)
Dote set for
The twenty-sixth Annual
Iluron'County 4-1-1 Achievement
Night will be held in the Centra:
Huron Secondary School in
Clinton, on Friday, November
23, commencing at 8:00 p. m.
All Huron County 4-1-1 Agric-
ultural club members who
completed aproject in 1973 will
receive their awards on this oc-
casion, as well as those who hay
received special trophies and
awards for their 1973 4-H club
four other members are Lee Reg-
ier, Leo Meidinger, Fred Hab-
erer and Isidore Laporte. The
last two names are council rep-
resentatives to the board.
Presently the board are negot-
iating the services of a qualif-
ied Recreation Director to serve
the municipality, and hope to
make an announcement shortly.
In other business at their
council meeting last weel<, cou-
ncil awarded a contract for the
supply of fuel oil to Arrow Pet-
roleums, through their local
agent, Robert N. McKinley.
The Arrow tender was for a dis-
count of 2.5 cents per gallon
off the retail price. The current
retail price listed on the tender
was 25.9 cents per gallon.
Clerk W.D. Armstrong was
instructed to notify Joe Kenda
and Les Sampson that the mobile
home parked on the Kenda prop-
erty is a contravention of by-law
number 3, 1973, and it must be
moved by November 17. The
by-law states that it is illegal
to park a mobile home within
the limits of the village of
Zurich. A similar notice was
also ordered sent to Harry Mc-
Adams, wlio is building a new
home in the village.
Council agreed to remit the
sunt of $10, 000 to C.A. McDow-
ell Construction Co. Ltd., as
a progress payment for work the
firm has completed on streets in
the village.
Huron County Planner Gary
Davidson met with the council
at their meeting to discuss items
which may be included in a
sub -division agreement. With
two new sub -divisions in the
planning stages, council have
agreed to come up with some
definite agreements for this
type of projects.
t night
Tonight, Thursday, will see
an important meeting held in
the Zurich Community Centre,
when ratepayers in the municip-
ality will have a final chance
to look at the Official Plan for
Zurich, and either voice their
approval or disapproval.
Officials of the I-luron, County
Planning Board have been work-
ing for several years to prepare
an Official Plan, and details of
their suggestions were published
last week in a supplement of
the Citizens News. Now all
ratepayers have their final
chance, to approve or reject the
It is of utmost importance
that all ratepayers should be
present at this meeting tonight,
to have a voice in the future of
their community. If no object-
ions are voiced to any of the
details of the plan, members of
the council will take it for grant•
ed that everyone is satisfied.
And even if you are satisfied,
you still have an obligation to
attend the meeting and hear
more of the details involved.