HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-11-08, Page 245: ROADS
Schedule "C" shows the roads plan. For a village
the size of Zurich a three -fold functional classific-
ation system is used.
(1) Arterial Roads
Arterial Roads are designed to facilitate
through traffic. These roads will be dev-
eloped, where possible, on 100 foot right-
of-ways and direct access will be limited
so as to facilitate through traffic. The
arterial roads in Zurich Are:
- King's Highway 84
- Goshen St. (County Road 2)
(ii) Collector Roads
A collector road has the dual function of
carrying medium volumes of traffic and
providing land access. The collector road
distributes traffic between local roads and
the arterial roads and carries lighter vol-
umes for shorter trips at lower speeds than
an arterial. The collector roads in Zurich
- John Street North & South
- Frederick Street
- Walnut Street
(iii) Local Roads
A local road provides land access and
generally carries low volumes of traffic
most of which has either an origin or
destination along its length.
(iv) New Roads
The Roads Plan (Schedule "C") shows
proposed locations of new roads. These
locations should not be considered as fix-
ed. They provide a general pattern and
may be altered during the preparation of a
plan of subdivision. However, prior to such
a plan, development should not be permit-
ted which would interfere with the propos-
ed right-of-way.
The provision of new roads will be deter-
mined with the proposal of plans of sub-
divisions and applications for severance.
New local roads may be developed, where
appropriate, at right-of-ways of less than
66 feet.
SECTI'� 4 # V:
It is the intent and purpose of this Plan that by its
adoption, the Municipal Council adopts the foll-
owing Land Division Policy. It is intended that the
policies set out in this section are established for
implementation by Council., the Committee of
Adjustment and the Huron County Land Division
Committee and any other agencies influencing
the creation of new lots within the Municipality.
(a) Development will be in accordance with
the designated uses as shown on the Land
Use Plan (Schedule "B")
(b) That division of land takes place in one of
two ways:
(i) by registered plan of subdivision, or
(ii) by consent of the Huron County Land
Division Committee for the convey-
ance of the land into smaller parcels.
(c) It is intended that most new lots will be
created by the registered plan of subdivi-
sion process and that consent for convey-
ance will be used for infilling in areas
already substantially developed.
(d) Residential development in those areas
vacant at the adoption of this plan will be
by registered plan of subdivision only.
(e) Industrial or commercial development may
be undertaken either by registered plan of
subdivision or by the consent of the Land
Division Committee.
If a registered plan of subdivision is not
deemed necessary, consent may be granted
subject to the goals and policies of this
Plan and the following criteria;
(1) Consents will be granted only in areas
where the undue extension of any
major service will not be required.
(ii) Consents will be granted only when
the land fronts on an existing public
road which is of a reasonable standard
of construction.
(iii) Consents shall have the effect of infill-
ing in presently developed areas
(iv) The size of any parcel of land created
by consent shall be appropriate for the
use proposed and in no case will any
parcel be created which does not con-
form to the provisions of the Zoning
By-law of the Village.
(v) Consents will not be granted for land
adjacent to a road from which access
is to be obtained where a traffic hazard
would be created because of limited
sight lines on curves or grades.
(a) General Implementation
The Plan shall be implemented in the fol-
lowing ways; through the activities of the
private sector of the economy; through the
activities of the public sector and more
particularly the local municipal capital
works programs; through the municipal
secondary plan and local restricted area
(zoning) by-laws and by means of the
County Planning Board and Land Division
Committee; by means of the local plann-
ing board and committee of adjustment;
and by subdivision control regulations.
Each of the above implementing factors
will have regard for the policies and
principles as expressed in this Plan, and
no public actions will be undertaken which
do not conform to the general intent and
purpose of the Plan.
(b) Non -Conforming Uses
(1) As a general rule, non -conforming
uses throughout the Planning Area in
the long run should cease to exist, so
that the land affected may revert to a
use in conformity with the intent of
the Official Plan and the provisions of
the implementing Restricted Area By-
In special instances, however, it may
be necessary to permit the extension
or enlargement of non -conforming
uses in order to avoid unnecessary
hardships. In considering such applic-
ations Council shall act in accordance
with the policies of the municipality's
plan and shall have regard to the
following principles;
- The feasibility of acquiring the
property for holding, selling, leas-
ing or developing it by the municip-
ality for an appropriate permitted
- The possibility of re -locating the
non -conforming use.
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(ii) If the above (section 0 subsection b
(1) principles cannot be met, Council
may pass a by-law pursant to Section
35 (21) of the Planning Act, without
an amendment to the Plan, to permit
an extension or enlargement to the
non -conforming use.
Prior to such action, Council shall
require a report from the appropriate
body or bodies commenting, where
appropriate, on the following matters
relating to the non -conforming use:
- The size of the extension related to
the existing operation:
- Whether the proposed extension can
be considered minor:
- The characteristics of the use relat-
ing to noise, vibration, fumes,
smoke, dust, odours, lighting and
traffic generation and the degree to
which any of these factors may be
increased by the extension;
- The possibilities of reducing nuis-
ances through landscaping, buffering,
building setbacks, sign control, etc.,
to improve the existing situation as
well as minimizing problems from
any extension;
- The implications of the proposed
extension on general traffic safety
and the needs for adequate parking
and loading facilities.
- The adequacy and availability of
municipal services such as water,
sewers and roads.
(iii) In addition to being satisfied with
respect to the foregoing, Council will
notify property owners in the vicinity
of an application for extension or en-
largements to non -conforming uses to
obtain their views and satisfy the req-
uirements of Section 12 of the Planning
(iv) If the Council is satisfied that the
principles of subsections 1 (b) (ii) and
1 (b) (iii) of this Section have been
satisfied, by-laws may be passed pur-
suant to Section 35 (21) of the Planning
Act to permit enlargements or exten-
sions to non -conforming uses, buildings
or structures which do not conform with
the "Secondary Plan."
(a) The boundaries between land uses design-
ated on Schedule 13 are approximate except
where they coincide with major roads, rail-
way lines, rivers, transmission lines, lot
lines shown in the local restricted area
(zoning by-law) or other clearly defined
physical features and in these cases are not
open to flexible enterpretation. Where the
general intent of the Plan is maintained,
minor adjustments to boundaries will not
require amendment to this Plan.
All numerical figures in the plan should not
be interpreted absolute and rigid. Minor
variations from them will be tolerated prov-
iding the intent and spirit of the Plan is
(b) It is intended that amendments to Schedule
"13" (Land Use Plan) can be made by the
use of more detailed additional maps cover-
ing only the area effected by the amend-
ment. Such maps will be included as
Schedules B1, B2 etc., and will, therefore,
not require the redrafting of Schedule "13" .
In such cases the designations on the more
detailed map would prevail.