HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-11-08, Page 23PAGE 7B - ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS
(d) Policies
To achieve the above stated goals the
following policies are adopted:
(i) In developing new areas adequate area
shall be acquired for neighbourhood
open space which will be designed to
serve not only the new development
but also the nearby existing develop-
(ii) Neighbourhood open space areas will
be acquired mainly by way of dedic-
ations from registered plans of subdiv-
Roadside treeplanting shall be provid-
ed for in new residential plans of sub-
division and implemented by the sub-
Roadside treescape that is existing
shall be maintained and replaced
when necessary by the municipality.
Roadside treescape shall be introduced
on both sides of highway #84, within
the Village boundaries.
Where any lands designated for Open
Space use are under private owner-
ship, this Plan does not intend that
this land will necessarily remain as
Open Space indefinitely or shall it be
constructed as implying the Open
Space areas are free and open to the
general public or that the lands will
be purchased by the Village of Zurich.
At any particular time, if proposals
to develop such lands, that are in
private ownership are made and the
Village of Zurich does not wish to
purchase such lands in order to main-
tain them as Open Space, then an
application for the redesignation of
such lands for other purposes will be
given due consideration by the Village
as an amendment to this Plan.
The general location of lands designated
Open Space is shown on the Land Use Plan
(Schedule "B"). In location of open space
in the undeveloped areas is not shown but
will be allocated during the development
and approvalof registered plans of sub-
Open Space goals and policies will be
implemented as follows:
(i) by a Restricted Area (zoning) by-law
(ii) by dedication through registered plans
of subdivision.
(a) Introduction
Due to the size of Zurich the location of
institutional uses is significant to the
entire Village and their location should
be determined with a view to the form of
the Village as a whole.
(b) Definition
Institutional uses means buildings or prop-
erties which are public or semi-public,
and non-profit in nature. They are non-
commercial buildings and properties used
by an organized body or society for prom-
oting a particular objective.
(0) Goals
The following Institutional goals are
To guide the location of institutional
uses so as to serve the entire Village
with equal ease
To promote where possible the locat-
ion of civic institutional uses in the
core area
To promote the creative use of des-
ign to blend institutional uses into
the surrounding area
To promote the multiple use of inst-
itutional areas and buildings.
To pursue the concept of a civic
centre housing municipal and other
(d) Policies
To achieve the above stated goals the
following policies are adopted:
(1) Major institutional uses will be estabi-
•ished in areas designated institutional
(ii) The location of new major institution-
al uses will be guided by Council
(e) Location
The general location of lands designated
Institutional is shown on the Land Use Plan
(Schedule "B").
(f) Implementation
Institutional goals and policies will be
implemented as follows:
(1) by a Restricted Area (zoning) by-law
(ii) review of proposals by Council
(iii) development of close liaison between
the municipal government and other
levels of government and various
institutional agencies and groups
(a) Introduction
Zurich has many buildings and sites of his-
toric or architectural merit. It is felt that
these features should be noted and preserv-
(b) Definition
Historic features are those determined by
Council and noted in the policy section
of this Plan.
(c) Goals
For historic features the following goal
is adopted:
(1) To promote the preservation and
maintenance of historic building and
prevent their demolition and deface-
(d) Policies
To achieve the above stated goal the
following policies are adopted:
(i) The designation of historic features
will be made when appropriate by
(ii) Any alteration of historic features
must be approved by Council
(iii) The following are deemed to be hist-
oric features:
- St. Boniface Roman Catholic
Church (Mary St.)
- Emmanuel United Church (Mill St.)
- St. Peter's Lutheran Church
(Goshen St.)
- Hay Township Hall (Mill St.)
- Dominion Hotel ( Hwy. 84)
- Victoria Hotel (Mill St.)
- Hess Jewellery Shop (Hwy. P4)
- Thie1's Blacksmith Shop (Goshen St.)
(e) Location
The location of historic features is noted
in the policy section.
Historic Features goals and policies will
be implemented as follows:
(1) by Council's designation of historic
(ii) by the issuance of building and dem-
olition permits.
Zurich has both a public and separate elementary
school. The public school has excess capacity at
present. However, should expansion be required,
there is ample space at the existing site. The
facilities of the separate school are over -capacity.
However, plans for expansion nave been submitted
for implementation in 1975. The expanded facil-
ities would be on the same site as the present
In 1972 Zurich renovated its entire water pumping
storage and distribution facilities and now has a
potential capacity of over one-half a million gal-
lons per day. The supply, therefore, is ample to
handle existing and probable population growth for
Due to the availability of adequate trunk water
supply facilities, it is the policy that all new
development will be connected to municipal wat-
er services.
A program of installing a municipal sewage system
is presently underway and will be operational in
the fall of 1973. The system was designed to acc-
ommodate a population of 900, but can be expand-
ed by the addition of oxidation ponds.
Due to the availability of adequate trunk sewage
facilities it is the policy that all new develop-
.ment will be connected to municipal sewage serv-
Presently Zurich is not serviced by storm sewers
and surface drainage is by means of open water-
ways. The core area will be provided with storm
sewers as part of the program of reconstructing
Highway 84. In developing new subdivisions the
need for storm sewers should be investigated.