HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-11-08, Page 19til
The objectives of this plan, having regard for the
purposes and assumptions as previously stated here-
in, are as follows:
a) that the plan identify the intended future
land use pattern of the Village
b) that the development of this pattern be
staged based on a realistic evaluation of
the cost of services to the community as a
c) to encourage infilling on vacant lots within
the presently built up area
d) to prepare a plan for road development
and improvement
e) to continually review and update this plan
as part of Zurich's planning process
Over the past several years the population has
grown at a slow but relatively steady rate. The
small size of the absolute population (approxim-
ately 775) and the rate of increase (44 between
1965 and 1972) makes population projections, and
land demand planning based on population,
Due to the difficulties in establishing land use
requirements based on projected population for a
village of this size, a method is required which
establishes a process for allocating types of dev-
elopment when required. In developing such a
process probable long term uses were established
based on physical and functional suitability. From
this, policies are developed in order to establish
a pattern of development which maintains a cont-
inuous and harmonius form.
The Land use categories and definitions employed
in the County Official Plan apply equally in this
Secondary Plan. Because this Plan refines through
a more intensive look at a specific area, certain
changes in land use definitions were required and
developed. These changes represent not an alter-
ing of the basic definition. but the dividing of a
single use into various sub -classes. The categories
of land use described in this section outline descr-
iptions of proposed and existing land uses.
a) Introduction
The basic configuration of Zurich, deter-
mined by the two major roads, is one of
three small residential neighbourhoods.
Although each is capable of growing, they
do not represent independent neighbourhoods
requiring social focal points. The core area
is the major focal point and the location of
any new institutional uses should be deter-
mined in relation to the entire Village.
For this reason most institutional uses are
not given free access to residential area.
b) Definition
(i) This category contains a full range Of
permanent housing types. For definit-
ion and locational policy purposes
this range is divided into three group-
- low density: includes single fam-
ily residents and
medium density: includes tripl-
exes, townhouses, row houses
and multi-storey apartments
- special types: includes mobile
homes and apartments over
st ores
(ii) This category also includes the follow-
ing compatible residential uses: home
occupations, openspaces, (parks and
natural areas) places of worship and
nursing homes.
c) Goals
The following residential goals are adopted.
(i) to provide for a wide variety of housing
types and prices to satisfy the varying
housing needs of people through both
private and public actions.
(ii) To promote the creative use of design
and landscaping to allow the mixing
of densities, the integration of new
structures into the older areas without
a loss of harmony and the continuation
of the existing natural landscape.
d) Policies
To achieve the above stated goals the
following policies are adopted.
In low density residential areas the
predominant use of land will be single
family residential. However, the
medium density uses of row houses,
town houses and semi-detached houses
will be allowed in limited numbers.
When allowed, their design shall
complement and not deter from a low
density environment. Such medium
density uses shall be considered and
approved by Council on a proposal
basis and shall meet the following
- low rise in nature and not to exceed
two storeys
- gross density not to exceed 10 units
per acre
- all parking to he off-street
- adequate landscaping and on-site
amenities will be provided
- adequate notification of surrounding
landowners prior to approval
(ii) Medium density residential areas will
be located in the area adjacent to the
central business area.
(iii) Conversion of homes into apartments
will be allowed subject to the provis-
ions of the restricted area by-law.
(iv) Residential uses will be allowed with-
in the central business area above or
behind commercial uses, but must be
provided with adequate parking facil-
(v) All residential uses will be provided
with and connected to municipal wat-
er and sewage services.
(vi) New subdivisions will endeavor to
protect natural features and proposal
for new subdivisions will show exist-
ing natural features and indicate those
to be removed.
(vii) The opening of new residential areas
will be staged to the availability of
municipal services and developed to
maintain a continuous Village form.
(viii) Mobile homes or 'louse trailers will be
allowed, However, mobile homes will
be located only in mobile home parks,
and such parks will require an amend-
ment to the local restricted area
(zoning) by-law. In establishing a
mobile home park the following crit-
eria will be met:
- Mobile hon -ie parks shall, wherever
possible, have access to a major
- adequate off-street parking shall be
- ample provision shall be made for
playground purposes and natural
open space.
- every mobile home park shall have
immediately within its boundaries
a buffer area of suitable size which
is landscaped according to good
design principles and in which no
lots, buildings or structures shall be
- all mobile home units shall be con-
nected to full services,
(ix) Home occupations will be allowed and
will be continually monitored, by lic-
ensing if necessary, to insure compat-
ibility with the residential environ-
(e) Location
The general location of lands designated
Residential is shown on the Land Use Plan
(Schedule "B"). Specific location of
types of residential uses are shown in the
Restricted Area (zoning) by-law.
Residential goals and policies will be
implemented as follows:
(1) by a Restricted Area (zoning) by-law
(ii) the Land Division Policy of this Plan
(iii) the review of development proposals by
(iv) the use of a subdivider's agreement by