HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-10-25, Page 11THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1973 Staff appointments Three staff appointments have been announced by J.A. Mac Donald, principal of the Centra- lia College of Agricultural Tech nology. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 'PAGE 11 Dr. W.G. Balsdon, D.V. M., has been appointed Co-ordinat- or of the Animal Health Tech- nology course, succeeding the late Dr. G.R. Doidge. Dr. Balsdon graduated from the Ont-, ario Veterinary.College in 1966 and after two years of private practice joined the Veterinary Services Branch staff at Ridge - town College of Agricultural Technology, tie moved to Cen- tralia College in 1969 when the Animal health course was trans- ferred to that location, Mrs. Norma Wright, from Ailsa Craig, joins the staff as an instructor in microbiology and parasitology and will offer tech- nical assistance in laboratory procedures. Mrs. Wright is a Ontario's Urban Transportation Program: 111970 graduate of the Animal 1 Health course. Donald A. Milton will serve 1 as Executive Officer and will assume general business admin- istration responsibilities at the .College. ch • ic for everyone. Something veru frightening can happen to cities when they grow up. They can get out of hand and almost over- power the very people that give them life, The worst offenders are often transport- ation systems. Cars and trucks can become menaces. highways and roads --lumina bottlenecks. Subways can jam and buses simply refuse to handle an ever-increasing load, Local communities have been doing their hest to keep ahead ol'the problems. But new help , is available for now and firr the future. People come first. People really do come first. That's why the Government ol'Ontario is encouraging an urban transportation system that will serve Ontario people the waw they should he served—efficiently, comlbrtahl: inexpensively, and with the least possible disruption of natural surroundings. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has instituted GO A NEW WAY. an urban transportation program to develop modern transit systems in our towns and cities and to support then financially. New transit vehicles. C'omtirrtahle vehicles and convenient facilities snake public transit attractive. So the government is paying 75'; of the cost or imunicipal buses. streetcars, trolley buses and related Btcilitics. Go Urban. A new. exciting inter- mediate -capacity transit system is being developed fbr large urban muniei- palities.The system will he fully automated. quiet and emission -free. It is much less costly than subways or express- ways. may use existing rights-of-way. and its elevated guideways rause little interference with regular pedestrian or vehicle traffic. Cities will he subsidized to the extent of 75`7 in applying the GO URBAN system to their needs. 5rr »1111,1.•nmlynuv,111i,12 141,Nld,' / .r•,,ll 75'1 Staggered hours. Another way to reduce peak -load conges- tion is to stagger working hours and alter daily and weekly traffic patterns. 1l'passenger demands can he spread over lonacr periods. people can be moved more quickly. Feasibility studies will he subsidized up to 75'1, 21.The government is implementing 0 staggered working hour program li)r its own employees and hopes others will benefit from its findings. .tie,/,,rre / ❑, 21.4 we, INtir, (Me 21,11 01 ,,Grua:; 171,11 hour , r,ll ,, •,anis. (;O 1'R/1.t \', Quie,, 17o11H(rnll•h'e /IUI.,, 1Poll,/l. Jus( purl til (;(l .1 57irl' II I 1 Computer controlled traffic In Metro'loronto. a computer controlled traffic system has proved that a substantial increase in road capacity can he achieved with computers.The saving in road construction) ar costs is mane times the cost of the necessary computer equipment. So 50'? or the equipment necessary for implementing or expanding computer systems in urban areas and for installing traffic control devices is being underwritten by the government. (;o mit /11 .y I jr.„1ln r ,rep lu11,Il,/ !. is Efficient road policies. Communities can increase road capacity with greater use ofone-\waw streets. restricted deliv- ery hours and modern parking policies. Municipal studies on these subjects are supported financially. Co-ordination is vital. Norman transit routes often carry our people across municipal boundaries. Co-operation and co-ordination in inter -community transit plannims. therefore. are becoming more and more essential. Your,. government has intensified the ellbrts and resources desotcd to the co-ordination ()I' transportation planning. GO Dial a Bus. Dial A Bus is 0 form of public transportation that has heen pioneered in Ontario. It does not operate on fixed routes with predetermined stops. 1 nstead. it operates frons a l,rIlln rind '.11/2•,/h •• , 111,121.,1/ u, r'14, /,'1,11r,<' YM'': .,,,,1/,l/,,, fixed point, sueh as 0 mainline transit station, into a limited area. usually residential. Passengers are not required to hoard and leave the Dial A Bus at bus stops: the bus comes right to their homes when requested to do so. Dial A Bus is now operating in Pickering. Stratford. Kingston. Ottawa and Bramalca and will he operating soon in north fvtetro'Toronto. GO A NEW WAY puts people first. all the way. And people have to be involved to make it work. Resources. research and finances are available to help urban municipalities in Ontario build trans- portation systems that will surpass anything else in existence today. And prove that cities really are for people. Illl7111/, 11111,, bar / h, pr21l,1/ R •;•:?' `s$r..%3(:%i 1:��.4 Urban transportation will be one of the most significant challenges facing us all for.vears 10 come. That's why the Government of Ontario developed GO A NEW WAY, %rG'•.'6%.>".ldrw7i4 'N`./'.Gi/•'i'i`i"#' a modern transportation program for the needs of Ontario communities. The benefits of this program are available to any municipality in Ontario wishing to participate. O111011o'' new Urban Transportation Program. ,'tlinistrr of Trcrn.sportation and Commatnications. Hon. William (.i, Davis. Premier f 1,.11 (i,'rdon ('arson. Manistee A.'t. ('. SleNah, Deputy Minister.