HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-10-25, Page 6PAGE 6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1973 The provincial government has decided on a flat rate of $20. per child for Family Allow- ances according to Rene Brunel- le, Ontario's Minister of Com- munity and Social Service. New Federal Legislation allows each Province to vary the amounts of, hte Federal Allowance by age or Family size provided that the amount works out to an average of $20. a child. Mr. Brunelle refused to say whether families on welfare or mothers' allow- ance would receive reduced government assistance to elim- inate the increase. He also told the Legislature that the Govern- ment plans to increase benefits on January lst, to those under 65 years of age and "in need" such as disabled people. It will help reduce inequities in the current system of welfare bene- fits, he said. John White, Minister of Trea- sury, economics and Govern- mental Affairs, told the Legis - pp rots staff at Centralia Appointments of staff to offer courses in home economics on a sessional basis at Centralia College of Agricultural Tech- nology have been announced by J.A. MacDonald, principal. Deborah J. Campbell, B.A. has been appointed as technic- ian to the home economics program and is responsible for the home management apart- ment. Miss Campbell also serves as a laboratory demonst- rator in food chemistry. Gregory E. Lucier, from London, presently completing his PHD in physiology and food chemistry at the University of Western Ontario, will be resp- onsible for teaching the physiol- ogy and food chemistry courses. Arlene Lundgren has been appointed to teach art to the fashion students. Mrs. Lundgren received her B.A. degree from the University of Toronto. Myrna R. Mead from Wood- stock, who received her B.H. Sc. degree from the University of Guelph, will offer courses in history of costume, psychology of dress, textiles, demonstrat- ion techniques, and consumer studies. Jottings by Jack from Queens Puck lature that Ontario is preparing plans to scale down the land planning area for the proposed North Pickering community by as much as 4CP/o, if Ottawa decides to scrap the new Inter- national Airport proposed for the site, About 25, 000 acres were originally designated but the Urban Planning Consultants are working on alternatives to accommodate a cut-off of up to 10, 000 acres from the area. Ontario has decided that be- cause the economy is buoyant the Province will not finance its own job creating programs to ease unemployment this winter. Treasurer John White told the House that predictions are that unemployment this winter will level off between 4.5 and 5% of the labour force compared with almost 'F/o last winter. If econ- omic conditions deteriorate the Government is ready to step in with job creating incentives, Mr. White said. Federal prog- rams will stillbe available to Ontario Municipalities. Ontario is spending an estim- ated $300, 000. to advertise the Government's Transit prog- ram, The large advertisements stress that the program means a choice for everyone. It dis- cusses the types of transit syst- ems, the merits of staggered work hours and subsidies that are available to Municipalities to encourage modern transit. Gordon Carton, Minister of Transportation and Communic- ations told the Legislature that the purpose of the advertising A''4ard c,'r;, tr'ct for addition at Goderich Huron MPP, Jack Riddell announced this week that a $39, 800. contract has been awarded to Windklein General Contracting Co. Ltd., for con- struction for an addition to the men's Industrial Workshop at Goderich Psychiatrict Hospital, for the ministry of health. Windklein Ltd. submitted the lowest of five bids received, the high being $49, 818: The work will start as soon as possible and is expected to be complete by the end of February 1974. TENDER FOR DRAPERY Sealed Tenders will be accepted for PERMANENTLY FIREPROOF DRAPERY for six single rooms, 12 double rooms and two lounges; at Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich. Tenders will close at 5 p.m. on Friday, October 26. For further information, contact! Blue Water Rest Home 236-4373 ZURICH campaign is to let the people know just what is happening in connection with Government finance and subsidized transit. During the discussion of the estimates of the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ian Deans, NDP, Wentworth charged that the Ontario Govern- ment's Social policy is driving some women to prostitution. He told Rene Brunelle, Commun- ity and Social Services Minist- er, that immediate measures are required to increase finan- cial assistance to mothers with dependent children. Ontari Labour Minister, Fern Guindon, told the Legislature that the Government is consider- ing an increase in the $1, 80 an hour minimum wage but refused to say what it would be. The current minimum wage in Quebec is $2.00 and the propos- ed minimum wage which will take effect next year in British Columbia is $2, 50 Debate opened up on the Hydro report this week with Opposition Leader, Robert Nixon, urging the Ontario Government to expropriate Ontario Hydro's new headquarters at the first opportunity, severing all Hydro links with developer Gerard Moog and his Company Canada Square. Mr. Nixon said that Mr. Moog was obviously an attract- ive person and businessman but he had acted with deceipt and misused the friendship of Prem- ier William Davis on his way to winning the lease purchase cont- ract for the building. In participating in the debate, Murray Gaunt, MPP, Huron Bruce, said that Hydro had showr that it is not the infallible monolith everyone had thought it to be. Mr. Gaunt made the point that Hydro wanted a super- duper monumental headquarters and wanted it whatever the cost, They were prepared to do almost anything to get it. Solicitor General John Yarem- ko, has asked for a meeting with National Defence Minister James Richardson, to review the effects of the Federal Government's decision to cut in half its support of the emergency measures Organization. Ontario now rec- eives a little more than One Million Dollars of Ottawa's three million dollar annual cont- ribution to the Provinces. The. decision was based on the fact that EMO is mainly concerned with National disasters rather than a possible nuclear attack and the matter of National dis- asters is primarily a Provincial responsibility. Ontario's present contribution to EMO is $415, 000 with a furth• er $106, 000 coming from the Municipalities. LOVE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE Whotlwq h'0 S e MONUMENT a MARKER a INSCRIPTION Yee ®re remembering a loved one. 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