HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-10-18, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER l., 1973 L.1...."."..04.0%."...4.01.."...4,0".".",,,,No.,"0","rwa.""0.1..W MRS. JOYCE PEPPER, CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs. John Schofield of Parkhill visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and Mrs. Daisy Ivey and Mrs. Jane Crone. Mr. and Mrs, Desmond Ivey, of Sarnia, visited with Mrs. Daisy Ivey, who is the formers mother, last Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Robb of Lucan visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Ivey and Mrs. -Crone. 4 -H MEETING The second meeting of the Hensall4-H "Globe -Trotters" was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Fuss. Each girl named a food used by the early Canadian settlers for the roll call, The Food Guide and early recipes were discussed. Onion soup, Grench style, was made and enjoyed by a number of the girls. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, same place, same time, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Black- well, Mary, Ida -Ann and George, and Mrs, Clinton Sweet visited Mrs. Victor Sweet of St. Catherines, and spent some time in Niagara Falls over the weekend. UNITED CHURCH A goodly crowd attended Hensel]. United Church on Sun- day morning for the Children's Day Service. The children's choir and the youth choir sang throughout the service, and combined together for the fin- ale. These choirs have been practicing for the past five weeks under the direction of Mrs. Norma Pryde, and were assisted by Mrs. Joyce Pepper, Mrs. Shirley McAllister, Karen McAllister and Brenda Pepper. Special guest for the service was Ev. Smith, Director of Communications and steward- ship for the London Conference, better known to the children as "Captain Smith, " and along with his puppet "Salty" entert- ained, His puppet antics were very much enjoyed by all. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS LEGION LADIES The October meeting of the Ilensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary was held recently at the Pine - ridge Chalet. The evening started with a dinner to comm- emorate the Auxiliaries 24th birthday. President Mrs. Mildred Chal- mers presided, Members decid- ed to help other organizations to canvass for the blind in Ilensall. Sports officer, Mrs. Iva Reid, gave her report of the sports, and announced bowling tourna- ments coming up in Exeter on October 17 and in Goderich on November 7, The mystery prize was won by Mildred Chalmers, attendance prize by Donna Allan. and the guessing prize by Vera Sntale. A special draw for the evening was won by Mrs. Mona Camp- bell, Those attending from Hensel]. the Iluron Presbyterial Fall Rally held in Knox Presbyterian Church in. Goderich were Mrs. Florence Hyde, Mrs, Blanche Dougall, Mrs. Grace 2v1cEwan, Mrs. Elizabeth Faber, who displ- ayed the Literature Books and Mrs. Rachel Schwalm who gave a report of the National Council which she attended for five days in May at Ewart College in Toronto. WI entert The Family and Consumer Affairs meeting of the Liensall Women's Institute was held in the Legion llall, Wednesday evening. President Hilda Payne welcomed members, visitors and guests from Zurich, and the meeting opened with the Mary Stewart Collect and the Ode. The Metric system was dis- cussed, and a skit was performed with Mrs. Mable Shirray as Commentator and Helen Tinney, Janis Bisback, Cheryl Bisback, Mrs. Nan Britton and Mrs. Marg Ingram demonstrating pounds changed to grants and kilograms. The minutes of the Septemb- er meeting were read by Mrs. Winnie Skea in absence of secretary Mrs. Grace Peck. Marg Ingram gave a treasurer's report. Everyone stood for a moment of silence in memory of the late Mrs. Maude liedden. Acting secretary thanked everyone who helped with the recent canvassing. It was ann- ounced that the historical Soc- iety meeting will he held on October 17, at l p.m. in Zurich, with the Hess fancily to entert- ain. The Area Convention is on November 7 and at the Banq.- ��" PAGE 3 guests ueteer in London, Mrs, Nellie Riley gave a very interesting report on the Rally which she and other members had attended at Centralia College in October. Hilda Payne thanked everyone who helped with the fair display. Program convenors were Elsie Carlile and Myrtle Orr. Mrs. Orr led in a sing song and read an article on Bible Ecology, and explained that "Family and Con- sumer Affairs" meant. Sylvia Bell and Wendy Dixon favoured everyone with two accordian and guitar duets. Mrs. Orr introduced Jim Marshall , a teacher at South Huron District High School, who spoke on "Ecology." He explained that the word Ecology means Household Study (house- hold meaning the planet earth) and also showed a film. Hazel Corbett gave courtesy remarks thanking everyone taking part. Some resolutions, which are to be brought in at the Area Convention, were discussed, Mrs. Britton thanked the member for the lovely card that bad been sent to her. Hostesses were Marg Tngram and Mrs. Grace Harpole. KLEENEX DEL SEI" 2 ROLL PACK 2 ROLL PACK TISS ALLEN'S 3 1/2 OZ PK GS TENDERLEAF 60's TEA BAGS ROSE'S DI TRIPS 240z WESTON' S WAGON WHEELS ROYAL JELLY POWDERS 3 OZ DREAM WHIP TOPPING MIX AUSTRAL FRUIT FOR SALAD 15 CZ 14 OZ HEAT 'N° SERVE IN MINUTES WESTON'S BREAD 74 CZ 16 OZ 32 07, a FRi.SI1 FRESH BLADE END e /$1 2/ EA 11 4 CZ 49c 2/6 3/$1 CANADA PACKERS - 2 OZ Pi: GS ok LB OUR OWN B Y- T11E- PTECH TRY OUR PURE GROUND 5 in A 213 U.S. NO 1 s PRODUCE PER TIN LB LB LB LB LB 9 LARGE HEAD LETTUCE CANADA CEE GRADE COURTLAND APPLES CAN,;. DA CARROTS Cod Fillets 2/49 5LBBAG 79 2/45 3 -LB BAGS - Noe FROZEN FOODS LB 79c WEEKEND SPECIALS Oct. 11, 18, 19, 20. PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items.