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Zurich Citizens News, 1973-10-11, Page 13
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1973 a 50 Years Ago Mr. John Hey, Jr., of Zur- ich, is out of the house again after being confined to home for four weeks with a broken leg, although he is still using crutche Mr. Emmerson and Art Gabel, of near Zurich, left last week for Massey, in northern Ontario, where they intend taking up residence. Case and Son, of Hensall, have purchased from Mr. Pater- son his flour, feed and coal business, and announce they are in a position to serve the people. Mr. Alex Foster has disposed of his land and buildings in Zurich to Silverwoods, of London, and Mr. William O'Brien will be the local man- ager for the company. Dr. W.G. Duffin, who has had an office over Joynt's store in Hensall, has given up his practice and moved to Thorn- dale. 35 Years Ago A former resident of Stanley Township, Mrs. Robert Turner, passed away in Port Elgin. A large number of people from this area attended the large double wedding in Hen- sall on Saturday afternoon when Anne Tieman of Dashwood became the wife of Henry Cook, and Mildred McDonell, of Hen- sall, was married to Edward Taman. - A miscellaneous shower was held last week for Miss Anne Overholt, of Zurich, bride - elect, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Rader. The Hensell volunteer fire brigade fought a good fight on Friday night in saving the Angl- ican Church and an adjoining barn, when fire destroyed the sheds to the rear of the church. On Monday night following the practice of the Dashwood Band, Mr. Hilton Truemner treated the members to a del- icious watermelon feast. 25 Years Ago Miss Florence Steinbach has accepted a position in the Exet- er branch of the Bank of Mont- real, and she has commenced her duties the first of the week. For the convenience of the general public the Hay Teleph- one System have installed an outside booth just south of their central office in Zurich. owginassasermitemorawn WEDDING RECEPTION FOR HESSIE WYNJA a nd DAVE KIPFER at Paneridge Chalet R, R, 2, Hensall FRS. OCTOBER 12 10 - 1:30 Music by the "BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS" Everyone Welcome - ©E- YEARS GONE - BY- Thomas Pryde, of Exeter, the .member of parliament for Ilur- on, is confined to his home with a serious case of lumbago. Mr. Bruce Glenn left his home near Flensall on Monday for Guelph, where he will resume studies at Ontario Agricultural College. A pretty autumn wedding ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 1,3• I was solemnized when Margraet Anctte Glenn was united in marriage to William Mervyn llayter, of Varna. vIr. and Mrs. herb Kercher, of Ilcnsall, and Mr. and Mrs,. JackCaldwell, of Exeter, are on a motor trip to western Can- ada, where they are combining business and pleasure, 10 Years Ago Stephen Township council approved the purchase of a $25, 000 power grader at its meeting Tuesday night. Neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle Jr., of Ilensall, carried most of the Kyle's furn- ishings to safety Tuesday when fire spread from a garage to the home. Ratepayers in the village of Zurich will have to pay an extra five mills on their taxes this year, following the decis- ion of the council to raise the local rate. General rate for the village has been hiked two mills, and the South Huron District High School rate raised three mills. Inmate capacity at Huron - view County Home is practic- ally reached, county council was told by reeve Cliff Dunbar of Grey, chairman of the Huron - view Board. The Zurich and District Chamber of Commerce have made arrangements to conduct a gigantic community auction sale in the Zurich Arena. S IL "Do you realize that one in every four Americans is un- balanced? If they seem OK, then you're the one!" *** The man who thinks he knows it all is a pain in the neck to those of us who really do. * * * Alcoholics Anonymous is an organization that takes people apart to see what makes them hic. Tht h AnuaI Factory tHet Sale October 11 December 31 Starting today, for its 13th consecutive year, the Old Mill brings to Its many friends and customers their annual Factory Outlet Sale. We may be in a new building but our name is the same - a name that for over 13 years people have come to rely upon for uncomparable values In men's and ladles' leather coats, sheepskin rugs, pure virgin wool blankets, gloves and ac- cessories. The Old Mill uses only the finest quality of leathers available. Talk to our courteous sales staff and ask them to explain and even show you the different qualities of leathers. You'll not only find value at the Old Mill but beauty of design and superior workmanship. Because The Old Mill is associated with a T nnery and Fellmongery our prices have remained low even though the world market prices on wool and leather have escalated. Thirteen years ago The Old Mill originated the Idea of of- fering leather and woollen products to the public at fac- tory outlet prices. This is still our aim - lowest prices and highest quality. The Old Mill - leather specialist before the age of leather - the leader now in the age of leather. Take a drive to our location, out In the country, just 1 mile south of Blyth, on highway 4. Open Daily 9 a.m. - 6 p.rn., Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sundays 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. COME TO LEATHER FAS1110N COIJNTR Y The 1 MI. SOUTH BLYTH ONTARIO