HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-10-11, Page 2moor
Instal new officers
The regular meeting of
Amber Rebekah Lodge was held
Wednesday evening in the
Lodge rooms with N.G. Mrs.
Irene Blackwell presiding and
being assisted by V.G. Mrs.
:.r Aldeen Volland. PNG Mrs.
Olga Chipchase was asked to
retire with DDP Mrs, Mary Gregg
of Huron District No 23. On
return she was introduced and
N.G. Mrs. Blackwell present-
ed her with a corsage then she
was seated. A number of cards
were sent to sick and shut-in
members, and a plant was sent
to the Funeral Home for Maude
Hedden, a past member. Two
names were presented as cand-
idates for membership.
This being the night of instal-
lation of officers of the Lodge
for 1973-74 the DDP and install-
ing staff retired, and Mrs.
Ct.ry Lobb of Clinton read the
Commission, after which the
District Marshall entered the
room announcing the DDP and
staff and re-entered to install
officers. Mrs. Mary Seutet, of
Clinton sang two lovely solos
accompanied by Mrs. Ethel
McPherson of Clinton on the
The officers of Amber Rebek-
ah Lodge were then installed as
follows: Jr. Past Noble Grand,
Mrs. Irene Blackwell; Noble
Grand, Mrs. Aldeen Volland;
Vice Grand, Mrs. Margaret
Consitt; recording secretary,
Mrs. Leona Parke, finance sec-
retary, Mrs. Bertha McGregor.
Treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy
Corbett, Warden, Mrs. Margar-
et Ingram; conductor, Mrs. Ruby
Bell, inside guardian, Mrs.
Inez McEwan, outside guardian,
Mrs. Rose Broderick, musician,
Mrs. Evelyn McBeath; color
bearer, Mrs. Vera Lemmon,
Chaplain, Mrs. Alice Ferg;
R.S,N.G., Mrs. Grace Thomp-
son, L.S.N.G., Mrs. Olga
Chipchase; R. S, V , G. Mrs. Pearl
Eyre; L.S.V,G. Mrs. Maggie
These officers received their
obligation and were seated.
Gifts were presented to Mrs.
Mary Gregg, Mrs. Irene Black-
well, and a bouquet of carnat-
ions to Mrs. Aldeen Volland..
About fifty members and guests
were present.
Members of Amber Lodge are
invited to attend a meeting of
Goderich Lodge on November 6,
on the visit of the assembly
president, Mrs. Duckworth.
The citizenship meeting of
Kippen East Women's Institute
will be held at the home of
Mrs. Campbell Eyre, on Oct-
ober 17, at 8.30 p.m. The
roll call will be a verse with
the word, "Peace" in it and
Mrs. Grant McLean will give
the motto, The guest speaker
will be C.A. Archibald. Mrs.
Ross Broadfoot is in charge of
Mr. and Mrs. W.I.,. Mellis
spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
Mellis's sister in St, Thomas.
Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader
The Agriculture and Canadian
Industries group was in charge
of the October meeting Tues-
day, October 2, with Mrs.
John Rader, convener. It was
the guest night and over 100
ladies were in attendance from
all the Institutes of South Huron.
President, Mrs. Gordon Bend-
If your car has a fresh -air cir-
culating system, don't use it
while following a slow truck up
a hill or creeping in a long line
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gases from ahead.
Need a shovel to dig out of
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Result: better gas mileage.
Dirty oil on the dipstick? Don't
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posed to remove deposits on
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With normal use, oil changes
are only needed after 4 to 6
thousand miles.
When cold weather is in the of-
fing, the smart driver checks
the muffler, exhaust manifold,
exhaust pipes and breather
pipes for the possibility of es-
caping carbon monoxide.
Con your old car take cold weather? If
there's any doubt, drive into Larry
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Larry Snider
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LONDON 227-4191
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Drive in soon
er, welcomed the ladies and was.
in charge of a brief business
meeting. The Historical Society
meets in Zurich October 17,
at 8 p.m.
Mrs. Rader was chairlady for
the program. Mrs. Bob Hoffman
sang several numbers. The
Masse family played instrum-
entals. Guest speaker, Jack
Riddell MPP for Huron spoke on
"Women and the Labour Force."
Mrs. Bill Berends thanked each
one taking part and presented
gifts on behalf of the Dashwood
Mrs. Gerald Mason received
a gift for finding the "Mysterious
Lady" Mrs. Charles Snell. Mrs.
Tom Hern, Elimville W.I.
had the lucky chair. Following
lunch, each Institute thanked
the ladies for a lovely evening
which was brought to a close
with the singing of "The Queen."
The 4th meeting of Club No
2 4-H girls was held October
1, with the president, Jayne
Hayter in charge. A letter from
the home economist was read
telling plans for achievement
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day, Europeans discovering the
new world was the topic and an
original German recipe for
potato pancakes was tried with
German tea squares.
Thanksgiving visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, Stan Slezak and
family were Mrs. Jean Walper,
Mr, and Mrs, Ed Wurm, The
occasion also marked the 25th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Slezak.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller,
Brenda, Charlotte and Karen,
Zion; Paul and Sharon Rader,
Susan VanWyck and Bill Benn-
ett, London were with Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Rader.
Mrs. Irvin Rader, Mrs.
Nancy Rader, Mrs. June Miller,
and Sharon Rader attended a
trousseau tea for Darlene Shaw
at Lakewood Gardens, Sunday,
October 7,
Two recently married couples,
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wiens,
Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Berends, Exeter, were
honoured by Zion Lutheran
choir and presented gifts at a
social evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Berends. Court
Whist was played with the
following winners. High, Mrs.
Charles Martene and Bill Ber-
ends; low, Mrs. Martha Miller
and Ernest Miller; lucky plate,
Ernest Miller. The committee
in charge was Mrs. Albert Mil-
ler, Mrs. Melvin Stade and
Charles Martene.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Becker
have returned from a most
enjoyable tour of Dubrovnik
and surrounding area of Yugosl-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Datars
and family spent the weekend
at Peterborough with Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Gravel, They
also visited the Whitung Ojib-
way craft centre at Curve Lake.
Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Schatz
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Schatz, of Garden City,
Mrs. Ethel Mellin and Mrs.
Floss York spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
vacationed in Detroit with Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Koessel and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Shultz and family and Mrs.
Nora Koessel.
(continued from page 1)
her age."
Mrs. Bell said her aunt w as
able to do many chores in the
house and around the yard
although she couldn't walk well.
She was a "good church goer
and a good giver, " Mrs. Bell
Mrs. McMurtrie had lived
along for 11 years since the
death of her second husband.
She had moved to the King
Street house after the death of
her first husband, a farmer.
"She had no family, no
children, " Mrs. Bell said. "She
had those two cats --they were
barn cats- -and they were her
children. She called them her
children, " Mrs. Bell took the
cats home.
Police said the house was not
ransacked, nothing was taken
and there was no apparent mot-
ive for the killing.
It was the third slaying involv-
ing elderly women who lived
alone in this area in the past
three years.
A 70 -year old Clinton wom-
an was stabbed to death in
January, 1970, and a 76 -year
old Crediton woman was beaten
to death in November of the
same year.
Funeral service for the late
Mrs. McMurtrie was held
Monday at the Bonthron Funeral
Chapel, Hensall, with interment
in Baird's Cemetery. Rev.
Donald Beck officiated.
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