HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-10-04, Page 11THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1973 Golden GIumpses . O q On Monday afternoon the residents enjoyed their part in the fair parade. The bus was decorated as a float for the oc- casion and won first prize. We are now back to film night again, and Monday evening films were shown followed by refreshments. We welcome Mrs. Fern Bowman, of London as a new resident here. Mr. Lawrence Wein visited the residents in the dining room on Tuesday morning and presid- ed at the piano for a sing -song. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the fam- ily of the late Mrs. Elva Doug- all who passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital. Thursday afternoon some of the residents enjoyed being out in the bus sight-seeing and enjoying the autumn scenery. The craft room is getting busy on their fall schedule and at present we have a quilt all ready to be quilted. Some of our faithful quilters are gradual- ly becoming a bit older and possibly if some of the ladies from the beighboring area and the village would care to drop in for an afternoon, it might St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rem- A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 10:G0 a.m.—Worahlp Service 10:45 m.nx.--Sunday (Murch School Everyone Welcome $,AIKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mena le Church MERLIN BENDER, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Worship Service ANNUAL FALL BIBLE CONFER- ENCE of Conservative Mennon- ite Churches, of Ontario. Sat. Oct 6 - 7:30 p.m. New Hamburg Mennonite Church Sun. Oct. 7 - 7:30 Mon. Oct. 8 - 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the Wellesley Community Centre. ACTS 14;17 Nevertheless He left not Him- self without witness, in that He did good, and gave us rain from Heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. All good gifts around us Are sent from Heaven above, Thank the Lord, 0 thank the Lord, For all his love. Ely Wlattattadag.Brain— pa. ' 4 tuand )Pryer 'Meeting, t invite gen treoldp leitlk +� ...zonommonewsonmanninm give some of our ladies a bit of incentive to get back into the routine again. We thank Mrs. Finkbeiner for her assistance last week. We would like to congratul- ate Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien on their recent marriage. We hope Mrs. O'Brien, the former Miss Meda Surerus will still have a little time left in her busy schedule to brighten up our windows with pretty birds and flowers as she has done in the past. Since Mr. O'Brien is a Zurich 4—H Club (by Martha Neeb) The Zurich 4-H Club held their organizational meeting on October 1, at the Hay Township Hall, at 7 p. m. The various clubs in this vicinity have join- ed together so it is a fairly large group. Mary and Helen Blackwell will be leading this club along with the help of a few mothers. The name of this club is called "A World of Food in Canada, " and I'm sure it will be worthwhile. We int- roduced ourselves and then we held the election of officers who are as follows President, Ruby Beierling, secretary; Linda Thomson, treasurer, Barbara Dietrich, and press reporter, Martha Neeb. Our next meeting is on Oct- ober 15, at 7 p. m, in the Hay Township Hall. Zu ich Me CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service, Wilmer Martin, Tavistock Menn. Church in charge. 10:45 a.m.-Sun Church School Oct. 8 - Thanksgiving Service at Blake Church, P.O. Lal, Bishop of the Menn. Church in India, in charge. MEDITATION Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. 1 John 4:11 )Everyone Welcome Emmanuel United Church ZURICH REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A SUPPLY MINISTER. Mrs. Milton Gooch, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 10 a.m. - Sunday school 11 a. Yn. - Church Service A service of Confirmation and Holy Communion Thursday, Oct. 4 - U.C, W. meeting at the church 'EVERYONE WEICOIE madaimmuMNIMIIMIIMMIMMOMMOtiliwi ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Board member, I am sure he will realize how important It is that our windows are kept bright and beautiful, PAGE 11 The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Bruce Guy, of Dashwood and Zurich United Churches. Mrs. !Nita Oesch presided at the org- ! an and accompanied the choir who provided music during the worship service. 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