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Zurich Citizens News, 1973-09-20, Page 14
PAGE 14 Drug races at Huily Gully The second event of the Ont- ario Snowmobile Drag Champ- ionships proved to be another day of keen competition for all competitors and an afternoon filled with excitment and thrills for Hully Gully racing fans. The best time of the day was turned in by Keith Vessair on an Alouette 440 from Honey Harbour, the time 8.6 seconds for 1/8 mile strip. Top points man for the day was Peter Nieuwenhuizen on a Scorpion from Watford with 145 points, John McGuire on Alouette from Bramalea was second with 118.5. Top lady was Audrey Collins on Roll -O -Flex second with 66. Next event in Championship Series will run Sunday, October 7, at Hully Gully. 0 FLAME RESISTANT CARE The flame resistant quality of children's night -wear can be damaged by improper laundering advises Consumers' Association of Canada. When washing flame resistant fabrics, use low phos- phate detergent rather than soap or soap powder. To prot- ect the fabric finish, avoid using hot water or bleach. If the far- rnent has a care label, follow the manufacturer's instructions. CAC national headquarters is located at 100 Gloucester Street, Ottawa. 1973 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH be FARM MACHINERY DEMONSTRATION SEPT. 25-29 J. D. McGUGAN & NEIGHBORING FARMS ALVINSTON L I:MBTON COUNTY WORLDS LARGEST PLOWING MATCH & EXHIBIT OF FARM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES OVER 300 EXHIBITS ON 100 ACRES OVER 520,000 IN PRIZES FOR 300 COMPETITORS AND THE CANADIAN PLOWING CHAMPIONSHIP Contact Ontario Plowmons Association e o Agriculture Societies Branch Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Parliament Buildings TORONTO, Ontario M7A IA9 (416) 965-1091 F rota If there is a magic age in Ontario, it has to be 18, At 18, a young man or a young woman instantly becomes an adult with all the rights and privileges of an adult. What sometimes is forgotten I'm afraid, is that adulthood brings its shares of responsibil- ities ---and it sometimes ap- pears that youth is eager to accept the privileges of adult- hood but is reluctant to take on the resulting responsibility. And that, my friends, is where trouble begins for all concerned. And that is also why folks of my age vintage are constantly so frustrated they become bitter and cynical. Having teenagers of my own, I know how eager kids are to reach the age of 18. Overnight they can transact their own financial deals, sign their own legal documents, languish in a pub, get into restricted mov- ies and generally live life to its fullest. There's nothing wrong in that either, providing the kids are prepared to make al the dec- isions that comes with adult- hood... and live with those decisions and their possible repercussions. T remember back to the dark ages when I was 18. How very, very young T was although 1 thought T was wise and mature, fully in command of my own life and sure as shooting 1 was right about everything. I remember I wanted to get married even though T'd vowed to become a school teacher and travel the world around before I settled down at the age of 25 or 30. My father advised me to for- get it, lie said I was too young to know my own mind, Ile said I could very well be in love today, but he doubted that love would last through a full year. But I knew better. I'd never felt quite like this before and I was certain this was the real thing. So at the magic age of 18 T signed on the dotted line and got married despite my father's protests. And my father, bless his heart, knew when he was beaten and waltzed me down the church aisles as though it was all his idea. But what my father didn't tell me... and what I soon found out... would fill a book. If it hadn't been for a wonderful, wonderful, very mature husband and his unwavering belief in God and a Christian marriage, our union would have been ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS my 'window SHOPPERS Cliff i(j��, EARLY IN WHO .8N ►uuL AU THE WEEK STEMS & PIECES 10 OZ MUSHROOMS DEL MONTE 48 OZ TINS PINEAPPLE JUICE ROSE BRAND 15 OZ SWEET PICKLES GREEN and WAX AYLMER BEANS TOKAY GRAPES 14 OZ 35c 2/69 39C 29c 49t LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET Phone 236-4316 Zurich THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1973 BY SHIRLEY J. KELLEE doomed, At 18 I was a child compared to tite woman who has emerged from 20 years of marriage. And there are days even now when I wonder whether T'm less sure of myself now than I was when 1 was 18! By the time I was 20, I bad a baby and a husband who was in hospital and off work because of a back ailment, By the time I was 22 I had another child and a share in a pile of debts. 13y the time I was 25 I was tired of this housewife thing. I was changing, maturing and developing new insights. 1 longed for the workday exper- iences I'd missed and I wanted to be free of the house --not necessarily the children and my husband --but most certainly the Plowing Queen (continued from page 1) cillor Ken Campbell, who plow- ed in place of Stephen Township Deputy -reeve Emil Desjardin. Individual winners were• tractor class, under 19 years, Csrl Bolton, Dublin; open class, Alec Turnbull, R. R, 3, Parkhill; senior high school, Seaforth District Secondary School; junior high school stud- ents, Bill Armstrong, 11olyrood. Trophy winners were Barry Gordon, Seaforth, who won the mounted plows and utility class divisions and earned the Esso champion special award; Ross Winter, Strathroy, who took the open class and the Algoma Tire special award; Allan Turnbull, R. R.1, Grand Bend, the Inter- national 1-larvester special award. Paul Turnbull, Grand Bend, who won the Gordon McGavin spec- ial and Kongskilde special trophies. Personnel Director: "And how many words can you type per minute?" Would-be typist: "Big or little ones?" ?NE SPP Av; xre, e✓ne r'NE £af!J avwv o..m. .e.;a•ea eros..+ .+ Yee( ew.✓QEN. treardisaBaserSlereeereleelleareMbellinelle RECEPTION and DANCE FOR MR.& MRS.JOHN(Harry BECHLER SATURDAY, SEPT. 22 9-1 DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by MAX and the Townliners Everyone Welcome house. Once more my wonderful husband charged into the breach, Lie urged me to do whatever would make me happy and fill my life. He even offered to help with the kids and the housework. I guess what I'm trying to say is that without my husband. I might not have faced up to my responsibilities as a young housewife and mother, I might very well have given up on marriage had it not been that my husband worked at our relationship together and taught me how to work at it too. I pity, therefore, the 18 -year olds today who believe they have all the answers and don't need the advice and the guidanc of anyone else. They may not be married or even considering it. Their problems may be as different from those I had as east is from west, but I know that by the time today's 18 -year olds are 25 and then 35, they are going to have a different outlook and a whole new set of rules to live by. And I know they are going to have regrets which can get all -consuming unless they learn to face up to their choices from the past and combine their efforts to make things work no matter what. That's what it means to take responsibility. LOVE'S LAST GIFT R EMEMBR reeaat♦yl h., 1 ' ANCE Whether It's a ® MONUMENT • MARKER © INSCRIPTION You are remembering as loved one. TET. PRYDE & SON LTD. HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS PHONE EXETER 235-0620 qammetwalusemessmoger DELIGI&ulkolefottilq 0104 This Week's Special CHOP SUEY LOAF Reg, 55¢ 2 For 894 (AT THE BAKERY) TASTY o NU BAKERY ZURICH YOLI WON'T WANT TO MISS IT EXETER FALL FAIR FRIDAY, SEPT. 21 EVENING PROGRAM IN THE ARENA — START 7:30 P.M. FUN F011 ALI. rr ,o amens * Baby Contest a«^ ,` °ra'�,.�. * Entertainment 4 month, 8 under — S months & under -- 12 months & under GIANT MIDWAY * Fair Queen Contest * Indoor Exhibits On Display SATURDAY, SEPT. 22 * Giant Parade With Zurich Centennial Band and Clinton Pipe Band at 11:30 a.m. * Radio Controller Airplane Flying * Livestock Displays * Pigeons * Feeder Calf Club Exhibit & Auction * Special Apple Feature — $60 in Prizes Sao pastelist for details DANCE ®- EXETEP LEGION HALL Limited Tickets Available Featuring The Star Trex Refreshments Available * Horse Show * 4-H Show * Giant Midway * Live Entertainment all afternoon on the grounds