HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-09-13, Page 8rt, PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 FOR SALE FRESH HONEY - Now available. 500 pound in your own contain- ers. - Ferguson Apiaries, 236- 4979. 31-b POTATOES FOR SALE - Phone 236-4038 on Highway 84 east of Zurich. - Arnold Vanden- boomen. 32-tf SAVE $316 during the summer .Moto -Ski Sale. Regular price on 73 Capri 440 model, 32 H, P, is 1225. Summer sale special only $899. including electric start kit. THE BOS'N'SHOP, Brucefield, Phone 482-7222. 33 -rf UPRIGHT PIANO, in good cond- ition. - Call 236-4244. Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE - two storey home, well situated in the village of Zurich. All modern conveniences, 3 bedrooms, Contact Allan Gascho, Phone 236-4320, 37-p FILING CABINET - one only, 4 -drawer legal size, used. See it at the Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. tf APPLES; Wolf River, St. Law- rence, Pippens, etc. Closed Sundays, Phone 482-9141, Fred McClymont, 1 mile south of Varna. 37-39-b TOMATOES - four acres, exc- ellent canning varieties. Pick your own, $1.85 per bushel. Also squash, muskmelon, etc., etc. Road signs located west of Dashwood on Highway 83, and east of Shipka on Crediton Road. Bill and Melva Rammeloo, Dashwood, phone 237-3228. 37-b WOODEN DESKS - both single and double pedestal. Also wide assortment of office chairs, wooden. Drop in and see them. - Zurich Citizens News - phone 236-4672. tf GRAVITY GRAIN BOX and wag- on. - Phone 236-4015, Edmund Ted Jeffrey, R.R.2, Zurich. 37-38-p USED TYPEWRITERS - over 20 models to choose, One electric. Priced from $39.95 to $125. Help the students to better marks - Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672. tf 12 ACRES of oat straw. Phone 236-4695. 37-b USED ADDING MACHINES - two only, Burroughs electric models. See them at the Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672. HELP WANTED. STEADY EMPLOYMENT, male or female. Plant workers, truck drivers, farm workers. Apply to Exeter Produce & Storage. Phone 235-0141. 37-b PART-TIME HELP required. • Apply in person to Bavarian Inn, Bayfield, Ontario. 37-b HELP NEEDED - Full and/or part time. Apply to McKinley's Farm and Hatchery Ltd., Phone 262-2837. 37-b STEADY EMPLOYMENT avail- able. Contact ZURICH WOOD PRODUCTS LTD., phone 236- 4324. 37-b BARTENDER for afternoon shifts. Apply to Green Forest Motor Hotel, 238-2365, Grand Bend. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gingerich, Zurich, are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter, Carol Dianne, to Mr. Gerald Maurice Witzel, son of Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Witzel, R.R,1, Tavis- tock. The wedding to take place on Saturday, October 6, 1973, at 2;30 p.m. at the Zurich Mennonite Church. 37-p COMING EVENTS BULLY GULLY Sept. 15 - Roger Quick & The Rainbows Sept. 16 - Ontario Snowmobile Grass Drag Champion- ship Series (2nd event' Sept. 22 - Joe Overholt Sept. 23 - Moto Cross (C.M.A. Sanction) 37-b SERVICES OFFERED WILL BABY SIT pre-school children in my home, while mother works. Phone 262-2344. I have a number of vacancies for piano and theory lessons. - Idella Gabel, ARCT. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING - Freezer orders. Killing days, Monday and Wednesday after- noon. - YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET, Phone 236-4312, after hours, 236-4681. WATCH and CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies - HESS JEWELLERY - Zurich. 2 tf CUSTOM SLAUGHHTERING and Processing - Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Porl<. Pick-up serv- ice available - AL'S SUPER SAVE, - Phone 262-2017. CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING' -- 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only Nick -up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- - through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR L37.3314 Dashwood HELP WANTED PART-TIME staff for weekends, Waitresses in dining room, and waitresses and waiters in bar. Apply to Green Forest Motor Hotel, 238-2365, Grand Bend, i ;( BIRTH PACKHAM - At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednes- day, September 5, 1973, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Packham (nee Sylvia Henderson), 98 Mill St., Hensall, a son, Tim- othy Ronald. A first grandchild for Ron and Olive Packham, Devon, England, and sixth grandchild for Mrs. Peggy Hend- erson, Hensall. CUSTODIAN Contract Tender Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed up to Friday, September 21, 1973 for contracting cust- odial services at Howich Central Public School, R. R;.1 Gorrie. All tenders must be submitted on the offical tender forms which are available at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert St., Clinton. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. McVean Plant Superintendent CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks for all those who rem- embered us during our recent bereavement. It was greatly appreciated. - Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merrier. 37-p Mrs. Nancy Kyle and family would like to express their gratitude to the many people who gave various expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to UCW ladies and friends who served lunch following the fun- eral. Also remembered is Dr. Reid, Dr. Goddard, the West- lake Ambulance Service and staff at South Huron Hospital, We would like to say thank -you in a very special way to the staff at the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich, who looked after Tom so capably over the last several years. All these services are deeply appreciated. 37-b FOR SALE TAPE DECK - Holiday 8 -track Tape Deck with FM Stereo Radio, only 4 months old. Worth $110 new, will sell for only $85. Phone Doug Turklr eim, 236-4662, after 6 p, m. School Bus Driver STEPHEN CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Written applications, address- ed to the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert St. Clinton, will be received until 12 o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, SEPT.20 Duties to commence as soon as possible. - R.L. CUNNINGHAM Transportation Manager HURON COUNTY BOARD OF ' EDUCATION RECEPTION and DANCE FOR MR.&MRS .JOHN(Harry) BECHLER SATURDAY, SEPT, 22 9-1 DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by MAX and the Townliners Everyone Welcome Tuckersmith system improvement program Work is nearly completed on the $100, 000 improvement program undertaken this summ- er by the Tuckersmith Municip- al Telephone system. The latest program sees the installation of nearly 90 miles of new buried cable that will replace existing overhead wire and expand the capabilities of the present system. Mel Graham, of Brucefield, said the recent construction pro- gram would mean about 95 per cent of the telephone system's lines are now buried with 100 per cern of the rural lines under- ground. Buried cable partially eliminates the costly mainten- ance associated with overhead wires, particularly during winter ice storms. The Tuckersmith System serves customers in five town- ships in two counties, including Stanley, Hibbert, Usborne, Tuckersmith, and the village of Bayfield, The new expansion plan will also reduce the number of part- ies on one line to a maximum of four and Mr. Graham said that the system "could now offer anybody a private line if they want to pay for it, " At present, a subscriber on a four party line pays about $4.50 a month, while a two party line would cost about $10. 95 depend- ing on the distance from the exchange. A private line would average about $17.50 a month. Mr. Graham said that starting in December, all subscribers would receive a separate month- ly billing. Previously, customers were billed yearly on the mun- icipal tax roll. Mr. Graham said the $100, 000 project cost was recently debentured by Tuckersmith Township council and rates will be increased $1 for multi-party users to pay for the expansion. Zurich Mixed Friday Night Bowling League is looking for couples TO BOWL Anyone interested please contact ED SMITH 236-4195 01 TONY BEDARD 236-4741 - 236-4923 General meeting at the Bowling Lanes on Thursday, September 20, at 8:30 p. m. XORM ITING aiGtiQR6eP Estate Auction Sale of Real Estate, Automobile, Household Furnishings, Antiques & Misc. Items Sat. Sept. 15, 1973 at 1:00 p.m. sharp 74 Green Acres (1/z block east of IGA Store) GRAND BEND, ONT. REAL ESTATE consists of a 1 storey frame house with living room, dining room, kitchen with cupboards; 2 bedrooms with closets; 3 piece bathroom; closed in porch; partial basement; heated with propane wall furnace & heater; .Insul brick siding. Also large 2 car cement block garage. This house is situated on lot 23, plan 8, village of Grand Bend, 75' x 99' - 1 15'; '/ block from grocery store, 3 blocks from school and post office. Plenty of shade. Real Estate sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. AUTOMOBILE — 1961 Dynamic 88 Oldsmobile to be sold as is. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS — 2 -door Frost free Frigidaire refrigerator; Norge electric stove; kitchen table; dining room table, set, of 6 chairs; French Provincial Chesterfield & chair, like new; large upholstered chair; platform rocker, 3 hostess chairs; matching end tables; magazine table; Rogers Majestic television; pole lamp, like new; odd chairs; floor & table lamps; 3 piece bedroom suite; beds, springs & mattresses; dressers, one with large oval mirror; small desk with 4 drawers; 2 cardtablesr,TV tables fanpradio;.13issell carpet sweeper; parts of 3 sets of dishes; 3 clocks; mirrors; many knick knacks; dishes; steam iron; linens; pillows; etc. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES — captain's chair, 3 wooden rocking chairs; parlor table; small pine table; piano stool; iron & brass bed; cherry drop leaf table; wall hall rack with mirror; 37 pieces of blue willow (England); pictures, frames, milk cans and other items. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS — lawn mower; lawn chairs; ladder; plants, mats; garden and carpenter's tools; wicker baskets, etc. Terms Cash Estate of the late Adah Webb Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 Exeter