HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-09-13, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1973
Will licence food
Stephen township last Tuesday
night passed a bylaw authorizing
the Huron County Health
Unit to licence and supervise
food premises in the municipal-
The new ruling will cover
restaurants, lunch counters,
refreshment stands, mobile
canteens and bakeries.
The following fee schedule
for licences will be in effect;
Lions Governor
to visit Zurich
District Governor James
Pemberton was born and educ-
ated in Nova Scotia. Jim, for
the past number of years has
owned and operated Pemberton's
Egg Station in Galt, which is
now known as Cambridge.
He joined Lionism in 1963
and has maintained perfect
attendance ever since. Jim has
served on most committees of
his club and was President of the
Galt Lion's Club in 1969-'70.
Following this he moved up to
serve as Zone -Chairman of 9
North in 1971-72 and Deputy
District Governor of District
A-9 in 1972-73.
His topic for Monday's add-
ress is "One Million Men Serv-
ing Mankind."
restaurants $20; lunch counters
$15; refreshment stands $15;
mobile canteens $100 and bak-
eries $20. The health Unit will
be responsible for collection of
licence fees.
The bid of Carmen Roeszler,
area distributor for British Pet-
roleum Products was accepted to
supply fuel products to the town-
ship for a period of one year.
The lowest of three invited
bids, it calls for gasoline to be
supplied for 46.1 cents per gall-
on, diesel fuel at 49. 8 cents
per gallon and furnace fuel at
24.5 cents for each gallon.
A building permit application
from Cook's Division of Gerbro
Corporation to extend their mill
facilities at the Centralia plant
was approved.
Included in the construction
estimated to cost $300, 000 are
unloading facilities, a number
of silos, a cleaning plant and
drying unit.
A request from Grand Bend
council for repair of a portion
of the Walker drain was accept-
ed and will be forwarded to the
engineering firm of Gamsby
and Mannerow for.a survey plan
and report.
Tile drain loan application
i n the amount of $33, 000 were
accepted and a tile drain deb-
enture in the amount of $13, 400
was passed.
You've finally done it --
purchased a farm. But how do
you go about getting the most
our of it? What crops do you
plant? Do you raise beef? Horses
The Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, in co- operation with the
office of Continuing Education,
University of Guelph, will be
offering evening courses in
applied agriculture during the
fall and winter semesters.
Because of the courses' pop-
ularity in 1972, locations for
the classes are being expanded
this year. The introductory
course in agriculture, which
gives participants a broad back -
(continued on page 12)
d�1N titnit t I ;i ',','401-4.t i, 11 At
Hurons only Class 'B' Fair
P.m. Official Opening by Jack Riddell, Huron M.P.P.
Program by Huron Junior.Farmers
Queen of The Fair Competition
Merchants and Industrial Displays
Parade - Bands - Floats - Exhibits
Judging - Pet Show - Junior Fair Championship
Farm Machinery Display - Horse Show - Huron
Black and White Show -
Selection and crowning the "Queen of the Fair"
"Fashion Travel and Fun" sponsored by the
Womens Division at 2.30 p.m.
Light Horse Show Friday evening, Sept. 21 at 5:30 p.m.
Admission Each Day $1.00, Children 6 - 12, 25 Cents
Cars .504
Alf. Ross
Cabaret Style
Seaforth Arena
SAT., SEPT. 22
Music by "The Bluewater Playboys"
Tickets $3 Couple
Mrs, Kathleen Cuthill
Sec.-Treas.,527-0753 !:
News of Varna Area
The United Church Women
held their September meeting
last Thursday evening with the
president, Mrs. Ralph Stephen-
son in charge, who opened the
meeting with prayer. Group one
were in charge of devotions.
A hymn "When He Cometh"
was sung.
Mrs. Ida McClinchey read
the scripture followed by prayer
Police raid
Bayfield camp
Following an investigation
involving 52 officers of the
Ontario Provincial Police Goder-
ich , raided a Bayfield camp-
site, arresting seven Kitchener
Three of the men, Neil Alex-
ander Stewart, 21, Douglas
Shell, 23, and William Thaler,
19, have been charged with
"Possession of Offensive Weap-
ons" as a result of the raid.
Police said a number of items
were seized in connection with
those charges.
When tete men appear in court
at Goderich on September 20
four others, Brian Wiles, 18,
William Kurt, 26, Joseph Kocl<-
er, 21, and James Kurt, 22, wil.
also face charges of "Possession
under the Narcotics Control Act.
The men were camped in a
bush area on the outskirts of the
village when the 0.P. P. officers
closed in at about 6:45 that
o `a: e ec i s it
leaves Huron
After three and one-half
years as county home econom-
ist in Huron, Catherine Hunt
left the post, effective August
Miss Hunt graduated from the
University of Guelph in 1968 and
then went to the Universityof
Western Ontario for further
studies in home economics.
She taught foods and nutrition
at Central 1-luron Secondary
School in Clinton before taking
the post with the Department of
Agriculture and Foods.
Miss Hunt said she has "enj- .
oyed immensely" her work in
Huron, but she is also looking
forward to her new life.
She is getting married in Sept-
ember and is moving to Kings-
ville where her husband is ass-
istant agricultural representat-
ive. She will also work part-
time with the Department of
Agriculture in that area.
No successor has been ann-
ounced for the Huron County
post as of yet.
L 1G
—Commencing at 9:30 a.m.—
The Howard Datar's
Farm 1 smile north of
- Horseshoe Pitching --
Admission Free
by Mrs, William McAsh. The
offering was taken up by Mrs.
Louis Taylor and dedicated by
Mrs. Bob Stirling.
The topic for the evening
was "Lively Stones" given by
Mrs. Stirling. Mrs. William
Taylor read the poem, "If
Christ were to knock at your
door today" to close the devot-
The business period was open-
ed by the secretary. A report
was read by Mrs. Gordon John-
ston. Sixteen members answered
the roll call by telling of incid-
ents in their lives during the
summer. The treasurer's report
was read by Mrs. Stephenson,
Thirty calls were made to sick
and shut-ins during the summer.
It was announced that the Fall
Rally of the UCW will be held
on October 11 at 7 p.m. in Ont-
ario Street Church in Clinton.
The members decided to
again hold a smorgasbord supper
this year --the date is Wednes-
day, October 3. The meeting
was closed with a prayer. Lunch
was served by hostesses, Mrs,
W. McAsh, Mrs. Louis Taylor
and Mrs. Ivan McClymont.
The Rally Day service was
held on Sunday last in the Unitet
Church with Rev. M. Morrison
in charge. Superintendents of tilt
Sunday School, gave out the
diplomas and seals for attend-
First year diplomas, Brent
Taylor, Rossiya Elliott.
Second year seals, Julie Web-
ster, Jackie Taylor, John Dow -
Third year seals, Laurie Con-
sitt, Jackie Taylor, Luanne
Sixth year seals, Steven Ell-
iott, Mark Taylor.
Seventh year seals, Bonnie
Dowson, Brenda Dowson, Janice
Eighth year diplomas, Scott
Consitt, Paul Consitt, Sandra
Webster. Promoted from Kinder-
garten to primary, Jackie Tay-
lor, Brent Taylor.
Anniversary Service in the
United Church will be held next
Sunday, September 16, at 11
a.m. with Rev, Stan McIbnald
of Peterboro as guest minister.
Blaine Stephenson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, left
last week for Lindsay, where he
will attend the Sir Sanford Flem-
ing College.
Vere Making Way
or The Exciting 174''
opinn And+Take
vgltage of the
1970 .CHEV IMPALA Custom 2 -door, hard-
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1970 CHEV BISCAYNE sedan, 350, V-8,
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196;9 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Custom 4 -door
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1,968. FORD 10 -passenger country sedan
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Licence "CXZ196
We have several used cars' in stock that require
paint jobs. Because our body man is on holidays,
we're offering these units at substantial savings:
Alt are certified.
1970 FORD, SQUIRE WAGON, 10 -passenger, power
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1968 MERCEDES 220 4 -door, 6 cylinder, 4
speed,- DJK929
1970 FORD CUSTOM 500 4-doot, V-8, automatic,
power 'steering DHA887
1970 CHEV IMPAC A 2 -door hardtop', V-8, automatic,
power brakes, power steering, DFY399
1967 PLYMOUTH FURY 11I 4 -door DFX960
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