HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-09-06, Page 9PAGE 10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1y7a FOR SALE SAVE $316 during the summer Moto -Ski Sale, Regular price on 73 Capri 440 model, 32 I-1, P is 1225. Summer sale special only $899. including electric start kit. THE BOS'N'SHOP, Brucefield, Phone 482-7222, POTATOES FOR SALE - Phone 236-4038 on Highway 84 east of Zurich, - Arnold Vanden- boomen. 32-tf FRESH HONEY - Now available. 500 pound in your own contain- ers. - Ferguson Apiaries, 236- 4979. 31-b USED OFFICE DESK- Single pedestal, 30" x 45". Rich birch finish. In beautiful condition. Also'several secretarial chairs. Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672. 33-tf USED TYPEWRITERS - both standard and portable models, Most of. them just like new. Priced from $39.95 to $129.50. You must see them to apprec- iate them. - Zurich Citizens News - Phone, 236-4672. 1968 CHRYSLER, 383 engine, automatic, P.S. & P.B. Green. In A-1 condition. Priced for quick sale. Phone 236-4732. WEAVING LOOM and equipment. Small amount of warp. Contact Seth Amanns, 236-4872. 35-36-p 1973 OLDS - 98 Regency; 4 -door hardtop, chamois gold, black vinyl top. All par equipped. AM, FM Stero plus tape deck. Michelin tires and loaded with extras. Low mileage; substantial saving. - Phone 262-2235, Hen - sail. 35-36-b BEAUTIFUL CANNING Tomatoes for sale. Pick you own for $3. per bushel. Ripe tomatoes on green vines at their peak of perfection. Also canoes to rent by day or week. Phone Brenda Market, 238-2301. 42 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy 21. 36-b UPRIGHT PIANO, in good cond- ition. - Call Josef Risi, phone 236-4244. Zurich. 36-p 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury II V- 8 Excellent running condition.- Body ondition.Body needs minor work. Will safety check. For further infor- mation call Doug Turkheim, 236-4662, after six. 36-x' USED TUB and wall -hung basin. Ca11236-4195, Zurich, 36-p HELP WANTED. Several openings for steady employment will be available September 1, when our student employees return to School 40 -hour week - starting rate $2.35. Contact ZURICH WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Phone 236- 4324. 33-b BARTENDER for afternoon shifts. Apply to Green Forest Motor Hotel, 238-2365, Grand Bend. 36-b PART-TIME staff for weekends. Waitresses in dining room, and waitresses and waiters in bar. Apply to Green Forest Motor Hotel, 238-2365, Grand Bend. 36-b FULL or PART TIME, mature person preferred. Apply in per- son to Albion Hotel, Bayfield. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Corriveau, R. R.2, Zurich, are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Julie Anne Marie, to Mozart Gelinas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas, of Zurich. The wedd- ing will take place at 2 p.m. in St. Peter's Catholic Church, St. Joseph, Ontario, on Sept- ember 29, 1273. 36-b The forthcoming marriage is announced of Susan Lynn Dig- nan, daughter of Mrs. Bob Denomme and Mr. Earl Dignan, to Mr. Richard Francis Grenier, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Grenier, Dashwood. The wedd- ing to take place oa October 6, 1973, at 1:30 o'clock, at St. Boniface Church, Zurich. COMING EVENTS HULLY GULLY Sept. 8 - Hully Gully is holiday- ing. See you next week. Sept. 9 - Ontario Snowmobile Grass Drag Champion- ship Series (1st event) Sept. 15 - Roger Quick and the Rainbows Sept, 16 -Ontario Snowmobile Grass Drag Champion- ship Series (2nd event Sept. 22 - Joe Overholt Sept 23 - Motto Cross (CNA sanctioned) 36-b Two Community Meetings re the problem of "personal air pollution" on Tuesday, Sept- ember 18, 1973 at 8 p.m. Leg- ion Hall, Clinton, and Wednes- day, September 19, 1973 at 8 p.m. Regional School of Nursing, Stratford. Dr. Norman C. Delarue, Chief of Surgical Chest Service, Toronto General Hospital, just one of many chest appointments will be the speaker. Dr, Delarue is now on the Technical Advis- ory Committee on Health con- cerning Smoking and Health, Federal Department of Health and Welfare. Mr. Ed Thompson, Executive Assistant, York Toronto TB and Respiratory Disease Association and formerly with "Pollution Probe" will also be present. THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit Office, South Huron Hosp- ital, Exeter, on Monday, Sept- ember 10, 1973 and on Monday, September 24, 1973 from 9:30 to 11:30 for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing. 36-b THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Adult. Health Guidance Centre; Health Unit office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, September 18, 1973 from 1:30 to 3;30 for 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Tests. Volunteer drivers are available. BIRTH TURNER - Bob and Gail Turner (nee Richardson) R. R.1, Zurich announce the birth of a daught- er, August 29, 1973 at South Huron Hospital. A sister for Jason. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks and appreciation for cards that I received while in Exeter Hospit- al. Also thanks to Dr. Wallace and nurses at the Hospital. - Edna Eckel - 36-p I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, visits and treats, while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and since returning home. - Melvin Schoch - 36-p I would like to thank all my neighbours, friends and relatives for all their many acts of kind- ness shown me and my family while I was in hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Kuepfer, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Wolfe, Dr. Ahuja and the nurses in coron- ary care unit on the 5th floor at University Hospital, also to all who sent me cards, flowers, treats or came to see me. Your kindness will never be forgotten, - Lorraine Schwartzentruber - I would like to say "thank you" to my family, relatives and friends for the many cards, visits and flowers while a pat- ient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Father Ben- sette, Dr. Wallace and West- lake Ambulance. Your thought- fulness will always be rememb- ered. - Mrs. Beatrice Overholt - The family of the late Frederick C. Beer wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy and the many acts of kindness extended to us dur- ing our recent bereavement. A special thank you to the Hen- sall and Exeter branches of the Royal Canadian Legion, Legion members and Bruce Cann, trumpeter, for the graveside service; also Dr. C.J, Goddard, Westlake Ambulance, Bonthron Funeral Home, pallbearers, Rev, Donald Beck and the staff at South Huron Hospital. It was all deeply appreciated. 36-p FOR RENT ROOM and BOARD available for pensioners or wage earners. - Mrs. Rachel Schwalm , 78 Queens Street, Hensall, Phone 262-2391. 35-b HELP WANTED COOK WANTED - Mature Christian couple with one or both able to cook, required by Village Retreat & Recreational Services. Apartment will be supplied. Position available September 15, 1973. Apply to Village Retreat & Recreational Services, Box 564, Grand Bend, Ontario, or phone 232-4438. SERVICES OFFERED I have a number of vacancies for piano and theory lessons. - Idella Gabel, ARCT. 35-36-37-p WILL BABY SIT small children in my home. - Phone 236-4839. 35-36-b The descendants of the late Andrew Bell and Mary Blair gathered recently at the Old Bell Homestead for their fifth reunion in 11 years. The 75 persons attending, arrived from Kennaird and SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM SLAUGH-ITERING - Freezer orders. Killing days, Monday and Wednesday after- noon. - YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET, Phone 236-4312, after hours, 236-4681. WATCH and CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china, Diamond re -setting. Trophies - HESS JEWELLERY - Zurich.' 2 tf CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing - Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick-up serv- ice available - AL'S SUPER SAVE, - Phone 262-2017. Langley B.C., Boston, Halifax, Toronto, London, Seaforth, Grand Bend, Kitchener, Goderich and Streetsville. The reunion began Saturday with a luncheon THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION r equires SECRETARIAL HELP for Turnberry Central Public School Applicants stating experience and telephone number, should be addressed to: MR. PAUL STATIA, principal, Turnberry Central Public School R,R,4, WINGHAM Deadline for applications is September 13, 1973. D,J, Cochrane E.C. Hill Director Chairman SEASONAL WORKERS REQUIRED To Help Process Delicious Aylmer and DelMonte Vegetables • Light and Heavy Labour • Day or Evening Shift • Free Transportation Arranged • No Previous Experience Necessary • Cafeteria on the Premises INCREASED WAGE RATES CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED is once again recruiting men and women for work in their food processing plant in Exeter. Anyone wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to earn' extra money, please register in person at your local Canada Manpower Centre or at CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED ,AIM ER *Monte 210 Wellington St. W. EXETER, ONTARIO ATTENTION STUDENTS: There will be part time work • available 'during September and Octorier.