HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-08-30, Page 14PAGE 14 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1973 50 Years Ago A number from this part of the country attended the For- ward Movement convention held in Crediton last Monday night and Tuesday. Miss Vera Siebert has opened her millinery parlours in Zur- ich, which she purchased from Miss M. Routledge, She is now in a position to trade with the public, since she has a large stock of merchandise on hand. Miss Isobel Howell, of Thor- old, has been engaged to teach at the Goshen School, north of Zurich, for the coming term. Berl Ashton, of Gorrie, has returned to Hensall and will have charge of the millinery department in the Rannie store. A total of 48'scholars have enrolled in the high school dep- artment of the Hensall Public School, and officials feel it will soon be necessary to either build another part to the school or erect a new school. The death occurred in Hen- sall on Saturday of an aged resident, Mrs. Douglas, who was formerly of Blake for many years. 35 Years Ago Mr. Joseph Oesch, a former resident of this area and for the past 27 years of resident of Biggar, Saskatchewan, is at present renewing old acquaint- ances throughout this area. Mr. West, the teacher engag- ed to teach the Bronson Line school in Hay Township, along with his wife, has taken up res- idence above the Merner store in Zurich. ' Mr. and Mrs, E, M, Dagg, who have been living in the house just south of Eckel's Bak- ery in Zurich, have moved into the home recently purchased DURABLE PRESS Durable press or permanent press has become a common term in our clothing vocabulary. But how many shoppers know what it means? In the durable press process, finished garments are cured or baked into their final pressed shape, to which they will always return after 'laun- dering, • OF YEARS GONE - BY - by H, W, Brokenshire, from the Truernner estate, Mr. Brok- enshire has made a number of alterations to the building. 25 Years Ago. Gerald Shantz, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elam Shantz, of near Hensall, suffer- ed a nasty leg injury last week when he fell off a farm wagon and received a deep gash on his leg. Mrs. C. Minke, and grand- daughter, little Donna Oesch, of Zurich, are visiting with relat- ives in Chesley for a couple of weeks. Mr. Lorne Weber, of Philadel- phia, better known in this area as "General, " was a visitor for a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Phoebe Weber, in Zurich. The truck drivers of the Bren- nan Paving Company, who are currently paving the runways at Centralia Airport, went on strike on Monday morning, and all work on the project was stopped. Miss Joyce Scruton, of Tor- onto, accompanied by Mrs. Bert Horton and family, of Her.- sall, are enjoying their vacat- ion at Grand Bend. Wilson Allan, well-known Hensall trucker suffered a brok- en arm last week while he was drawing gravel from McLean's pit, east of Hensall. A stubborn bush fire which for three days threatened valuable property at the Beach of Pines, near Grand Bend, was finally subdued on Sunday. 10 Years Ago Four sections of Hay Town- ship School Area have petition- ed the council of the Township of Hay to release them from the township school area, foll- owing a vote last Friday which approved complete consolidat- ion. The vote had approved the addition of two classrooms and a gymnasium to the area school located in the village of Zurich. The 57 year old clerk of Usborne Township who withdrew his name shortly after he was nominated Tuesday night, as Liberal candidate in Huron riding, changed his mind a few 11 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL %dS� •R"..Y HAMBURG AND HOT 006 ROLLS REG, 35¢ PK G,3 PKGS, (AT THE BAKERY) ZURICH minutes later and decided to seek election, when three others nominated dropped out. Council expressed their conf- idence in the detachment of Ontario Provincial Police stat- ioned in Grand Bend this summer by authorizing a letter of com- mendation and appreciation to be sent to the Attorney' Gener- al's department as soon as poss- ible. Cool, cloudy, damp weather has curtailed the completion of threshing and there is still about 20 o of the spring grain crop yet to be harvested. Test drilling equipment arriv- ed in the Grand Bend Harbour on Monday from Wallaceburg, to begin work on test holes for the water pipe line which is expected to be built from Lake Huron to London. Back -to -School Special 7 Sturdy, lightweight lunch box, extra large capacity. Designed to hold 10 oz, bottle. Assorted colours. Swinger A/I'VI, Combination Electric Pocket Radio Padlocks Alarm Clock Space-age styling',: combined with great listening. Carry chain and 9 -volt batteiy incl. Red or Yellow 5" king shackle for bicycles. Dependable:. 3 -number locking mechanism. As above with short shackle for school lockers. Cute 'n' compact`— only 3" high, Light dial and drowse feature. White or Brown. Shop Pro for all your "Back -to -School" needs. PRO HARDWARE SERVES YOU BEST) ZORICH N-14/73 �"K�1 Y4 44•5dUllit,'".t4;c14n 0• 1447.1, r±C-00,1',•r.... j"�