Zurich Citizens News, 1972-08-24, Page 6PAGE 6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 50 Years Ago Mr Russell Preeter left for Kitchener last week, where he has a position in the large department store of Lang and Tracey. Rev. and Mrs. R.M. Geiger and child of Rockwood, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Geiger. A band of Salvation Army, camping at Bayfield and from Stratford, passed through the village on Saturday and dem- onstrated their open-air free program of music, singing, and addresses. We are pleased to report that Mr. Lloyd O'Brien who is at St. Joseph's Hospital, Londor: after suffering injuries to his back, is making wonderful progress and conditions look favourable. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wesley and family of Detroit are camping at Drysdale at the lake. Ed is sporting a new Chevrolet tour- ing car. Miss Leila Siebert is leaving this week for her vacation at Brantford, Hamilton and Niag- ara Falls. Mx. and Mrs. Jacob Litt, of Sebringville visited the past week at the home of the form- er's brother, Rev. J.G. Litt. 40 Years Ago Harvest is progressing very rapidly these weeks, and soon the big 1932 crop will be garnered in. Prospects for the farmer are looking just a little better just now with practically all farm products going up slowly in price. The new residence of Mr. Jacob Haberer is rapidly near- ing completion. The plumbing and heating equipments are now in, and rapid irogress is being made with the carpenters working very hard. Clinton horseshoe tossers were in town on Monday night and played a friendly game with the local boys. The rather hot and dry weath er was somewhat broken on Tuesday, when a nice refresh- ing'rain visited these parts, which were badly needed. Mr. and Mrs. Burn of New York City are visiting at the former's parents at the Evang- elical parsonage. REDI-MIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 -OF- YEARS GONE -BY- 25 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Exias Charrette and daughter Elaine, of Det- roit were week -end visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido are enjoying this week at their cottage in the Schade Resort on the Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch and daughter Donna visited at Kitchener and Mrs. Mink who had been visiting in that city, returned home with them. Mrs. Ervin Schilbe and son Kenneth are visiting the forint er's sister at Toronto this week, also attending the National Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Miller and son, Arthur, Mrs. F. Bend- er and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel spent Sunday at Bright's Grove, also called on Mr. and Mrs. Len Haist who are camp- ing there. Mr. and Mrs. George Kerswell and daughter Myrna from Akron, Ohio, were week- end visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schilbe and other rel- atives. 15 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong of the Goshen north have rec- ently returned from a planned motor trip to the West Coast. All girls who are under 21 and unmarried are invited to enter the "Queen Contest" at the Ontario Bean Festival spon- sored by the Hensall Kinsmen Club in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger had a most pleasant four-day tour of Eastern Ontario over the week -end when they accompanied the Adult Farm- ers sight seeing tour to Kingston Cornwall, the St. Lawrence Seaway Project and Ottawa. Master Ronald Corriveau, 6 -year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Corriveau was unfort- unate to receive an injury to his left eye, by cracking a bottle while playing with his brother, and a piece of glass entered the eye. Thursday evening last, Mrs. Theresa Hartman of the Goshen south, was taken by complete surprise, when about 50 fiiends and neighbours from the Goshet Line south, came in to spend an evening with her prior to her departure from the farm. 10 Years Ago Fire which was believed to have been started from spont- aneous combustion caused damage estimated at close to $1500 to the Dashwood Planing Mill on Monday night. The Hay Township School Area Board has purchased a new bus to transport the pupils . from the east part of the town- ship to the school in Zurich. Scoring another win over the Hensall Generals last week in the round robin series for the London Free Press Trophy, the Zurich Lumberkings won the right to meet the Exeter nine in the finals for the league title. Mrs. Della Miller, of Mil- waukee, Wis., was a holiday visitor with her sister-in-law Mrs. Adeline Sararas. It was 47 years ago since the last visited here and enjoyed visit- ing places of her late husbands Mr. Conrad Miller's boyhood days. Brother Yaguchi, from Japan, was guest speaker at the Blake Mennonite Church, Sunday evening. Brother Yaguchi was sent over from Japan as a del-. egate for the'seventh Mennon- ite World Conference. 0 About People You Know .. . Heather and Carrie Sweeney have spent their summer hol- idays vacationing in Windsor. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sweeney is Mrs. Rox- anne Michalski and children from Windsor. On Sunday morning, August 20, the Rev. L.H. Kalbfleisch conducted the service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ich, in the absence of Rev. A. Blackwell who is on vacation, and in the afternoon he was the guest speaker at the annual Memorial and Decoration Serv- ice held in Trinity Lutheran Church, Tavistock. IDB appoints Huron rep. Industrial Development Bank continues to receive many req- uests for assistance from bus- inessmen and farmers in Huron ,County. To maintain prompt service, this government spons- ored bank has assigned a second credit officer to administer accounts in this county. N.G.W, Peever, a long time resident of mid -western Ontario, will now join J. D. Brinklow in making frequent visits to Goder- ich, Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth, Wingham and other communit- ies to meet with residents int- erested in IDB financing. IDB makes term loans to every kind of business, including farms retail outlets, service industries and professional practices, for every worthwhile purpose, where reasonable financing is not else- where available. Further inform- ation'abouf IDB, including a new film, may be obtained at 197 York Street, London. LIVESTOCK SHIPPING MOW TO TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Dunn and Levack Every Monday All Loads Fully Insured! CONTACT Campbell McKinley RR 1, ZURICH Phone 262.5430 0111.1111.1111 PUBLIC NOTICE SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATURE ON THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD INVITATION TO SUBMIT WRITTEN BRIEFS On June 30th, 1972, the Ontario Legislature appointed a Select Committee to examine, inquire into and report upon .the Ontario Municipal Board and to make recommendations on: (a) the purpose, object and functions of the Ontario Municipal Board. (b) the jurisdiction of the Ontario Municipal Board. (c) the structure and organization of the Ontario Mlrnicipal Board. (d) the procedures and practices of the Ontario Municipal Board. (e) the procedures by way of appeal from the orders and rulings of the Ontario Municipal Board, including appeals by way of petitions to the Lieutenant Governor in Council. (f) the relationship of the Ontario Municipal Board in the discharge of its responsibilities with the Provincial Government, local government and the individual citizen. The Committtee invites written briefs from individuals and organizations who may wish to present information, opinions or suggestions regarding any of the above matters relating to the Ontario Municipal Board. Briefs must be submitted by September 15th, 1972 to the Clerk of the Committee Box 233, Main Parliament Building, Toronto 182, Ontario. John P. MacBeth, Q.C., M.P.P., Chairman. • Alex McFedries, Clerk. "TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT US" The Western Ontario Dairy Equipment Co. EXPERIMENTAL FARM We are now the Major Distributors in Western Ontario for the Zero Mfg. Co. The maker of The Zero Concord Twin -Vacuum Milking System. The ONLY system that provides stable milking vacuum at the teat end, and that doesn't inject air into the milker units to move the milk. We're also pleased to be distributors for WEST-AGRO CHEMICAL CANADA LTD. The "Tamed Iodine" people who make such fine products as losan, Bovadine, Dyne and Dynemate. To compliment aur line of dairy equip- ment we have selected CLAY — "The Problem Solving People" — for their • PARLOUR STALLS • FREE STALLS • COW STALLS and BOX STALLS IF YOUR PROBLEM IS: I. Livestock Outgrowing Their Facilities 2. Dissatisfaction With Your Present Sanitation Programme 3. Dissatisfaction With Your Present Milking Equipment 4. Milk Gel Index Results Contact Us. We Sell More Than Dairy Supplies . . . We Sell A Service BUT DON'T TAKE OUR WORD, ASK SOMEONE WHO DEALS WITH US "THE DAIRY CO." Serving The Counties of Kent, Essex, Huron, Lamb+on, Middlesex, Elgin, Oxford,. Perth and Bruce Contact: Box 576 Ridgetown 674-5558 — SHANTZ FARM AUTOMATION R.R•LL Zurich 236-4281