HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-08-16, Page 15THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1973 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 15 Training course for leaders The Ontario Ministry of Ag- riculture and Food is again sponsoring 4-H Homemaking Clubs in Huron County. The project for fall is "A World of Food in Canada" and the girls will be learning the nutritive value and preparation of ethnic foods from around the world. Miss Catherine Hunt, Home Economist for Huron County, BUILD BLUEBIRD HOUSES - During the rainy weather this summer, students working on the S. W.E.E. P. program through the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority have completed 100 Bluebird houses which will be erected in Stanley and Goderich Townships. Shown here looking at the houses are, left to right, Harvey MacDougall, of Bayfield, who has stirred up a great deal of interest in bluebirds, Mrs. Betty Burch, of Bayfield, another bluebird fan, Dan Wilson, technical adviser with the S. W. E. E. P. program, Jim Rowatt, S, W.E.E. P. supervisor, Philip DuBoulay, of Bayfield, and Tom Lyon, another S, W . E, E, P. technical adviser. Plan to restore bluebirds (by Harvey MacDougall, for the Bayfield Area Bluebird Soc- iety) Many have called the Blue- bird America's most beautiful bird. With its lovely soft blue back and its rusty throat and breast, the male is a stirring sight. The female, though not so brilliant, is beautiful, too. A generation ago these lovely song birds flourished throughout Ontario. In many parts of the province there isn't a single pair nesting any more. The passing of the rail fences, wood- en posts and old orchard trees with their knot holes have left few nesting cavities for the bluebirds. The starlings have taken over most that are still available, Fortunately bluebirds will readily accept properly built and placed boxes. Those put up STA LITE RIVE 111 THEATRE Program of Feature Attractions SAT. — FRI.—AUGUST 11 - 17 - DOUBLE FEATURE - (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) COLO! THE VALACHI PAPERS Charles Bronson, Leno Venturi SEE NO EVIL Mia Farrow, Dorothy Alison SAT. — TUES.—AUGUST 18 - 21 - DOUBLE FEATURE — Color (Disney Production) THE WORLD'S GREATEST ATHLETE Tim Conway, Nancy Waker THE BISCUIT EATER Earl Holliman, Patrica Crawley Open Nightly Except Sun. -- Rain or Clear — First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free near Bayfield have brought gratifying results. Bill Wiser, of Goderich, had excellent results last year from boxes put out, mostly in the Dungannon area, In 1969 Philip and Greta Du Bouley, of Bayfield found a pair of bluebirds on the 20th sideroad of Stanley. The pair S.W.E.E.P. crew build houses The North and South Crews of the Ausable-Bayfield SWEEP Program (Students Working in an Environmental Enhancement Program) have, at the request of Harvey MacDougall from Bayfield, completed the con- struction of 100 Bluebird houses. Mr. MacDougall, a member of the Bayfield Area Bluebird Society, has a very keen inter- est in preserving Bluebirds. He and other members of the Soc- iety have been placing Bluebird houses throughout the Stanley Township area with the return of some Bluebirds. Mr. MacDougall requested that SWEEP construct more Bluebird houses and place them throughout the area south of Bayfield and north of Exeter with the hope that still more Bluebirds will return. Dan Wil- son, a SWEEP Technical Ass- istant, along with two Sweepers, are going to assist Mr. Mac- Dougall in the placement of these Bluebird houses. This project was one of SWEEP'S Rainy Day Projects for the crews when they are unable to work out-of-doors. The Sweep Program, sponsor- ed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, is in its third sum- mer. Local Field TOMATOES Now Available HURON - RIDGE ACRES (Carol & Dave Steckle) 262-5442 had nested in a hollow cedar post at the back of David Steckle's farm. They raised young in 1970 and 1971 but since then seem to have abandoned this site. At that time we knew of no other nestings in this area. But last spring Doug Gemeinhardt found a pair nesting in a hollow post near his home in Bayfield. We would be glad to hear of any other nestings in our area. will be conducting the following Leaders' Training Schools: Seaforth area, Thursday and Friday, August 16 and 17, Sea - forth Legion Hall; Clinton area, Monday and Tuesday, August 20 and 21, Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton. Exeter Area, Thursday and Friday, August 23 and 24, Exeter United Church, Exeter. If you have a daughter who will be 12 by September 1, 1973, and you do not know who the local leader will be, please contact Miss Hunt at 482-3428. OPEN DAILY BREAKFAST & LUNCH 8 a.m. to 1 30 p.m. DINNERS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 5 to 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. SUNDAY 5:30 to 9 p.m. (Dining room licenced under L,L.B.O.) YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 For your listening and dancing pleasure Mozart's Melody Makers Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS "PETE and "CAROLE" DEITZ Highway 21 - GRAND BEND • IN Z 'ICH GUST e®n� Pancake and Sausage Breakfast Commencing at 8 a,m. NOME COOKED BEANS ® FAMOUS STREET MARKET Bean Queen Contest 5 Dance In The Arena Saturday Night FEATURING GARY BUCK, AL CHERNY AND THE ALLAN SISTERS ecoducaoase BE SURE TO VISIT GREEN ACRES , WITH A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SETTING .. kith