HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-08-16, Page 11THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1973 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS out outline exchange program (by Diane Klopp) Local 317 of the National Farmer's Union have received separate reports from two part- icipants who took part in the East-West Youth Exchange. Diane Klopp, the one partic- ipant for the girls, gave her report ,as follows; "The last three weeks of July were very interesting, and mostly educational for approx- imately 380 young people rang- ing in ages from 14-25 years old. These youth participated in the NFU exchange which enabled them to broaden their knowledge of Canada by seeing first hand how fellow Canadians in different parts of this great country live. Young farm people from the east went west and vice -versa. Our local went to Alberta, where in the part where I was stationed, their farms range from 500 to 1000 acres and therefore are almost too large to take care of. The average herd is 60 head, about the same as here even though our farms are consider- ably smaller. The farmers only put 30 to 40 pounds of fertilizer on their soil and usually no nitrate. Here farmers put on 200-300 pounds of nitrate and fertilizer on, so Ontarians get more prod- uction per acre than the western farmer. It was also found out that eastern farmers have to pay for the 15' of wild oats found in their wheat that the western farmers are docked for. It is obvious that someone is making an unfair profit. After our 10 -day visit in our host community, we all cong- regated in Winnipeg for a conf- erence. Here we had a chance to meet everyone else, especi- ally the Quebecois who repres- ented the U,P,A, They seemed really surprised at the warm reception whcih they received from us. It was decided that it is nec- essary for the UPA and the NFU to get together and hope- fully this was a step in the right direction to further better relat- ionships. The Kraft Buoycott was also discussed. It is important that people do not buy any Kraft products. Kraft is such a large American owned firm and inc- orporates millions of dollars, yet the farmers whom they deal with are not gettinga fair mark- et price. If everyone helps in the buoycott they hopefully will listen to the farmers. Personally, the education of the exchange was unforgettable it was a holiday, but really was not, as we had some difficult tasks to accomplish and very instructive days at Seminar. The other male participant was John VanderBurght, who gave his version as follows; "I was very happy to be chos- en by Local 317 of the NFU to go out west on the Youth Ex- change, All participants as before mentioned were from all across Canada plus 25 young people from Quebec who belong to the UPA. "United Producers Association." were also on the exchange. I belonged to a group of 30 young people and we all went to Edmonton, Alberta. We were picked up at the stat- ion by our host families. I stayed with a farmer named Jack Mosser on a farm 100 miles southeast of Edmonton, two miles from a town named Kill - am,. Jack owned 1400 acres plus 300 head of cattle and also owns a large feed lot oper- ation. On his farm he grows mainly feed crops such as hay, mixed grain, rye, wheat and rape. He, like the other farmers rotate farming and puts about one- third of his farm in summer fallow, (does not plant anything on it so land can catch up) and the other two-thirds is crop. The reason they do this is because they put on an average of 25 to 30 pounds of fertilizer an acre. An average farm there is about 1, 000 acres. They began their planting in early May and start harvesting in the middle of August. They have an average rainfall of 7- 10 inches of rain per year, but this year they had an abundance of rain in early July. After my 10 days on this farm all participants went to Winni- peg for a four day seminar. We came home on Friday, July 27, by jet from Winnipeg Should evaluate farms Farmers would be wise to have their farm evaluated,members of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture were told Thurs- day night at their monthly meeting in Clinton. Don Hoover, a member of the Sibbald Group, an apprais- ing firm based in Calgary told the group that farmers were especially wise to have their farm evaluated for capital gains tax purposes if their farm was of average or above average quality. The appraiser and agrolog- ist explained that revenue department officials are comp- iling a data bank at Ottawa of all sales in 1971 and 1972. They will estimate the worth of a farm on valuation day, Decem- ber 31, 1971 by the selling price of other farms in the area during the two-year period. Under this system, Mr. Hoover said, farmers with aver- age or below average farms can't be hurt too badly by capit- al gains tax when they sell their farm, but those with above average farms could save money by having their farm evaluated for its worth on V -Day. He explained to the group how the appraiser comes about striking a value for the property by both looking at the whole area and the specific farm in question. He also detailed the three methods used to decide the value of a farm; the market VOSAMffelal DY TO 'LE SE mama THIS MEEK'S SPECIAL! Honey Dipped JGNUTS regular 70¢ dozen (AT THE BAKERY) T ell(. S ZURICH value, comparing it with other similar properties sold recently in the area; the cost system, taking the worth of the land without the buildings and add- ing the worth of the buildings depreciated to their present state; and the income system by determining the income of the farm. Mr. Hoover and his company are presently working in the county to help farmers on the route of the Ontario Hydro pow- er line from Douglas Point to Seaforth get a proper value for their land in negotiations with Ontario Hydro. In other business at the meet- ing Thursday, a new constitution was adopted with little discuss- ion. One of the changes under the new constitution will see the regional membership meet- ings and the annual meeting of the county federation held at the same time rather than separately as in the past. President Mason Bailey also asked farmers to fill in question - aims sent out by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and return them to help OFA deter- mine a realistic dairy policy. 0 Consumers' Association of Canada reminds vacationers that under Canada's Criminal Code, dangerous operation of a boat, water skis, or any towed object is an indictable offense punishable by fines up to $500 or imprisonment. Offenses include; operating a boat when ability is impaired by alcohol or drugs; water skiing from one hour after sunset to sunrise; failure to stop when your boat has been involved in an accident to give assistance and identific- ation. airport to Toronto International Airport, and from there by chartered bus to London. This has been a great privil- ege the National Farmer's Union PAGE 11 I made possible for me to make this trip, because it is a great experience to see and talk to the Western farmers on how they operate their farms. PHIL'S VARIETY MAIN STREET - ZURICH featuring a complete line of Groceries * Confectionery * Novelties Phone 236-4930 for.free delivery on orders of $5,00 or over PEANUTS YOUILL GET ILL. OF SP NISH PEANUTS FOR ONLY 25C (1- LB. PER FAMILY) When You Present This Ad Personally At COYLE'S FACTORY OUTLET 260 Tallson Ave. (rear) TILLSONBURG DOVES, BELLS, ROSES, LEAVES, PILLARS AND TOPS FOR WEDDING AND ANNIVERSARY CAKES OPEN SEPT. 3 LABOUR DAY 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Store Hours: MONDAY to SATURDAY - 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. FRIDAY - 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. OFFER EXPIRES OCTOBER 31, 1973 C40 Children Must Be Accompanied by An Adult CH"M 7-1/160' galeE NO TO 001/8Lf yOURHo,VE/.."COL /TOAICE, AUT/T B,4C/e/N YOUR POC, el: General Contracting BUILDING and REMODELLING WE WILL BUIL© YOUR HOME 'A' COTTAGE 'n,. BARN .•: G •f RAGE One contract will take care of your completer project, including PLUMBING HEATING ' ELECTRICAL WORE 40.o ,1 2 r aekhoes Available for Prompt Service ST NDARD STOCK SIZE QLOORS Completely Installed IAI. 236-4679 PICK ¥ UR eet 35C » ZE AT THE FARM OF V''4 r'Irti fl Second Farm north of Blake, on West Side of the Road!