HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-08-02, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1973 FOR SALE USED TYPEWRITERS, 6 models to choose from, priced from $29,95 to $99.95. Zurich Cit- izens News, Phone 236-4672. tf BEATTY ELECTRIC 4 -burner range, nearly new. In clean, excellent condition. Only $125. or best offer. Phone 236-4036. 30-31-p ADDING MACHINES - Victor electric adding machines, new. Priced as low as $109.95. Come in and try one out. Zur- ich Citizens News, 236-4672. 16-tf FRESH HONEY - Now available. 50¢ pound in your own contain- ers. - Ferguson Apiaries, 236- 4979. 31-b HALL TREES solid oak, in real • good condition. See them at the Zurieh Citizens News. VICTOR MINI CALCULATORS, the newest in electronic equip- ment. Special price of only $119, 95 at the Zurich Citizens News. 28, tf HELP WANTED MALE HELP to work on pole frame buildings. Full time work. - Phone 236-4081. HOUSEKEEPER, for retired couple, in Exeter, 40 -hour week, light housekeeping, no laundry or cleaning. You will have your own private furnish- ed apartment; steady employ- ment. Ideal position for lady with no permanent home of her own. Write, giving particulars, to Post Office, Box 232, Exeter, All inquiries will be answered. SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING - Freezer orders. Killing days, Monday and Wednesday after- noon. - Yungblut's Meat Mark- et, Phone 236-4312, after hours, 236-4681. WATCH AND CLOCK repairing, Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies - HESS JEWELLERY Zurich. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing --Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick up serv- ice available - Al's Super Save, phone 262-2017. 49-tf VACUUM CLEANERS SALES .dc. SERVICE FOR AIL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT. Phone Hensall 262-5748 CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — 2 Butchering bays — Tuesday — Beef and ` Pork Prjday —,. Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see - t u h film. Guaranteed againstfreezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR ;111.3114 Dashwood BIRTH BROCK - Dave and Deanna Brock, nee Forest, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Mark Darryl, 8 lbs, 3 oz., on July 26, 1973, at Victoria Hosp- ital, London, Ontario. A broth- er for Timothy. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express my grateful thanks to Mr, and Mrs. Louis Denomme, their brothers and sisters and many friends in Zurich and Detroit who made my holiday such a memorable one, Cheerio and God bless you all. - Peter Dewar - 31-p I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of those who remembered me with cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Watts and Dr. Lambert and also Cook's Division of Gerbro, Corp., Hen sall, It was greatly appreciated. - Miss Marlene Oesch - 31-b I would like to express my sincere,thanks to my neighbours and friends for their numerous acts of kindness and for the beautiful flowers, cards and tokens of sympathy in my recent bereavement. I also wish to sincerely thaik Dr. Wallace, Rev. Blackwell, and the West- lake Funeral Home for their services. - Milne Rader.- MISCELLANEOUS ader.- MISCELLANEOUS LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you can train right here in Canada Accommodation and expenses paid while training. Tuition tax deductible. Guaranteed placement assistance Weekend training also available, For application and interview write: Safety Department, The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario or call 416-864-9381 (Formerly Trans Canada Transp- ort Training). 29-30-31-b DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION Air Conditioners, Freezers SALES & SERVICE MAX'S TV AND APPLIANCES GRAND BEND, •23872493 nternational Scene (by Raymond Cannon) I have just returned from a business trip to Europe --at least it was mostly business with some pleasure thrown in now and again --and my nerves are trying hard to come back to normal. This is rather strange since I am used not only to travelling in Europe but 1 have lived there for years and feel compl- etely at home. However, what really wore me down was the annoying problems of travel that kept cropping up. It is •pretty tiring, for example, whet a flight from Paris to Zurich that lasts only about 50 minutes takes a total of four hours when you count all the time going and corning from -the airport. The hurry up and wait syndrome has taken over the airlines with a vengeance. Due to the fact MISCELLANEOUS WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Phone for free information on small businesses for your liken- ing, such as barber shops, groc- ery stores, butcher shops, var- iety stores, garages, bowling alleys, and many other interest- ing businesses. All going con- cerns, and within 5 mile radius of Zurich. Statements at office: Call Gerrie Gingerich 236-4028 M. Sirotic Real Estate Broker. 3 0-b Heron Pines ELECTRIC 86 King 'St. -Clinton Industrial *Residential *Farm Wiring Proprietor - "BUD" KUEHL 482 - 7901 T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Technician call GORD BLECK Bluewater Electronics 236-4224 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL REQUIRES Clerk - Treasurer And Tax Collector Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 15, 1973. Applicants are required to reply in writ- ing stating qualificatfons or previous exper- ience, and age. Salary negotiable. Duties to commence November 1, 1973, .Earl Campbell Clerk Hensall, Ontario. that the German air traffic cont- rollers were working to rule while I was in that country, we spent 3/4 of an hour circling over Stuttgart before the pilot received clearance to land at Frankfurt. Coming out of there on my way back to Canada was even worse since Air. Canada wasn't working to rule, it was striking! As a result I was hung up in Frankfurt, Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto before staggering out of the plane at London and crawling to my car, As Europe becomes more aff- luent, the number of cars in- creases by leaps and bounds, The roads over there have not been built for mass transit so that the traffic is not only heavy, it is frequently chaotic. How I survived Paris I'll never know. I'm still at a loss to know where they park all the cars. They put them at the corners, on the sidewalk, in the middle of the road, in fact just about everywhere one could conceivably put a car --yet they keep pouring into the city. I paid 20T/0 more for this trip than I did the last mainly be- cause of a powerful combination of inflation and devaluation of the dollar. Every country I was in has an inflation rate higher than that of Canada and because of the poorer exchange rate I had to pay $30 a night for just an average room in Paris, plus $1.75 for a continental break- fast. I know there are cheaper hotels in Paris but when you have no time to look ar- ound, you have to take whatever the travel agent can arrange for you. It is extremely hard to get any news of Canada while you are over there. The only thing I read in the newspapers was on the financial page of one Swiss newspaper that the Bank of Canada had raised its prime rate of interest by 1/20/0, While I am interested in that from an economic point of view, it isn't much to satisfy you when you are abroad. Still, all my business aside, the trip was not without its lighter moments. I was busy putting my flight bag into a locker in Frankfurt when a man came up to me and asked me in very ,slow and careful Germ- an if I could change a one mark piece (400). He needed change for his locker. I said I didn't have any but would watch his bags while he went to get some. I spoke very slowly so that he would understand which he did finally. At the end of our lab- orious conversation, I asked him out of curiosity where he came from. Imagine my surprise when he said British Columbia. I replied in German that I came from Ontario. "Do you mean to say, he asked, "that I could have talked English to you all this time?" 0 Obituaries MRS. MILNE RADER A life-long resident of the area, Mrs. Milne Rader, of Zurich passed away at her sum- mer residence in Grand Bend, on Thursday, July 26, in her 81st year. The former Alberta Ann Truemner, she was born in Hay Township on February 15, 1973, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Truemner, After her marriage to Mr. Rader on September 25, 1918, the couple lived on the 14th concession of Hay Township for many years, before retiring to the village of.Zurich. Her husband survives. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, until Sunday afternoon, July 29, when the service was held at 2 p.m. Interment was made in St. Peter's Lutheran Cemet- ery, Goshen Line. Rev. A.C. Blackwell officiated. Pallbearers were Wes Hugill, Clare Zurbrigg, Ron Rader, Jerry Rader, Tom Arthur, and Allan Brokenshire. 0 MRS. JOHN H. LYNDON A former resident of the Hensall area, Mrs. John H. Lyndon, of Goderich passed away at University Hospital, London, on Friday, July 27, 1973, in her 53rd year. Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon lived just south of Hensall on highway 4, before taking up residence in Goderich. Surviving besides her husband are two sons, Bruce, of Clinton and Kirk, of Sarnia; and two sisters, Mrs. Aston (Lillian) Emerson, of Jackson, New Hampshire, and Mrs. Sam (Grace) McKay, of Vancouver. There are also two grandchild- ren. The body rested at the Stiles funeral home, Goderich, where the service took place on Tues- day, July 31, with interment in the Maitland Cemetery. FREE TRIAL OFFER Thousands of people have found relief from painful leg cr amps and arthritis with a magnet. A Toronto doctor said she's not sure why a magnet helps cramps, but she hasn't got out of bed with muscle cramps since. Let us send you two of our double powered magnets on a FREE, TRIAL BASIS for 10 days with instructions. At the end of that time if relief is not obtained send the magnets back to us. The trial will cost you nothing. Write today for free trial offer. No red tape. MAGNETS, DEPT. H 31, BOX 83, POSTAL STATION 2B, TORONTO, ONT Please send me double powered magnets on a free trial offer complete with instruct- ions. I will try them for 10 days. If they do not help my cramps and arthritis, I will return them. If I keep them, please bill me $4.99 plus tax. Nam e Address