HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-08-02, Page 1Liii(D
INTERVIEW AREA RESIDENTS - One of the area students wonting on the Huron County history,
Judy Malone, of Huron Park, is seen here as she interviews Mr. and Mrs, J. Elgin McKinley,
R.R.1, Zurich, as part of their project. The students who are working on the project are finding
it quire interesting as well as educational.
STUDY OLD NEWSPAPERS - Two of the girls working on the
history of Huron County are spending part of their time in
weekly newspaper shops looking over old copies of the paper.
Judy Malone, left, and Cathy McKinley, right, visited the
Citizens News last week and went through old files digging
out information of value to the history -making project.
cidents in area
On Sunday, at 7:40 a.m.
Constable Giffin was called to
investigate a single car MVC
ori sideroad 15/16 Hay Township.
Vehicle was westbound and
went over an embankment at
the end of road. Further invest-
igation revealed the car had
been stolen from Oakwood Park
Subdivision from owner Ross
Smith, of Embro. Damage
estimated at $400.
Later in the day at approx-
imately 5:30 p.m. a two car
MVC was investigated by
Constable Quinn. Collision took
place on Hay -Stephen Town
Line approximately 300 ft.
from county road no 21. A
parked vehicle owned by Clive
Snaders of Mississauga was
struck by a vehicle driven by
Maude Connon, of 198 Andrew
Street, Exeter. Damage was
slight and estimated at $55.
On Tuesday morning at 2:45
a.m. Constable Ed Wilcox was
called to investigate a single
car accident on 10-11 Concession
of Stephen Township. Vehicle
driven by John McCann, of
R.R.3, Ailsa Craig was south-
bound when he lost control of
his 1971 Chev and struck a tree.
McCann was treated for cuts
and bruises and later released
from South Huron Hospital,
Exeter. Damage to vehicle est-
imated at $1, 000.
Later that day at approximat-
ely 9:30 p.m. Constable
Mason was called to investig-
ate a collision on Highway 21,
(Continued on page 2)
Exeter seeks
h ;:. a for aged
The town of Exeter is seek-
ing a Home for the Aged, and
last week at their council
meeting the mayor, Jack Del -
bridge, was authorized to call
a public meeting to discuss the
In broaching the subject,
Deputy -Reeve, Helen Jermyn
said there was a "definite need"
and felt the town should make
known the situation to county
and provincial officials.
Mrs. Jermyn explained that
county council had recently
been advised that Huronview
was unable to handle the numb-
er applying there and that eith-
er an addition or second home
was required.
She pointed out the Clerk
Eric Carscadden had supplied
statistics showing that 712 res-
idents of Exeter are over the
age of 60 and of those, 368
are over 70.
"I feel we should do somethinE
about it (facilities), " she com-
Area youth working
on Huron
"Young fellows today don't
know anything about work, sit-
ting up there with the radio
going, touching a button or
lifting a switch --in my day
those things all had to be done
by main force and awkwardness.'
This is one of the observations
of Richard Robinson, 94, who
has been a Huron County Farmer
for many years.
Mr. Robinson, R.R.1, Zurich,
is one of a number of Huron
County residents who are being
interviewed by the six students
working on the Historical File
for the County. The interviews
are to help students to under-
stand what life was like in the
early 1900's.
Besides interviews, the team
members are busy taking slides
for sequences also to be avail-
able to students throughout the
County. Houses from pioneer
days to the present, fire -fight-
ing equipment old and new, and
the development of schools
throughout the years are just
three of the topics covered by
slides along with voiced- over
narration also prepared by the
students. A walking tour of God-
• erich to be available in booklet
form is also underway.
The main work is the Histor-
ical File located in the County
offices, Goderich. Progress is
rapidly being made on its cont-
ents. Working in three teams
of two members each, the stud-
ents have collected a wealth
of information on Huron County
from 1900 to 1914. They are now
working on the years 1915 to 1929
Sources for the information
going into the file include news-
papers, Tweedsmuir histories,
P.U.C. records, municipal
records, telephone system rec-
ords, district insurance company
offices, local histories, and
especially people.
The project is sponsored by
the Experience "73, P. E. O. P. L.l
program of the Provincial Min-
istry of Education. The Huron
County Council is meeting add-
itional expenses.
The students, all residents of
Huron, are learning a great deal
about their County through all
phases of their work, but partic-
ularly through the interviews.
Being a student now sounds a
lot easier than being one in
1905. As Mr. Robinson put it,
"That was when we really went
to school and the teacher had a
big stick or something--- it
was "come or I'll fetch you."
Geiger reunion
held at Goderich
The seventh family reunion
of the {Qmily of Moses Geiger
and Catherine Eckstein was held
on July 29, at Goderich Harbour
Park, Goderich.
Fifty-six members attended
from Ailsa Craig, Bolton, Clin-
ton, Essex, Ingersoll, Goderich,
Kippen, London, Parkhill,
Sapporo Japan, and Zurich.
Sports and games were enjoy-
ed by those present during the
afternoon. This was followed
by a picnic supper enjoyed by
President Percy Rowe acted
as chairman for the business
part of the reunion. The follow-
ing were elected to office for
the coming year, president,
John Geiger; vice president,
Wayne Horner; secretary -treas-
urer, Robert Horner; lunch
committee, Helen Beynon,
Romayne McClinchey and Nor-
ma Gemmell.
Sports committee, Gordon and
Audrey Geiger; alternate sports
committee, Larry and Janet
McClinchey. Family tree, Mary
It was unanimously decided
to hold the reunion again at the
same place on July 28, 1974.
Next week's edition of the
Citizens News will be published
as usual on Thursday morning,
despite Monday being a public
holiday. The co-operation of
all advertisers and news corresp-
ondents is asked for, in order
to meet the same deadline as
usual. Tuesday at six o'clock
will be the dealine for accept-
ing any items
CAR IN FLAMES' - A couple members of the Zurich Fire Brigade are shown here as they pour
water on a burning car Tuesday night, north-east of the village. Driver of the car, Charles Thiel,
was accompanied by Karl Haberer driving down the Blind Line when the vehicle suddenly burst
into flames.