HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-07-26, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1973 FOR SALE USED TYPEWRITERS, 6 models to choose from, priced from $29,95 to $99,95, Zurich Cit- izens News, Phone 236-4672, tf ROASTERS - 5 to 7 lbs. - Call Mrs, Floyd Armstrong, 262-5433. 30-b ADDING MACHINES - Victor , electric adding machines, new. Priced as low as $109,95, Come in and try one out. Zur- ich Citizens News, 236-4672. 16-tf BEATTY ELECTRIC 4 -burner range, nearly new. In clean, excellent condition. Only $125. or best offer. Phone 236-4036. 30-31-p RASPBERRIES: pick your own or we pick them for you. Open Monday to Saturday. Bring own containers. John Zandwych, R.R.2, Zurich. Phone 262-5448 28-29-30-b HALL TREES solid oak, in real good condition. See them at the Zurich, Citizens News, 28, tf VICTOR MINI CALCULATORS, the newest in electronic equip- ment. Special price of only $119.95 at the Zurich Citizens News. 28, tf HELP WANTED MALE HELP to work on pole frame buildings. Full time work. - Phone 236-4081. tf WANTED TO BUY IMMEDIATELY - Small horse saddle in good condition. - Phone 262-5450. 30-31-b SERVICES OFFERED FURNITURE REFINISHING, sat- isfaction guaranteed, Prompt service, reasonable rates. Call collect, Ernie Niblock, 524- 6110. 28-29-30-b CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING - Freezer orders. Killing days, Monday and Wednesday after- noon. - Yungblut's Meat Mark- et, ' Phone 236-4312, after hours, 236-4681, WATCH AND CLOCK repairing, Work guaranteed, Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies - HESS JEWELLERY - Zurich. 2-tf CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing --Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick up serv- ice available - Al's Super Save, phone 262-2017. 49-tf T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Technicial call GORD BLECK nenwater Electronics 236-4224 u'uividemsomemProvaesemeseo CARDS OF THANKS My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me in so many ways while a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. C.J. Wallace, the nurses and Hoffman Ambulance. - Naldo (Doc) Horn - 30-p I would like to thank all the people who sent cards and flowers to me while I way ;n the hospital„ - Sincerely Don- ald Hendrick. - 30-p I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and thanks for the many kindnesses shown to me during my recent illness. - Alice Haberer - 30-p I would Iike to thank my rel- atives and friends for the flow- ers, cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since ret- urning home. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Grainger, Dr. Cameron and Westlake's Ambulance, and to all those who helped in any way. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered - Barry Overholt - MISCELLANEOUS LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you can train right here in Canada Accommodation and expenses paid while training. Tuition tax deductible, Guaranteed placement assistance Weekend training also available. For application and interview write: Safety Department, The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario or call 416-864-9381 (Formerly Trans Canada Transp- ort Training). 29-30-31-b WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Phone for free information on small businesses for your liken- ing, such as barber shops, groc- ery stores, butcher shops, var- iety stores, garages, bowling alleys, and many other interest- ing businesses. All going con- cerns, and within 5 mile radius of Zurich. Statements at office: Call Gerrie Gingerich .. 236-4025 M. Sirotic Real Estate Broker. 30-b LOST ONE TARPAULIN, on Friday, July 20, between Zurich and Hensall. Finder please phone 236-4094. 30-b TENDER The Huron County Board of Education will accept sealed tenders at its Administrative Office 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario until 12:00 noon on Monday, August 13, 1973 for the prov- ision of a regular Courier Service to all of the Board's schools within the County. Specif- ications may be obtained from, the above office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, R. M. Wright Manager of Purchasing Renew (continued from page 1) theyhope the architect will pursue this matter on behalf of the board, The architect will be asked to report to the board by August 10 on progress being made. Trustee F.J, Vere, of Strat- ford, chairman of the finance and insurance committee, hand- ed out balance sheets as of May 31 and these wild be discus- sed at next meeting on August 20. The board approved the agree ment proposal for use of St. Michael's School gym in Strat- ford in return for the use of swimming facilities at YM - YWCA in Stratford. Fourteen of the nineteen spearate schools in Huron and Perth Counties use the "Y" pool. The swim- ming is taught to the Grade 4 classes in these schools, They receive ten hours of swimming instruction over a ten weei< period. Of the 14 schools there are 18 classes in Grade 4, am- ounting to 180 hours at $19 per COMING EVENTS SPECIAL MEETING of the Blue Water Rest Home Auxiliary will be held on Wednesday afternoon, August 1, 1973 at 2 p. m. 30-b CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING -- 2 Butchering Drys — Tuesdey — Beef end Park . Prjdey — Beef Only Pink -up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Deshweed masseterswesnomesemersimaroso DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION Air Conditioners, Freezers SALE & SERVICE MAX'S TV AND APPLIANCES GRAND BEND. 238.2493 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE FOR. ALL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT. Phone Hensel! 262-5748 Huron. Pines ELECTRIC 86 King'St.-Clinton Industrial'" Residential * Farm Wiring Proprietor - "BUD" KUEHL 482 - 7901 hour for a total of $3, 420. YM -YWCA time at St. Michael's for various gym act- ivities amounts to 498 hours at $6.00 per hour for a total of $2, 988. This imbalance amounting to $432 in favour of the Huron - Perth Separate School Board is waived in that terms were ar- ranged mutually and beforehand to the satisfaction of the board and YM -YWCA. Joseph Tokar, Assistant Sup- erintendent of Education, rep- orted a letter had been received from the co-ordinator of the Urban -Rural Exchange where a 12 to 15 year old student from the city will spend one week on a farm in July or August, foll- owed by a week-long visit with the city family for the rural boy or girl. BY HELEN ALLEN Jack, 11), enjoys school tremendously. ile is finishing Grade four in an open area setting and has above average academic ability. Ile is a: ticulate, imaginative and creative, alert and responsive. Naturally with these qualities ,Jack is also good at thinking up ways to get into mischief, but both his work and his behavior are good when he is with firm. understanding teachers and foster parents. lie has a temper which he is learning to control. Jack is handsome and healthy with big black eyes, brown hair and medium brown complexion. Robust and athletic, he likes sports, especially basketball, tint! loves camping or any kind of outdoor activity. Fishing is a special interest and he is fond of animals, big and small. Jack seems to have considerable mechanical ability. Ile likes to fix all kinds of things, from toys to household gadgets. Jack likes to draw, his favorite subject being racing car models. lle is fond of music and hopes to have lessons on either piano or guitar. Ile attends church regulary with his foster family and is never absent from Sunday School. A family where love and firmness are combined, where there is much activity and where there is a strong father to be imitated and admired, is needed for .lack. To inquire about adopting Jack, please write to Today's Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto IMP 2112. For general adoption information, please contact your local Children's Aid Society. IIE DOES WELL AT SCHOOL Elevator Maintenance Mechanic Required Welding required; top pay rates, overtime after 40 hours. Company shared medical, drug and life insurance. Cook's Apply to Division of Gerbro Corp. Hensall 262-2605