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Zurich Citizens News, 1973-07-12, Page 16
PAGE 16 Cycle races held Sunday at HuU1y Gully Despite 90 degree temperat- ures on Sunday, July 8, Varna's Hully Gully attracted a good crowd of spectators and 103 entries in the combination mot- orcycle moto cross and mini - bike races. Winners in the mini -bike classes were; Mini -Bike A(0-50CC) Pee wee, Brad Darl- ing, Bantam, Barry Widdeman, Midget, Gary Koehler. Mini Bike B (51-75 cc), Pee Wee, Charles Collins, Bantam, Fred Van Osch, Midget, Rick Roesler. Mini Enduro A; Mabtan, George Mifeh, Midget, Peter Ziebart, Mini Enduro B; Bantam, Brad Palmer, Midget, Mike Beaupre; Open Endurance (15 laps) Scott Darling; Open Powder Puff, Cindy Hughes, Overall top point: Scott Darling. Winners in the motorcycle moto cross were; School boys, (under 16) Karl Kemp; Novice 125, Dick Graham; Novice, 250, Rob McFarlene; Novice Open, Peter Hrudka; Junior 125 Brian Blancher; Junior 250, Bill Varvugt; Junior Open, Terry Vasiloff. 0 Change of time All boys 9 years and under will play ball at the Zurich Public School every Tuesday night instead of Thursday. ZURICH CITIZENS MEWS Kitchener firm plan (continued from page 1) northerly limits of the village, on the condition that any resid- ential building be constructed within the village boundaries. Apparently the lot which Mr. Soudant wishes to sever is partly in the village of Zurich and par- tly in the township of Hay. The council, at the same meeting, agreed to ask the Aus- Broadleaf hedges will have made most of their growth by the end of June, so this would be a good time to start thinking about pruning, says R. W. Craw- ford, a horticultural specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. But before you start to work with those sharp pruning shears, keep one principle in mind --prune for the winter. Hedges in Ontario must with- stand widely varying conditions --wet springs, hot summers, and perhaps rnore importantly, the ice and snow of winter able -Bayfield. Conservation Auth- ority to clean up the old village dump site, south-west of Zurich. The conservation group are completing such projects under S.W.E.E.P. program. Council also approved and engaged the services of Jake VanWonderen for arena work, at an hourly rate of $3.00, At the same time, council approv- ed making a formal request to both Hay and Stanley townships for some type of contribution towards the operation of the arena and community centre in Zurich. Building permits were approv- ed as follows; Carl Thiel, roof, $300.; Meda Surerus, renovat- ions, $500; Paul Ducharme, renovations, $500. Included in accounts passed for payment at the meeting was a levy of $12,185. to the Huron County Board of Education, $2, 543. to the Huron- Perth Roman Catholic Separate School; and $1, 202.09 to the Huron weather better If Huron county farmers are suffering bad weather, they cer- tainly have it better than else- where, directors of the Huron • county Federation of Agriculture learned Thursday night at their July meeting. First they heard it from 13111 Broadworth, newly -appointed Associate Agricultural Represent- ative for Huron. Mr. Broadworth who came from Carlton county in Eastern Ontario said Huron is TPJEDSB1]R6 DAYS August 3and4 in DASHWOOD FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 4:30 p.m.—Midway at Community Centre 5:00 p.m.—Sauerkraut with Ribs or Sausage Supper 6:30 p.m.—Pee Wee Baseball Game 8:00 p.m. --Soccer Match 8:00 p.m.—Talent Show - In "NEW" Picnic Pavilion Additional entries welcomed For information contact Jack Riddell 237-3431 SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 12:00 p.m.—Midway at Community Centre 12:00 p.m.—Sauerkraut with Ribs or Sausage Dinners 2:00 p.m.—Giant Parade - Prizes Available.Additional en- tries welcomed up to parade departure. For in- formation contact Leroy Gowanlock 237-3597 2:00 p.m.—Horseshoe Contest 3:30 p.m.—Arm Wrestling Contest 5:00 p.m.—Tug of War 8:00 p.m.—Softball Game 9:00 p.m.—Dance - In "NEW" Picnic Pavilion MANY OTHER FUN FILLED FESTIVITIES PUBS OPEN ON BOTH DAYS GERMAN MUSIC Pian To Attend - Bring Your Friends heaven compared to the East. Last year was a bad year, he said, but at least farmers in that part of the country got to plant their crops. This year many didn't even get that far because of the wet weather. Then the directors heard from Jim Jacklin, Ontario Farm Mach inery Agency president from Elm wood who said that the day be- fore had seen so much rain in that part of the country that the corn was laying in pools of water Actually, the July meeting of the Federation suffered from good weather as only about a dozen directors and members showed up at the meeting even though the meeting was schedul- ed for 9 p.m. in the hope farm- ers would come after finishing work. Mr. Broadworth outlined to the meeting the new industrial milk incentive plan, a new five- year program designed to boost production of industrial milk in the province. The first year, he said, the farmer would pay only the interest and in the second year a 20 per cent refund of the principal of the loan was available if the farmer met the requirements for increased production. The loans, he said, can be used for purchase of cattle, an industrial milk quota or to expand facilities. In other business, it was rep- orted by secretary-fieldman Bill Crawford, that a blitz of Col- borne and West Wawanosh town- ships produced 59 new members. A new constitution for the county federation was discussed and will be voted on at the next meeting in August. RECEPTION FOR Sh rail Keys and 801 Carnohan (bridal couple) Zurich Arena SAT., JULY 14 9:30 to 1 Music by the "BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS" Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome TI-1URSDAY, JULY 12, 1973 Ausable-Bayfield Conservation made to the Huron Historical Authority. A grant of $10 was • Society. you'll be WALT DISNE pROD00TloNs' TECHNICOLOR OPENS �Pat O�Sr`Fr ATaas j SHOWS 1 START AT E- ou slots he's beautiful,.. ...KEITH...., ARAU #574rear DRIVE-IN • GODERKH HW1'., 8 AT CONCESSION" OD, 4. PHONE 524.9981 Sun. I5 THE GREATEST BLOOD -SHOW ON EARTH! \\ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Mon. 16 Tue. 17 In stereophonic sound. GEORGE HARRISON .d Lend, m THE CONCERT FOR 4 BANGLADESH lips ..._,�rtlr -: IIL-Lm©f c U ��.ii i:.Y: {IF:I'�lllntlnl]L}'�t� ranxann HOTTIRIA ±,, mu. anion , BROWNIE'S ..___I'll CLINTON - ONTARIO istifilaRt FIRST SHOW AT DUSK 1 ONE WEEK HELL,UPSIDE At midnight on New Year's Eve the S.S. Poseidon was struck by a 90 foot tidal wave and capsized FROM THURSDAY, JULY 12 'TIL WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 IRWIN ALIENS produchon of &WIi0 'Mill SURVIVE -IN ONE vure neat INVEST ESCAPE RES EVER I ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Combkiirg the Talents of 15 Academy Award Winners SPECIAL ADMISSION $2.00 PER PERSON CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE 201h Century Fax presents"THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE" string GENE HACKMAN • ERNEST BORGNINE • REO BUTTONS CAROL LYNLEY • RODDY Mc MALL • STELLA STEVENS • SHELLEY WINTERS co-stamng JACK ALBERTSON PAMELA SUE MARTIN • ARTHUR O'CONNELL • ERIC SHEA and LESLIE NIELSEN as the Captain a RONALD NEAME him .4,. The Shocking 8est.Seller Becw es 7.h0 9hockirag Mario. 20th Century -Fox Color b. Dt-Lux: •• ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Coming - Thurs. Fri. - July 19-20 A GREAT FAMILY ATTRACTION "LPVIIIIG FREE" SUSAN HAMPSHIRE NIGEL DAVENPORT The sequel to "BORN FREE" - the story of a lioness and her cubs. PLUS "THE LITTLE ARK" THEODORE BIKEL A great film for children THURS. ONLY FREE POPCORN FOR THE CHILDREN BEFORE 10:00 O'CLOCK