HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-05-31, Page 15THURSDAY, MAY 31, 19'73 MILVENA ERICKSON TELLS YOU ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS AYFIEL INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN ONTARIO'S PRETTIEST The Ladies Guild of Trinity Anglican Church, hosted a show- er for Miss Rhea Sturgeon, bride - elect of June, in the Parish Hall, Tuesday, evening, May 22. The hall was artistically dec- orated with wedding bells, strea- mers and an inverted umbrella filled with spring flowers, over- hanging with apple blossoms. Mrs. Gloria McClinchey was the winner of the game prize. Miss Barbara Graham, read the address to the bride-to-be, and many lovely and useful gifts were presented to Rhea. She was assisted in opening and displaying her gifts by Danielle Simons, Karen and Monica Gemeinhardt, Barbara Graham, Nancy Graham, and Wendy Turner, for which Rhea graciously thanked everyone for the honour accorded her. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies of the Guild. Wednesday evening, Mrs. Grace Potter held a shower for Rhea at her home in Holmes- ville, and Friday evening, Mily- ena Erickson was hostess for a relatives shower at her home in the Village. Last week the Young People's. Group of Knox Presbyterian Church, painted the entire basement and under the direct- ion of the Student Ministers Messers Steven and Michael Farris, have more such projects planned for the summer months. The Young Peoples gatherings are continuing at the Farris Cottage, and all young people are cordially invited to attend these Sunday evening get-to- gethers. Mr. S.F. Gerney, President, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Stephen Scotchmer as Vice President of Bay Mills Limited and Genera Manager, Grenette Division. A Chemical Engineering graduate from Queens University, King- ston, Mr. Scotchmer held posit- ions with Polymer Corporation, Sarnia, and Kirnberly-Clark Corporation, Neenah, Wisconsin prior to joining the Company in 1970. Located in St. Cather- ines, Ont., the Crenette Divis- ion manufactures and markets won woven fabrics for the rubber automotive paper and vinyl industries. Stephen is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Scotchmer, of Bayfield. He is married to the former Jean Etue, of Goder- ich, and they have two daughter: Molly and Jody. TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. Elaine Brandon held a trousseau tea on Sunday May 20, to honour her daughter Lynn, whose marriage took place Saturday, May 26 in St. And- rew's United Church, Bayfield. The home was tastefully decor- ated in pink and white, carry- ing out the theme on the lace covered table. Mrs. Denby and Mrs. Esther Makins poured tea during the afternoon and Mrs. Carolyn Snell and Mrs. Wynn Graham poured in the evening. Aunts of the bride-to-be served the refreshments. The trousseau and gifts were nicely displayed and shown by Barbara Graham and Karen Brandon. Lynn had several showers given her, namely; the Ladies of St. And- rew's Church; Barbara Graham had her friends and neighbours in and the nurses of Wingham Hospital where Lynn is presently employed. Four-year G aranteed Investment Certificates Get yours now! The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. REYand .,,_ TRUST COMPANY SINCE RON COTTRELL Manager Phone 235-0530 1889 VILLAGE BAPTISM Timothy, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian King, of London, was baptized in Trin- ity Anglican Church, Sunday morning, May 27. The service, performed by the Rev. George Youmatoff, was attended by four generations of the family; great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell, Mrs. John Turner, Bayfield; Mrs. Jean Playford, Massey, Ontario and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Bayfield. Mr. and Ivir. Phillip ait d Mrs. Dan Carr,London, were the baby's Godparents. The Christening gown worn by Timothy was worn by his great- grandfather, the late Mr. John Turner, and first worn by a great aunt, Mrs. Florence Camp- bell and is 97 years old. Foll- owing the service, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner entertained at a buffet luncheon at their home. GRADUATES Congratulations to Monica Gemeinhardt, a daughter of Mrs. K. Gemeinhardt of Bay- field, who graduated Tuesday from Brock University, St. Catherines, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She intends to resume her studies in psychol- ogy at Brock this fall. BRIDAL SIIOWER A bridal shower, given by the Ladies of St. Andrew's United Church, was held Mon- day evening, May 21, in honour of Miss Mary Altman. Her mar- riage to 411,on Reddoch, son of Rev. and Mrs. James Reddoch takes place Saturday evening, June 2, in Kincardine. Contests by Kathleen Siertsema and Carol Penhale were enjoyed and Wendy Penhale gave a reading on "Husbands." A booklet entitled, "Advice to the Newlyweds" was put to- gether by the Ladies during the evening, and also a recipe coll- ection. Mildred Meriill read the address to the bride, and the gifts were presented by Debbie Siertsema, Terri Weber and Wendy Penhale. Mary made a lovely reply and lunch was serv- ed. Thirteen Brownies and their Leaders, Ruthann Knights, Donelda Sturgeon and Carol Penhale attended a Guide meet- ing at Robinson Memorial School on Wednesday evening. This is one of the items the girls must do for their Golden Band. Kent County Board 'of Educat- ion has announced the appoint- ment of Mr. Howard Scotchmer, B.A,, to the principal's position at Winston Churchill Public EIMIX NCRETE (ALSO FOAM WORK) McCann Const. itt { DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 ' School in Chatham. Mr. Scotch - mer is presently vice-principal at Merlin Area Public School, and was chairman of the Kent Elementary School Teachers 1972-73 negotiating committee. Howard is the son of Mrs. L. W. Scotchmer of Bayfield, and received his primary schooling in Bayfield Public School, his secondary education in Clinton and is a graduate of London Teacher's College. ABOUT PEOPLE Albion llotel registered guests included; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Platnik, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. George Hume, Toronto; and Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Greenstone, Michigan. Mr. Norman Brown, of Londor passed another milestone in his life, and celebrated Saturday by entertaining guests at his cottage. Mr, Norman F. Cooper, Moun Clemens, Mich., spent the weekend with his wife Patricia, at their village residence. Mr. Cooper was accompanied by guests from Detroit and Mount Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cluff, Rob and Tara, and Barbie Tillman, London, were at the Tillman cottage for the weekend. PAGE 15 DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRI. & SAT. — JUNE 1 & - DOUBLE FEATURE - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) COLOR THE NEW CENTURIONS George C. Scott A MAN CALLED SLEDGE James Garner FRI. & SAT. — JUNE 8 & 9 - DOUBLE FEATURE - (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) JOE KIDD Clint Eastwood COUNTRY MUSIC Marty Robbins COLOR FIRST SHOW AT DUSK BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. WNW PEN DAILY BREAKFAST & LUNCH 8 am to 1:30 pm DINNERS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 5 to 8;30 pm SATURDAY 5:30 to 8;30 pm SUNDAY 5:30 to9pm (Dining room licenced under L,L,B4O,) YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME SATURDAY, JUNE 2 For your listening and dancing pleasure 'Mozart And The el®dy Makers' YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ Highway 21 - GRAND BEND The General Public Is Invited to An and the of the new Ausoble-Bayfield Conservation Authority F IC SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. We are located in Exeter, on Hwy, 83 1/4 mi. west of Hwy. 4 2.00 p.m. - Official Opening Ceremonies 3.00 p.m. - Demonstration of planting large tree with Authority tree spade All afternoon - Tours of Facilities, Exhibits, Slide Show, Displays of Equipment, Literature, Park Plans Light refreshments will be served Take this opportunity to visit us and learn more about the work of your Conservation Authority.