HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-05-31, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1973 FOR SALE HEAVY DUTY International 9' cultivator, Power lift, on wheels. In good condition. $6.00. Call 236-4117. 22-p TEN -FOOT OVERIEAD door, complete. Phone 237-3681. 2:-b 664 ELECTRIC VOICE Micro- phone; extension swing boom, new. Call Elroy Desjardine. Phone 236-4242. 22-p USED TYPEWRITER - Royal standard model, in excellent condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Only $109.95. Call Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 16-tf SMITH- CORONA space- o- matic standard typewriter, in real good condition. Excellent for the students or business. Call Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672 16-tf ADDING MACHINES - Victor electric adding machines, new. Priced as low as $109.95. Come in and try one out. Zur- ich Citizens News, 236-4672. 16-tf HELP WANTED RNA - full or part-time, for June 1. Phone Blue Water Rest Home. 236-4373. LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR ' TRAILERS. Now you can train right here in Canada. Accom- . modation and expenses paid while training, Tuition tax ded- uctible. For application and interview, write Safety Depart- ment Trans Canada Transport Training, Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay, West, Toronto 117, Ont- ario or call 416- 864- 9381. 21-22-23-b EXPERIENCED BURNER SERVICE mechanic wanted for expanding petroleum department. Licence desirable, but opportunity to complete training provided for interested employee. Installat- ion work with department sup- ervisor. Good wages, plus incen tives. All replies treated confid- entially. Apply in writing to HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPER- ATIVE , Hensall, Ontario. 22-b MISCELLANEOUS I AM 14 YEARS OLD. If you need help on the farm, or around the house, mowing lawns etc., ca11236-4349, Rick Bed- ard, 19-20-21p FOR RENT CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Forms, wedges, wheel barrows, small mixer, power trowel, pump, etc. - Phone 236-4954. N.J. Corriveau. 22-tfn OlgooreasimiageOrmaramelaMs Huron Pines ELECTRIC 86 King •St. - Cl i nton Industrial * Residential *Farm Wiring Proprietor - "BUD" KUEHL 482 - 7901 BIRTH BROKENSHIRE - Jodi Karen announces the arrival of her little brother, Jason Allan Whit- ney, on Tuesday, May 29, 1973, at South Huron Hospital. The proud parents are Sharon and Allan. DEITZ - Gordon and Karen (nee Howald) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, Glen Frederick, on Thursday, May 24, 1973, at Victoria Hosp- ital, London. A brother for Kathy. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Roy S. McBride wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to their relatives and friends for the cards, floral tributes, memorial donations (especially to the Cancer Society) and other acts of kindness shown in the loss of a dear husband, father, and grandfather. Special thanks to Rev. M. Morrison, Rev. Eph- raim Gingerich, the organist, the ladies trio, and Goshen Ladies, who provided lunch fol- lowing the service. Also thanks to Dr. J.C. Goddard and the nurses who attended him while a patient in South Huron Hospit- al. 22-p ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Bruce Guy, of Dashwood, wishes to invite friends, neigh- bours and relatives of both fam- ilies to a trousseau tea, on Sat- urday, June 9, 1973 from 2-4 and 7-9 at the manse, in honour of her daughter Judy's forthcom- ing marriage to Paul Morrison, of Varna. 22-b SULLIVAN - The family of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan of Dashwood, Ontario cordially invite relatives, friends and neighbours to attend "Open House" on Sunday, June 10, 1973 at Dashwood Community Centre from 2.30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in honour of their parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary. Best Wishes Only. 22 -23 - COMING EVENTS dOMMIIMIN The June meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Blue Water Rest Home will be combined with a picnic for the residents on June 20, at 1:30 p.m. 22-b The afternoon meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute will be held at the Hay Township Hall, on June 4, at 2 o'clock. Theme - Canadian Industries. Roll call, name the industry a member in the family is empl- oyed. There will be a display of more than 3000 buttons, each lady bring a sentimental button and give explanation. A wel- come is extended to visitors. 22-p St. Thomas and District Male Choir hopes to give a concert in the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton on Sunday, June 3, at 8 p.m. Your cordially invited. 22-b STRAWBERRY SUPPER at Kipper St. Andrew;s United Church, Wednesday, June 13, 1973. Adults: $2.50; Children $1.25- 12 years and under. 22-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of SUSANNA SMITH, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Susanna Smith, late of the Township of Hay, County of Huron, House- wife, who died on or about the 25th day of February 1973, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 2nd day of June 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. seam, me BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the executor, EXETER, Ontario. COINS Paying top prices for Canadian and American coins, Silver Dollars, Mint Sots, otc. also all Gold Coins. ALL DEALS CONFIDENTIAL Contact V. POPE ' 524-9085 - GODERICH SERVICES OFFERED WATCH AND CLOCK repairing, Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies - HESS JEWELLERY - Zurich, 2-tf CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING - Freezer orders. Killing days, Monday and Wednesday after- noon. - Yungblut's Meat Marl< - et, Phone 236-4312, after hours, 236-4681. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing --Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick up serv- ice available - Al's Super Save, phone 262-2017. 49-tf VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT. Phone Hansel! 252-S748 CUSTOM KELLING ,TAD PROCESSING 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork t rjday -- Beef Only • Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ASATrOIR -314 Dasbwood T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Technician call OORD BLECK Bh ewoter Electronics 236-4224 SS board let bus contract (continued from page 1) of Bishop Emmett Carter's speecl He was the keynote speaker at the convention on the subject of Catholic Curriculum within the Community. Mr. Geoffrey also reported on the address of C.G. Whalen, president of the Can- adian Trustees Association. Howard Shantz, of Stratford, who also attended the convention spoke briefly. Mr. Shantz gave a report on an.open meeting conducted by the Ontario Min- istry of Education at Stratford Northwestern Secondary School which he attended on May 24. The purpose of the meeting was to present information on the Intermediate Guidelines (Courses of Study) for Grades 7 to 10 and to receive response from interested parents and citizens. He reported only about 75 to 80 parents attend- ed. Mr. Tokar reported that about 300 Perth teachers had attended a meeting to discuss the Cyclic Review which had pleased the officials of the Ministry of Ed- ucation after the disappointing turnout by parents at North- western Secondary School, He said that St. Michael's Senior School in Stratford, Holy Name of Mary School in St. Marys and St. Patrick's School in Dublin had been selected as pilot schools for the Perth County Board were King Lear School, Central Perth School, St. Marys North Ward School, Mitchell District High School and Northwestern Secondary School. The meeting was a joint effort between the two boards. The Board approved a Deb- enture by-law for $315, 000 to finance school alterations and additions at Holy Name of Mary School in St. Marys, The money to be available to the Board after July 1 from the Ontario Education Capital Aid Corporation. Total cost of the work is $320, 000. The Board approved a request from Brian McKone, Stratford, for the privilege of parking a mobile library vehicle in the school yard at St. Joseph's School on St. Vincent Street in Stratford. Brian, along with two other post secondary students under an Opportunities for Youth Program was granted monies for creation and operation of a mobile library service in Strat- ford and the surrounding rural district. St. Joseph's lot would be one of several locations needed for them to implement their project of supplementing the present school library at St. Joseph's and showing motion pictures and holding story hours for both children and their par- ents every two weeks during July and August. h Prize Whiners The Knights of Columbus annual charities Raffle Draw held by the Ontario State Coun- cil took place at the Brock Hote Niagara Falls, on Monday, May 21. First prize, a Chrysler New- port, 2 -door hardtop, fully equipped, was won by Mr. T. Thomas, 63 Cayuga Crescent, London, (Ticket 408066). Second prize, a Plymouth Dust- er, 2 -door Sports Coupe, was won by Mr. John McCauley, 1035 Nesbitt Crescent, R, R. 7, Woodstock, (ticket 539146). Recipient of proceeds is the Canadian Arthritic and Rheum- atism Society. OF ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS FOR Lorne And Mildred Klopp In the Village of Zurich, corner of John Street North and Ros- alie Street SATURDAY, JUNE 2, at 1 30 P.M. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Westinghouse refrigerator; Frigidaire 30" stove; electric 2 -slice toaster; Mix master; electric frying pan; tea kettle; 5 -piece chrome kitchen set; assorted dishes and cooking utensils; studio couch; wooden rocking chairs; Morris recliner chair; swivel upholstered chair; lazy -boy chair; Colonial style rocker; foot stools; oak library table; pine chest of drawers; hall trees; fern stands; assorted small tables; oak sectional book case; 2 iron beds, springs and mattresses; wooden bed stead and springs; dresser, cedar chest; day bed; table lamps; floor lamps; smoking stand; etc. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - Numerous 1 gal. and 4 gal. crocks; jugs; picture frames; trunks; Bissel carpet sweeper; sing- er treadle sewing machine; books; sheets; blankets; table clothes towels; Gendron baby carriage; clipper 4 -cycle lawn mower; MTD 4 HP riding mower, like new; and other items too numer- ous to mention. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale D & .I RIDDELL AUCTIONEERS AND SALES MANAGERS "Doug" 237-3576 "Jack" 237-3431