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THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1973
PICK DANCERS - These six young girls will compete in the third annual Ontario Fiddler's Contest
to be held in Hensall on June 15 and 16. They competed in the semi-final competition Sunday
afternoon in the Hensall Arena. Left to right are Ann Marie McQuaid, Seaforth, Nancy Chessell,
Mitchell, Bonnie Norris, Staffa, Harold Knight, chairman of the semi-final competition, Marj-
orie Wilken, Gowanstown, Lori Bender, Watford, Carol Nickles, Granton. They will compete
at 7 p. m. on June 15. Chairman of the Fiddler's Contest, sponsored by the Hensall Kinsmen, is
Wayne Reid.
At their regular meeting
last Tuesday night, the Huron
County Board of Education
made the following recomm-
--that the following Field Trips
be approved, From South Huron
District High School, Senior
Science students, on June 4, to
Detroit Zoo; from South Huron
High School, Junior Outers, on
May 16 to 20 to Wildwood Lake
area at St. Marys; from Clinton
Public School, 60 Grade 8 st-
udents, on June 20 to 22
to the Family Paridise camp-
ground in the Walton area;
from Seaforth High School,
girls' Trumpet Band, May 27-
28 to Inkster, Michigan; from
Zurich Public School, Grades 7
and 8 students on May 30, 31
and June 1 to Camp Sylvan,
Parkhill; from Grey Central
Public School, 33 Grade 8 pup-
ils, on May 17-18 to Toronto.
The Board endorsed the recom
mendation that the matter of
age for admission to Kindergart-
en be referred to the Director
of Education, D, J, Cochrane,
to bring a recommendation to
the Board.
Recommendations from the
Management Committee were
approved by the Board as foll-
ows; with regard to driver ed-
ucation --that there should be
no change in the method of op-
erating the system until the
school year 1973-74; that class-
room instruction will be for a
minimum of 25 hours per stud-
ent; in car instruction shall
include an average of 8 hours
per student behind the wheel;
that classroom instruction will
be paid at a rate of $8. per
student; that student fees stay
the same at $20. per student;
that in car instructors will be
paid at a rate of $44 per student
The Board also endorsed the
recommendation that the Board
permit the Goderich District
Collegiate Institute to develop
the Board -owned property on
the south side of Bennett Street
into a track complex, and to
provide additional tennis facil-
ities for use of elernentary and
secondary students, the com-
munity and Huron County, and
to be built with the assistance
of the commuirity and the sec-
ondary school students of God-
erich District Collegiate Inst-
Mr. J. Stringer, of Goderich,
principal at the Collegiate,
who was an observer at the
meeting said that he envisions
the property for a track field
and a tennis court and with the
approval of the Board of the use
of the property that service clul-
in Goderich will be approach-
ed to assist with the costs of
establishing them.
Also endorsed was the recom-
mendation that the Board ap-
point a committee to handle
a dinner for retiring employees
in 1973 and that the week of
June 18 be considered for it
and that this become an annual
Before the Board could vote
on the recommendation that the
Board defer any action on assist-
ing the Township of McKillop
in installing blacktop behind
the McKillop Township garage,
John Henderson moved an am-
endment to it that was approved,
The amendment calls for R.
Cunningham and R. McVean
on the administrative staff view
the roadway around the McKil-
lop Office building used by
eight school buses for a turn
area and exchange of pupils to
various schools for the past two
years. The roadway is deterior-
ating with the heavy rains. Mr.
Henderson suggested that when
the firm of John Lavis of Clin-
ton is paving County Road 12
which passes the building that a
reasonable price probably could
be secured for paving the turn-
about area. Mr. Henderson
also moved that the question
of a lease be explored with the
McKillop Council by the Man-
agement Committee also and
this report brought before the
The Board endorsed the Man-
agement Committee recommen-
dation that a letter be sent to
the town of Wingham stating
that it is the responsibility of
the contractors to secure their
own parking for school buses.
The Board approved a field
trip from Usborne Central
School for 60 students, boys and
girls, members of the Usborne
Senior Choir to Toronto for two
days, June 6 and 7 at a cost
to the Board of $100 for two
occasional teachers for two days,
The cost of the trip: $900 trans-
portation and accommodation
will be borne by the students
through funds raised by school
projects and individual assess-
ment. The choir will perform at
three schools in the Toronto
Also approved was a field trip
from the Hensall Public School
to Camp Sylvan for 40 Grade
7 and 8 students on May 28, 29
and 30 on a three-day excursion
on . Cost to the Board will be
$250 --the other $250 of the tot-
al cost will be borne by the
Mrs. Brian King, Matt and
Tim, London, were with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. F.obert
Turner last week. Brian joined
his family for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carr, London
and Mrs. Jean Playford, Massey
were also weekend guests of the
Robert Turner's.
Mr. and Mrs. George 11.
Durham, Jim and Ron of Clark-
son, spent the weekend with
their uncle Carl and Mrs. Diehl
at the "Hut."
Mrs. Ruth Makins and Bonnie
are spending a few days with
the formers sister in Pittsburg,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pence,
Stephen and Robert, Mr. and
Mrs. E.M. MacNamara, all of
Rochester, Mich., were week-
end guests of Mrs. J,M. Atkin-
Several cottagers were in the
village during the weekend.
Among those were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Guilfoyle and family, Sarn-
ia; Mr. and Mrs. George Cant -
rick and family, Birmingham,
Michigan; and Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Laudenbach and family,
Tor ont o.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mayor,
London, were in the Village on
Thursday renewing acquaintance
and visited with the Erickson
Mr. and Mrs, Casey Homuth
and Sheryl of Kitchener, and
Mr, and Mrs. Ron Bowers and
Sharon, Glen Allen, visited
during the weekend with Mrs.
Margaret Garrett and family.
Report area accidents
On Sunday at 12.30 a.m. a
car driven by Pauline Coward,
Clandeboye, was struck by
another vehicle on the Crediton
Road west of Crediton. The
other vehicle left the accident
scene. Damage was estimated
at $250. by Constable Don
Also on Sunday, a car owned
by Robert Latta, Lucan, was
struck while parked in Crediton.
The other car failed to remain
at the scene of the accident.
Damage was estimated at $150.
by Constable Don Mason.
Again on Sunday at 11.15 p.m.
a car driven by Fred Campbell,
R. R.1, Exeter, collided with a
parked car at the corner of Nel-
son and Oxford Street in Hensall,
The parked car was owned by
Jean Horton, R.R.5, Clinton.
Total damage was estimated at
$450 by Constable Frank Giffin.
On Wednesday at 10 15 p.m.
a car driven by Martha Corrie,
R.R.5, Clinton, rolled over on
Highway 4 north of Exeter when
the driver swerved to miss a
cat. The cat was killed and
the driver received minor bruise:
Damage was estimated at $800.
by Constable Dale Lamont.
On Saturday at 8 45 p. m. a
truck driven by Leslie Winter,
Dorchester, and a car driven by
Gail Johnson, London, collided
on Highway 21, north of St.
Josephs. Total damage was
estimated at $400 by Constable
Ed Wilcox.
On Saturday at 7 05 p.m.
cars driven by Sylvester Grimm -
ick, R. R.1, Woodham, and
Steven Hibbert, St. Marys,
collided on concession 10-11
of Usborne Township. Total
damage was estimated at $5300.
by Constable Bill Lewis.
Also on Saturday at 9 p.m.
a car driven by Deborah Mc-
Devitt, Michigan, struck and
killed a deer on Highway 21
east of Grand Bend. Damage
was estimated at $275. by
Constable Bill Lewis.
A stolen car was recovered in
Stephen Township north of
Grand Bend this week. The car
was reported stolen from London
on May 21.
A complete set of mechanics
tools were reported stolen from
a Dashwood residence this week.
The tools were valued at $1500,
Constable Ed Wilcox is invest-
igating the theft.
A total of $25 in change was
stolen from two area business
premises broken into this week.
Becker's farm implements, Dash
wood and the Zurich Co -Op
were the victims. Constables
Bill Glassford and Al Quinn are
Owners of commercial motor
vehicles are reminded the name
of the owner shall be places on
the side of the vehicle in a cons-
picuous manner.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Benne-
weis, Murray, Donald, Greg,
Lisa and Chris, of Seaforthm
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Rob Irwin.
Mrs. L. W. Scotchmer, spent
from Wednesday till Friday with
her daughter and family Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Pounder, Lamb-
eth, and attended a shower for
her grandaughter, Cathy, bride -
elect of June, at the home of
Mrs. Doug Fraser.
IIaw yy ;,t: -5r
Family togetherness around the pic-
nic table just can't be beat. You can
buy the materials here and build
your own. We have lumber and
tools to do the job. CEDAR
Tables not as illustrated
CLINTON — 482-9514 HENSALL— 262-2713
SEAFORTH = 527-0910