HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-05-31, Page 1:2:wuilAza NO. 22 FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1973 150 PEP. COPY FIVE-YEAR CERTIFICATE - Mrs. Betty Oke was presented with a certificate last Saturday at the Achievement Day held in Zurich for completing five years of leadership in 4-H Home- making Club work. Shown here with Mrs. Oke is Miss Catherine Hunt, the home economist for Huron County. SS board let bus contract (by Wilma Ol<e) Mathers Motors of Exeter has been awarded the contract to supply two -66 passenger school buses at $10, 847 each to the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. The Mathers tender, the low- est of seven, was accepted at a board meeting in Seaforth Monday. The buses, with Blue- bird bodies and Dodge chassis, are to be delivered to the Board by August 15. The two religious consultants with the Board... Miss Frances Conway and Miss Mary Kennedy, both of Stratford... shared with the trustees an outline of their work in the nineteen separate schools in Ilurott and Perth. Miss Kennedy is a full-time employee of the Board while Miss Conway shares equally her time with the Board and St, Joseph's Parish in Stratford. Miss Conway works only with the students in the five Stratford Schools and Miss Kennedy in CENTRALIA GRADUATE Miss Annette Zimmer, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zim- mer, Zurich, graduated recently in Home Economics at Central- ia College. She has accepted a position as food service supervis- or with the Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital. Miss Zimmer is a graduate of South Huron High School. the other schools. Adrian Pontsioen of Stratford, was appointed a principal within the Board system. Presently a teacher at St. Josephs School in Stratford, it was reported by Joseph To.<ar, Assistant Super- intendent of Education, that Mr. Panrsioen will be the princ- ipal of St. Joseph's School in Clinton as of September 1, Trustee Ted Geoffrey of R.R. 2, Zurich, who attended the Canadian Trustees Association Convention in Toronto May 17 and 19, gave a detailed report (continued on page 8) 0 Goderich man vice-principal (by Wilma Oke) Paul Carroll, of Goderich, was appointed a vice-principal in Huron County at a committee of the whole (in camera) on May 22 following the regular meeting in Clinton, of the Huror County Board of Education. Mr. Carroll presently a teach- er at Victoria Public School in Goderich, will be the vice-prin- cipal at Seaforth Public School beginning September 1, Gary Jewitt, of Clinton, presently vice-principal at Sea - forth Public School, will be the vice-principal at Exeter Public School in September. Robert Gavreluk, a teacher at F.E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham, was app- ointed commercial director at the school. Sherwood Eddy, a teacher at South Huron District high School was appointed acting head of the English Department at the school. Josef Gosard was appointed custodian at J.A. McCurdy Public School at Huron Park, In other business, a contract for six new school buses was awarded to Huron Motor Prod- ucts Limited, Zurich. Total amount of the contract was $70, 862,27. Three used buses were taken in on the deal. Zurich tax rate down one mill Ratepayers in the village of Zurich will pay about one mill less taxes in 1973 than they did in 1972, according to the budget which was passed by the council at a special session last Wednes- day afternoon. Public school supporters will pay a total of 108.60 milts for residential, and 121,34 mills for commercial and industrial, while separate school supporters will pay 114.16 mills for resid- ential and 127,52 mills for com- mercial and industrial. While the actual general rate of the village itself was reduced by about four mills over last year, slight increases in both the county and education levies tool< away some of this reductiot In 1962 the total mill rate had jumped about 12 mills. In actual dollars and cents this year, a residential tax payer with an assessment of $2000 would pay $217.20 in taxes for public school purposes, and $228.32 for separate school purposes. A commercial tax payer would pay $242.68 for public school support, and $255. 04 for separate school support. A complete break -down of this year's tax rate for resident- ial purposes with last years' rate in brackets, is as follows general rate 43.59 mills (47,71) county rate, 23.33 mills (21.81); high school, 18.35 mills (16.95) public school, 24.33 mills (23.05); separate school, 29. 89 mills (27. 89). For commercial and industrial purposes, the rate is as follows: general rate, 51.99 mills (55.05 county rate, 22.33 stills (21. 81); high school, 20.39 mills (18.83) public school, 27.03 (25.61); separate school, 32.31 mills (30. 98). The 1973 budget of the vill- age shows an estimated revenue for the year of $121, 540., while the estimated expenses amount to $121, 526. Included in the expenses is a provision for $1500 for a working fund, and provis- ion for $3, 000 for capital exp- enses (road and streets). Once again this year recreat- ion and park makes up the largest single item on the mun- icipal budget. A total of $26, 800 has been allotted for oper- ation and debenture debt of the local arena. The council this year has Hay taxes up 3 mills Hay Township ratepayers will have to pay almost three mills more taxes this year, even though their own general rate has decreased two mills. Total rate for residential and farm purposes, for a public school supporter, will be 97.11 trills, while a separate school support- er will pay a total of 97.96 mills. For commercial and industrial purposes the rate will be 105.04 mills for a public school support- er and 106.48 mills for a separ- ate school supporter. Dashwood ratepayers will pay an additional 15 mills for their own local purposes, the same as it has been for some years. Reason for the increase in Hay Township taxes is a slight incre- ase in both the county rate and the elementary school rates. Clerk -Treasurer Wayne Horner said that the first payment of taxes in Hay Township will be due on or before June 29, with rite second instalment due on or before November 30. In 1973 Ontario wi11 contribute $2, 278 for every dollar of realty and business taxes imposed by the Township of 'lay. 0- r,, r ew priest ' , r ,St. PYNters Church Effective this week a new parish priest has been assigned to St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph. Ile is Rev. John Bensette, who has been serving the parish at Thames- ville for some time. A native of Windsor, Father Bensette was formerly the busin- ess manager of King's College, in London. allocated $17, 000 for road work, feeling there will be some nec- essary, improvements to be made in connection with the install- ation of the new sewage system. Other expenditures listed on this year's budget are as follows, general government, $11, 000; protection to persons and prop- erty, street lighting, Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority, etc., $16, 458; social and fam- ily assistance, $500; planning and development, $500; and financial expenses, $5, 000. The amount of dollars which the village must raise towards the Huron County Board of Ed- ucation is $24, 370. , while they must raise $5086. for the Huron - Perth RCSS Board. The county levy is $14, 562, On the revenue side of the budget local taxation will raise about $73, 625 for the municip- ality. An estimated revenue of $12, 310, should come from the arena, with the big part of the balance coming from govern ment grants. 0 FANSHAWE GRADUATE Miss Sandra Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Webb, R, R, 2, Zurich, received her diploma as a Medical Secretary at the graduation ceremonies of Fanshawe College, held on May 25 at Centennial Hall, London. A graduate of South Huron District High School, she has accepted a position on the staff of the London Psychiatric Hospital. FOUR WIN PROVINCIAL HONOURS - Four area girls were presented with their Provincial Honours certificates in 4-H Homemaking Club work at the Achievement Day held in Zurich Saturday afternoon. Left to right, are Maureen Connolly, Kippers, Lynn Alderdice, Kippen, Joyce Beierling, R,R.2, Zurich, Dianne Clarke, R.R,3, Zurich, and Miss Catherine Hunt, home economist for Huron.