HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-05-24, Page 14PAGE 14.
THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973
The seven per cern Ontario
Sales tax became law on Mon-
day despite Opposition object-
ions, and it was made retroact-
ive to May 1st. Shoppers who
refused to pay the new tax on
small purchases will not be pur-
sued, said Revenue Minister,
Allan Grossman, but action may
be taken to collect from persons
who made large purchases and
insisted onpaying only the then -
legal 5 per cent rate. The Ret-
ail Sales Tax makes provision
for court action against anyone
who does not pay the tax, and
for fines of $10 to $1000. Acc-
ording to the Act, a sale is
not completed until delivery of
the item is made and the title
transferred to the new owner.
Purchasers who negotiated a
sale prior to May 1st, 1973, but
who did not take delivery until
after that date will be charged
the 7 per cent sales tax on the
negotiated price, even though
a clown payment was made at
the time the bill of sale was
drawn up by the vendor.
The select committee of the
Ontario Legislature, investigat-
ing circumstances surrounding
the construction of a new head
office building for Ontario
Hydro, approved an outline by
the committee counsel, Richard
Shibley, of six questions he
believedthe committee should
attempt to answer. The first
was whether the terms of the
agreement between Hydro and
Canada Square, under which
Hydro will become a tenant of
the building at an annual rent
of $4, 116, 424 and assume own-
ership in 30 years for $1, were
financially and economically
sound. The second was whether
the same agreement provided
benefits and advantages which
justify the decision of Hydro
to abandon previous plans for
construction of a building owned
and financed by Ontario Hydro.
Queens Park
The abandonment cost Hydro
$1, 485, 000 in architectural fees,
The third question was simply
"Did Ontario Hydro take all
steps necessary to obtain comp-
etitive proposals?" The fourth
question: Did Mr. George Gath-
ercole (Hydro Chairman),
members of the Ontario Hydro
E.ectric Commission, the chief
architect of Ontario Hydro and
the members of the staff of Ont-
ario Hydro, or anyone involved,
have their judgement affected
by any consideration other than
what was lathe best interests of
Ontario Hydro and the people of
Ontario. The fifth question was
whether the agreement was of a
nature and of such importance
that Hydro should have submit-
ted it for consideration on a
policy basis to the Minister rep-
orting to rhe Ilouse for Hydro.
The agreement had never been
discussed in Cabinet. The final
question pertained to investig-
ating the validity of a statement
made by a person who alleged
that there was a warning deliver-
ed by someone to one of the
unsuccessful bidders that if he
did not be quiet he would never
get another Government cont-
Natural Resources Minister,
Leo Bernier, who is responsible
for the operation of the Govern-
ments 45 aircraft, said there had
been nine threats against Prem-
ier Davis' life in the past three
weeks, adding weight to the
sentiment in Government circles
opposed to making public the
details of flights made by Cab-
inet Ministers in Government
and chartered aircraft. The
Provincial Auditors Report noted
that a number of charter flights
were made transporting Minist-
ers and their families, senior
civil servants and others within
and outside Ontario.
Revenue Minister, Allan Gros-
sman, informed the Legislature
We are receiving many inquiries re-
garding sewage connections i~t the
Village of Zurich, and are pleased to
announce that we will be contracting
for this type of work.
Early applications for Sewage Conn-
ections will be greatly appreciated,
so we may survey your property to
establish outlets.
PHONE 236-4182, ZURICH
that the maximum price for
builders under the governments
Horne Ownership Made Easy
(H. O. M. E,) had been raised,
ranging from $225 to $1600.
Under the H. O. M. E. plan the
government keeps down pay-
ments low be leasing the lots
and holding a ceiling on the
construction price of the homes.
Albert Roy (Lib. Ottawa East)
told the Legislature during the
budget debate that the largest
optical firm in Canada is in a
position to control the issuing of
licences to opticians in Ontario.
Mr. Roy said Imperial Optical
Co. Ltd., has direct or indirect
connections with members of
the Ophthalmic Dispensing
Board of Ontario, the optical
industries regulatory body, All
members of the board are app-
ointed by the Ontario Govern-
ment. Mr. Roy claimed that
Imperial Optical was just
another example of how the
Conservatives looked after their
Liberal Leader Robert Nixon,
charged that a ministerial order
freezing land development in
parts of 1-Ialdimand-Norfoll.
County was less stringent than
those established by local plan-
ning authorities. The order was
issued by Inter -government
Affairs Minister John White in
the wake of reports that an ass-
ociation of developers was ass-
embling land in an area believec
earmarked for provincial devel-
opment. The consortium is hold-
ing options on farmland south
of Brantford where the Provinc-
ial Government is rumored to
be planning a new city. Local
planners and politicians are
thankful the developers have
forced the Government into
action on a land -use control
plan for the area which has
been lying in abeyance within
the Ministry for two years now
and which is estimated to cost
between $700,000 and $800, 000
Metro Toronto teachers and
supporters marched five thou-
sand strong on Queen's Park to
exhibit their protest against
Education Minister Tom Well's
ceiling on school budgets.
Members of the Liberal and
N. D. P, parties addressed the
gathering, but vociferous request
by the group for an explanation
by the Minister of Education
resulted in nothing more than
an exercise of futility.
Liberal Leader Robert Nixon
has not made a firm commit-
tment as yet regarding his orig-
inal intention to relinquish the
Ne supervisor
Mrs. Gurpal Thind has been
appointed as Supervisor of Nurs-
ing for the Huron County Health
Unit. Her duties officially beg-
an May 1. She succeeds Miss
Sandra Malabar who left this
unit last February to take a pos-
ition with the Waterloo County
Health Unit as Supervisor of
Nursing for the Cambridge area,
Mrs. Thind who originally
comes from India is very well
qualified for the post having
had a considerable amount of
education and experience in
nursing. While in India, she
received her Bachelor of Arts
Degree in Sociology. After that
she spent three years in England
working as a nurse.
Five years ago Gurpal
came to Canada and studied in
Ottawa. While there, she rec-
eived her Bachelor of Science
Degree in Public Health Nursing.
Later on, she took a graduate
course in Public Health at the
school of Hygiene in Toronto.
Prior to coming to Goderich,
she studied at Western Univer-
sity in London where she rece-
ived her Masters of Science
Degree in Nursing.
party leadership, but assuming
he will reaffirm his desire to
be replaced, Donald Deacon,
52 year old member of the
Ontario Legislature for York
Centre, announced the first of
the week that he will seek the
leadership of the Province's
Liberal party. The party conv-
ention is planned for October,
so no doubt there will be others
who will announce their bid for
the leadership between now and
featuring a complete line of
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