Zurich Citizens News, 1973-05-17, Page 10PAGE 10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 Emmanuel U £ . Golden Glimpses host daughters t banquet . Emmanuel United Church " '' Women enjoyed a delightful Mother and Daughter banquet at their May meeting on Thurs- day, evening, May 3. The tables were graced with =r colourful trulips, Miss Ethel Gabel and Mrs, Allan Gascho, with their committees were in charge. A toast to the Queen and the National Anthem was followed with grace by Mrs. Gascho. Mrs. Bill Hoffman, proposed a toast to the Mothers and her Mother, Mrs. Ross Johnston, replied. Mrs. Harrison Schoch read an appropriate reading "It's a long way home." Mrs. Robert Hoffman, Dash- wood, sang two lovely solos, "My Favourite Things, and "Climb Every Mountain," ac- companied by Mrs. Beatrice Hes: at the piano. The offering was received and the roll call answered with each member introducing her daughter or guest. Thanks on behalf of the daughters was ext- ended by Mrs. Pauline Simmons, Exeter. Mrs. Barry Robinson, of Thames Road Church, was a most interesting speaker and showed slides of Newfoundland, sharing many personal exper- iences of the time she spent there. She suggested anyone travelling in Newfoundland is to be sure and leave the highway and visit the Out Posts where the church is needed most. A short business session foll- owed with the president presid- ing. SLUE WATER REST HOME This has been another cold rainy week, nevertheless, the weather man did not succeed in dampening the spirits of the many people who set Sunday aside especially for Mother. We had a large number of people on the week -end bringing gifts to Mom or Grandma vary- ing from everything fMom birds to flowers. A number of our people also went out to be with their families for a short visit. On Tuesday evening, the ladies of Chiselhurst United Church sponsored the monthly birthday party for the month of May. Mrs. Russell Brock was in charge of the program. Com- munity singing was enjoyed and bingo was played. Residents having birthdays during the month and presented with a gift, courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary, were Mrs. Ethel Appleton, Mrs. Mary Cameron, Mrs. Letitia Dickson, Mrs. Jennetta Finnigan Mrs. Gertrude Harris, Mrs. Emma Kipfer, Miss Ethel Shaw and Mr . Thomas Kyle. Foll- owing the program, birthday cake and ice cream were served, As I mentioned previously, the annual May Day Tea will be held on Saturday afternoon, May26, from 2to4p.m. There will be a sale of home THE BIG DIP MAIN STREET EAST ZURICH will be open this WEEKEND Friday 7 P.M. To 2 A.M. S ti talydaay ® 12 Noon To 2 A.M. Sand 12 Noon To 11 P.M. Baker pecials THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! BRAN ;r UFFINS Reg. 35¢ for Pkg. of 6 only 29 (AT THE BAKERY) ZURICH KE made baking, a gift table and bazaar items. I know any don- ations for the sale will be app- reciated by the members of the Auxiliary, and of course, we cannot expect to have a success- ful tea without your presence during the afternoon, I might mention that we have started to quilt on a fairly large quilt and if any ladies would care to come out for an after- noon of quilting it would be appreciated. Mr. Risi is absent this week attending a seminar in llamilton Thursday evening was our reg- ular bingo night for the resid- ents. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Paul Packman of Brucefield Un- ited Church. The residents appreciated the special music provided by the organist and choir members. d Soil Important Trees and shrubs are extrem- ely rugged plants and can surv- ive in almost any type of soil. However, if they are to produce strong, vigorous growth, they require a rich soil around the roots at planting time, says B.D. McNeill, horticultural specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. In good soil, dig a -hole large enough to allow the roots to spread out naturally. If some of the roots are extremely long, they can be cut back without damaging the plant. If the soil is poor and needs to be replac- ed, dig the hole larger than is needed. For most plants, 18 inches both ways is sufficient, but larger roots will require a larger hole. Set the plant in the hole at about the same depth it was in the nursery and carefully replace the soil. Shake the plant gently to get soil around all the roots and press down firmly. When planting is finished water well. Good rich soil should not need fertilizer. If it is required, never place it in the hole near the roots. Apply it instead in a band around the plant after planting and water it Careful attention to these details during planting gives trees and shrubs a head start and helps to ensure healthy vig- orous growth. LIVESTOCK SHIPPING TO TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Dunn and Levack Every Monde All Loads Fully Insured! CONTACT C;�n�bell cklnley R 1, ZURICH Phone /62443C NOT ICE Re: Sewage Connections Anyone wishing to make a Sewage Connection in the Village of Zurich, should contact us as soon as possible, for arrangements to be made, DICK RAU PLUMBING R.R.2, ZURICH PHONE 236-4607 AT The Cheese House' MAIN STREET - ZURICH THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Old Cherry Hill Cheddar Cheese Reg. Price $1.10 LB Only 99Lb GRADE 'A' SMALL EGGS 5 Dozen - $1.75 GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES 8 1/8 % FOR 5 YEARS 7 3/4% For 3 & 4 Years 7 1/4% For 2 Years 7% For 1 Year JOHN R. CONSITT CUSTOM APPLICATION ANHYDROUS AMMONIA Either pre -plant or side -dress application Contact ALBERT ERB, ZURICH -236-4884 or AGRICO FERTILIZERS, BRUCEFIELD Phone: -. 482-7241 For low cost source of Nitrogen, use Anhydrous Ammonia AGRICO FERTILIZER BRUCEFIELD